Seventh Years, Lesson Five

he penultimate lesson for his seventh years would be in two parts, they would continue practicing their wandless magic however it would be irresponsible of him to not encourage some test practice in preparation for their end of year exam. For many of them it would be the most important and final set of exams they sat in their lives, he had to do his part to prepare them. "Today you'll be practicing nonverbal and wandless magic, but first," James said once his seventh year students had taken their seat, he raised his wand and sheets of parchment moved from his desk and one-by-one sat on the students individual desks. "I want you to do this little practice test to brush up on some earlier year knowledge in preparation for your N.E.W.Ts. These exams are not fun so you need to be taking every opportunity to test your knowledge. Once you have completed the test feel free to practice wordless and nonverbal magic for the rest of the lesson, there is a table of cushions in the far corner of the room for you to practice the summoning charm," In his eyes it was a pretty straight forward test so he was hoping to see some of his students up and practicing the summoning charm before the lesson was done.

Your name
House and Year
Defence Against the Dark ArtsQuiz

1. Name the 3 unforgivable curses?
2. What are the 3 basic dueling spells learned in the first year?
3. List three jinxes or/ and hexes and give me a difference between a jinx and a hex.
4. How would you protect yourself from a werewolf?
5. What is the incantation for countering a 'boggart'?
6. List five curses you have learned other than the unforgivable curses.
7. The shield charm 'protego' has two more advanced subsidiaries, what are they?
8. List some similarities between a Lethifold and a Dementor.

Assignment: RP the lesson. Fill in the quiz for extra credit.
Emery headed into the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, a little surprised by how fast the semester was flying by. He was curious what they would learn today, and he glanced at the board as he took his seat in Professor Cade's classroom.

It seemed like they had to start with a quiz. Emery sighed when the quiz flew onto his table. He wasn't that excited for it, but he knew it was necessary and a good practice. He worked through the questions, his mind drifting to the exams. When he finished, he put the quiz down and glanced at the table with cushions for practicing the Summoning Charm. Nonverbal magic wasn’t easy for him, but he needed the practice.

Emery started practicing wandless magic first, as he struggled more with nonverbal spells. The cushion flew toward him, though not as smoothly as he wanted. Frustrated but determined, Emery knew he had to keep pushing through. N.E.W.T.s were coming at the end of the year, and he had to be able to do this. He practiced until it went a little better, but eventually He tried it nonverbally a while too, managing more than he expected. He knew he had to combine the two, but for now he was satisfied with what he did. He left the classroom when they were dismissed.
Chaos Zhefarovich the Second walked into the classroom, his expression as stoic as ever. He knew the penultimate lesson of the year would be a critical one. As a seventh-year student, the weight of the upcoming N.E.W.T.s was ever-present on his mind, and he was determined to excel. The previous sessions on wandless and nonverbal magic had been challenging but rewarding, and he was eager to further hone his skills today. He took his usual seat, folding his arms as Professor Cade addressed the class. The mention of a practice test wasn't entirely unexpected, but Chaos couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of annoyance. He would have preferred to dive straight into the practical exercises. Still, he understood the importance of revisiting foundational knowledge. There was no point in mastering advanced techniques if he stumbled on basic concepts during the actual exam. He received the practice test, and his quill practically danced across it, writing his answers neatly and swiftly. Once he was done, he turned it in, and went straight to practice. It was easier this time, as he managed to succeed - only with saying the spell. It was better than last time.

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