Seventh Years: Lesson 1

Professor Killian Borisyuk sat behind the oversized desk, with his arms across his chest and appeared to be looking up at the ceiling with his eyes focused on the stone. This was just him relaxing before the seventh years entered the classroom. He assumed the last of them entered after a few minutes, so he opened his green eyes and his cold gaze landed on the students. This was their final year, in their final semester. Rather than a year of full review, this time he was going to have more modern history to go over, and some of which they might even express interest in. Killian definitely did, and so did his little brother, Kade. Not that Killian knew Kade's involvement completely. Killian gestured with his wand to close the door to signal that the lesson was starting up. "Welcome to your last year of History of Magic. You are likely aware that it is your NEWT year. If you didn't know before, well... There's not much I can do to help you on that. No one can."

Killian put his wand away and leaned back in his chair, while folding his thick arms over his chest. "The NEWTs are breathing down your neck and this class is not going to be a cake-walk. I'll have some revision for you all toward the end of the semester but getting there will take some critical, perhaps even controversial thinking. If you have issues with that, then you are in the wrong class. Anyway, onto the topic this year. I will be teaching you all about the Goblin wars, the Giant wars, and their impact. I will also be going over the modern dangers that pose today which are the Scitorari. Who they are, what they have done. After that, revision will begin." Killian knew that the latter might not feel at all that much fun, but this was school, and school was not meant to be fun at all. He sure didn't have a jolly ol' time when he was attending Durmstrang.

"Revision might sound awful, but it is over the entire course. First year material was a long time ago and probably forgotten. So, this should help you recall those memories." Killian shrugged his shoulders as he thought over anything else that he might need to cover. "If you have any issues with the upcoming assignments, don't come to my office at the last minute for help. You are all adults at this point and should know how to manage your time wisely. The NEWTs decide your future, so don't go around thinking that any class will be a walk in the park. With that, you are all free to leave. You are probably buried with other homework from other classes, so I won't make it worse." Killian snapped and the door opened to let the seventh years leave. That was all that he had for them anyway.
Assignment: RP the lesson.

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