Seventh Years: Lesson Five

"Got something a little different for you all today as a treat for surviving your snargaluffs last week," Angel said encouragingly as his Seventh years began arriving, motioning the last stragglers inside the greenhouse. In previous years, Angel had set up the class with a quiz this week, but quizzes meant grading and Angel hated grading, so he'd decided to scrap that idea for something much better now.

"What we have here is an Alihotsy, you may have encountered its leaves in Potions already," Angel said, waving a hand to the small tree he'd set up in front of the class. It had rather distinctive mottled red and green leaves, which Angel pointed to with his wand as he spoke. "Also known as the Hyena plant, anyone know what these leaves can do when ingested?" Angel pointed at one of the students, always pleased when they answered things so he didn't have to explain. "That's right, they induce hysteria and uncontrollable laughter, hence the nickname. You'll often find them in Laughing Potions."

Stepping away from the tree to let the students investigate, Angel retrieved his other, more hands on item for today's class, happily dropping it on the bench in front of them. "Alihotsy's also pretty common in confectionery, diluted of course, since the cheering effect is rather pleasant," he said, relieving the collection of fudge and flavored chocolates he'd picked up from Honeyduke's last time he was in Brightstone. "Glumbumble treacle is also an excellent antidote to Alihotsy leaves, so I've picked up some of that for you all to try too. For science of course, you understand." Angel smiled, motioning his students to grab some of the chocolates and fudge on the table. "That's all I've got today, help yourself and relax a bit while you still can," he said before grabbing some of the fudge himself and taking a seat as the lesson wrapped up.

RP the lesson and sample some fudge if you're so inclined. First poster can answer the question for some extra points.
Demetrius had been studying, of course. NEWTs were a big deal. His future was at stake. Demetrius couldn't help but feel serious about it. He didn't want to be a failure, to have to weasel back to the muggle world and admit his time in the wizarding world had been a mistake. He showed up to class prepared for the worst after last lesson but was pleased to find it was a more pleasant lesson. "They, um, cause hysteria and uncontrollable laughter," Demetrius said, answering the question. He was glad he'd done some reading last night. He grabbed some fudge, trying it out. It actually did cheer him up a bit - making him realise he really hadn't been in the best of moods for quite a while. The stress of NEWTs must have gotten to him, Demetrius reasoned. He didn't really want to try the treacle. He was happy to let the effects of the alihotsy wear off in its own time.
Monday Weeks stepped into the greenhouse with his usual air of anticipations. He glanced around, noting the presence of the small tree at the front of the class. As Professor Castillo began his introduction, Monday's attention was riveted to the plant, instantly recognizing the Alihotsy from his Potions studies. When the professor asked about the effects of the leaves, Monday’s hand shot up, but he wasn’t called on. He nodded along with the correct answer, feeling a sense of camaraderie with his classmates who were just as knowledgeable. As Professor Castillo stepped aside, inviting them to investigate, Monday approached the Alihotsy tree with curiosity. He gently touched one of the mottled leaves, marveling at its texture and color. His analytical mind cataloged every detail, linking it to what he knew about the plant’s properties.

The real surprise came when Professor Castillo unveiled the selection of confections from Honeyduke's. Monday's eyes widened slightly; this was certainly a departure from their usual lessons. He appreciated the professor's effort to make the class engaging and practical. Monday listened intently as Castillo explained the connection between Alihotsy and the treats, as well as the antidotal properties of Glumbumble treacle. He was fascinated by the practical application of such knowledge. When invited to try the chocolates and fudge, Monday hesitated only a moment before selecting a small piece of fudge. He took a small bite, savoring the sweet taste. Almost immediately, he felt a wave of cheerfulness wash over him. The effect was subtle but noticeable, making him appreciate the delicate balance required to harness the plant’s properties safely.

Curious about the antidote, he tried a small spoonful of Glumbumble treacle next. The bitterness contrasted sharply with the sweetness of the fudge, but it was effective in countering the euphoric sensation, restoring his usual calm focus. Satisfied with his experiments, Monday returned to his seat, jotting down detailed notes on his observations. He found the experience both enjoyable and educational, reinforcing the theoretical knowledge he had gained from textbooks with practical application. He got up and left the greenhouse, satisfied for the day.
Aurora was trying to keep herself focused, but it was hard. She had just come from the pitch, though the quidditch season had ended, she was trying to make sure she got a bit of fresh air and make sure that she wasn’t getting too lost in schooling. The added thing on her mind was her sister, and making sure that Rosie wasn’t overly stressed. There wasn’t a lot that Aurora could do to support her, but she certainly was trying at every turn to be able to. The gryffindor put away her quidditch things and took the time to get herself washed up and dressed for classes. She made sure she grabbed all the homework she had and then was able to head out of the dorm room.

Aurora walked into the herbology greenhouse and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced at the professor as the man got started and began telling them about alihotsy, which she, like everyone else knew from potions. She was very keen to learn about it. She wasn’t quick enough to raise her hand to the question but smiled as what she would’ve said was right. th e professor then told them a little more and Aurora took a couple of notes from what he’d been saying about it. It was interesting to say the least. She tried a bit of the fudge before packing up and heading out of the room.
Rosie walked into the herbology greenhouse, a step behind her sister. She sat down and then took out her parchment as the man got started. She took her quill and began writing down the little that the professor was telling them about alihotsy leaves. Making sure to be get down the important things that the professor was saying. It was pretty interesting, but she did investigate it when the professor allowed them to. She then took her a bite of one of the pieces of fudge, just a little and then the lesson was wrapped up and she headed out of the room.

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