Seventh Years, Lesson Five

"Morning Seventh Years!" Misha greeted with his usual bright smile. He realised that this would be the second last time he would teach them, and while maybe it could be an almost sentimental thing, for him, it wasn't. He had only known these students less than a year. No connection. Despite this, he still smiled fondly at these older students. "Today's lesson will be brief, but I assure you, it is worth it." Misha looked at his students. He flicked his wand and the room darkened. Little light shone in, but there was just enough to still be able to see. "What do you do when you're confronted with the darkest of the dark?" Misha asked the class, letting the question hang in the air. He flicked his wand again, and it lit up, Lumos, a simple spell that helped light up the room.

"What if Lumos is simply not enough? Many unlucky individuals have suffocated at the hand of the Lethifold. Others have suffered the Dementor's Kiss. All because they did not know how to protect themselves against the darkest of dark." Misha gave his students a little grin, "While this may be beginning to sound oddly like a Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson, I can assure, what I'm about to show you, is a charm." Misha flicked his wand, and the light on it went out, he flicked it again, and the class fell ever darker. He was pretty excited, but managed to calm himself, to be able to speak the charm clearly, "Expecto Patronum"

All of a sudden a stream of silvery blue light flowed out his wand, within seconds materializing itself into the shape of an osprey, a large bird, with a wing span that seemed like it would've been bigger in a larger room. The patronus flew in the air, almost gliding through the air. Circling the students several times before disappearing, and plunging the room that had been solely lit by Misha's patronus once again went dark. With a flick of his wand, the usual light reentered the room. He was smiling at his students. "The Patronus Charm will repel Dementors and Lethifolds alike. It will take you all a great while to get the hang of it and may take even longer for it to get a shape, but I assure you, this charm is one that you should be happy to have in your arsenal. This charm is very much happiness in essence. With that in mind, your homework for next week is to think of a memory that makes you happy so happy that if it were real it could light up a dark room."

RP the lesson. Attendance post is fine.
Monday Weeks entered Professor Haden's classroom with his usual enthusiasm. As Professor Haden began speaking, Monday sensed a shift in the atmosphere, a hint of something mysterious and important. The mention of confronting darkness and the necessity of protection against creatures like Lethifolds and Dementors made Monday sit up straighter, his curiosity piqued. When the room darkened and Professor Misha demonstrated the Lumos spell, Monday followed attentively. However, as the professor continued, mentioning the Patronus Charm, He had heard of the Patronus Charm before, its reputation as a powerful defense against dark creatures was well-known, but he had never attempted it himself. He was too busy to even try before.

As Professor Misha flicked his wand and cast the Patronus Charm, Monday's eyes widened in awe as the silvery blue spell materialized and soared through the air. However, as Professor Haden explained the complexity of the charm and assigned homework involving happy memories, Monday felt a twinge of uncertainty. Could he summon a Patronus? Even just a wisp? The remainder of the lesson, he took notes on the mechanics and theory of the charm. Think of a memory. Monday would have to really think hard on it, as he got up and left the classroom.

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