Seventh Floor Wonderings

Toni Addison

Well-Known Member
Rowan Wand 15" Essence of Fang of Basilisk
Toni had sat in the Slytherin common room books spread about. The exams were coming at her and she didn't know if she was ready. When did Toni ever become studious? Well not even she could answer that. It was mostly just so she could set the bar for her future siblings. Now that made more sense. Toni always liked to be on top and even if that meant having to work hard for a few high grades.

Yet after about ten minutes of looking over her subjects, Toni grew bored. Yawning as she closed the books and shoved them all into her bag, Toni decided to do something more with her time. Throwing her book bag up in the girl's dorm, Toni headed out of the Slytherin common room. Up and up and up the stairs she went until she was up in the Seventh floor corridor. Walking over to a near by window Toni wondered how this was a better use of her time. At least it was spent studying and that was always a plus.
Abbey sat on the seventh floor corridor, her nose deep in her text books sitting down on the cold floor, she found that it was too quiet to study in the library or in the common room, she couldn't stay focused. Abbey sighed gently and put a text book down and picked up a book of poetry she was reading for pleasure purposes only, she needed a small break.

Si de pronto no existes,
si de pronto no existes,
you seguire viviendo.

No me atrevo,
no me atrevo a escribirlo,
si te mueres.

Abbey looked up from her book when she heard some faint foot steps, she shrugged her shoulders inwardly, and then continued reading, unintentionally humming the beat of the boem as she did so. She knew this poem by heart even though it was in Spanish. She knew a few phrases from poems only, she had stolen this book of poetry over the summer while she was on the streets so she was pretty pleased with how much she had learned.
As Toni glanced out the window she heard a faint humming. Wondering if it was some happy go lucky hufflepuff humming, Toni decided that this could really be something to do with her time, have a bit of fun. Though as she wondered towards the sound of the humming she noticed a girl who looked about a year older than herself. Probably a Ravenclaw with her nose in the book Toni thought rolling her eyes.

"Humming loud enough?" Toni said her tone not cold but surely not even close to friendly.
Abbey flicked her violet eyes up to the girl that addressed her, she had to stop herself from rolling her eyes but she passed it off as looking back at the book to close it carefully and she droned, "It's a habit." I did that at the orphanage during the summer to block out the cries of the other girls, Abbey thought bitterly to herself but didn't mention anything it wasn't this girls business why she did that while reading poetry or reading period. She looked back over to the blond girl and inquired, "You must have very good hearing." Abbey wasn't humming very loud, at least in her opinion she wasn't.
Toni noticed the violet eyes of the girl right away. I think I saw her in the common room Toni thought absentmindedly. After all how was Toni going to forget those eyes, creepy almost as creepy as the red eyes of Hadan. Though of coarse not as bad as Hadan's. Toni ignored the girl's comment that it was a habit. If she was a Slytherin Toni should at least try to be nice, but really Toni couldn't be sure.

"Maybe I do or maybe it is just dreadfully quiet and boring here" Toni said as she took a seat next to the girl making sure to keep her distance. The corridor was basically empty with no passerby's yet. "What are you humming anyway, what song?" She asked.
Abbey bit her lip as the girl asked her what song, she smirked inwardly and said, "The Dead Woman." It wasn't a song but she figured that the girl wouldn't have read any of the works of Pablo Neruda, his works in English or Spanish, so it really didn't matter if she lied or not. "It's by Pablo Neruda," she added quietly then smiled at the girl.
Toni had never heard of either the title or anything so she decided to not ask any further. It must have been some stupid song if Toni had not heard of it. "Guess it's not too popular" Toni said shrugging not bothering to care too much about it. Leaning her head slightly against the wall, Toni wondered if she should have even sat down. Probably going to be boring company She thought her eyes turning to the girl for a moment.

"I don't think we've met" Toni said "And if we have I dont' remember your name" she added. Not too much of a lasting impression She thought about. At least this was better than studying.
Abbey smirked once more then shrugged and said, "I prefer to keep to myself and I don't remember you either." She sighed gently and said, "Abbey Lurken 2nd Year Slytherin." There was obvious pride when she said her house, she hoped that this girl wasn't a Hufflepuff, as nice as she was she still didn't want to have a long conversation with one, and it seemed that this girl would not be leaving even though it was painful for the both of them, they had nothing to say to each other. Abbey didn't want to talk to someone as harsh as she was it made her shake with fear, luckily she was able to hide that in this corridor, it was pretty cold and she could say that it was shivering.
Toni tried not to show that she was a bit disheartened that the girl didn't remember her. Not because Toni wanted this certain girl to remember her, it was because Toni had not been making the impression that she wanted on people. Whether it be good or bad, Toni really wanted to make an impression. Obviously it wasn't done here or maybe Toni really hadn't met this girl.

"Toni Addison 1st Year Slytherin" Toni said having just as much pride in her voice as the girl did when she had stated Slytherin. Thank god she is a slytherin not a ravenclaw Toni thought her tone going a hint nicer when she spoke now. Though Toni did not care for everyone in the Slytherin house, it was always a good thing when the newly meeting person was in this great house.

"So what are you doing way up here?" Toni asked trying to make at least an attempt at a conversation.
[I have to go now... but I'll be back on tomorrow :)]

Abbey nodded her head and then she said with a shrug, "Studying for exams, it's too quiet in the common room, it was busier here earlier." Abbey looked down at the stormy cover of her book and said, "I was just taking a small break, slanderous poetry is my guilty pleasure." She looked back at the girl named Toni and she asked nicely, "And yourself?" She honestly didn't care, but she just thought that it would be easiest to keep the conversation going, she wasn't going to pack up all the books spread about her just to avoid the girl that bored her so. I really shouldn't be thinking these things anyways, though she seems like a rich snob that can get 'mommy and daddy' to buy her friends, though they probably would ditch her, Abbey thought coldly, a smirk dancing in her vibrant eyes.
Toni nodded as the girl named Abbey said she was studying. "Well I think's it's died down here" Toni said almost wishing that someone would walk by. Maybe Beau or even Sam or Knight. Someone that Toni could talk to and maybe get away from this conversation that Toni could almost sense was going to go down in flames. Abbey didnt' seem to want to stay and talk and Toni could care less. This was never a good thing to keep a friendly Slytherin conversation going.

"I was studying but I thought I needed a break" Toni said though really ten minutes of studying really shouldn't deserve a break but she wasn't going to mention that. "Besides exams aren't too close" Toni said rolling her eyes at the thought of exams. Why did they even have to test them. Wasn't it enough that Toni took time out of her busy day to go to those boring classes. Now she had to sit through exams.

For a moment Toni didn't know what to say, god this conversation was going downhill and Toni could almost feel it. "Well" She began not waiting the silence to engulf her. "Yeah" Toni said falling out of something to say. out of boredom and habit, Toni began to twirl her blonde hair a bit.
Abbey nodded her head in understanding but rolled her eyes this girl was obviously a first year. Just wait until the realization hits you rich brat, Abbey thought to herself then she bit her lip and asked as nicely as she possibly could, "So um.. how are you liking Hogwarts so far?" She shrugged her shoulders and went back to her Astronomy notes, it was her least favorite class but it was much more interesting then the conversation.. or lack there of, between the two of them at this moment.
Toni stared out at the rather empty hallway. Why out of all times did it have to be silent and nonexisted of people. Though Toni would just stick this conversation out for a bit more. Afterall she had plenty of better things to do with her time, not really, but Toni could do anything that would probably be more interesting than this girl. Slytherin she doesn't act like a slytherin Toni thought as she dropped the piece of her hair that she was twirling having it fall right into place.

When the girl named Abbey asked if Toni was liking hogwarts so far, Toni held back a laughter. Lame question of coarse but at least the girl had said something. "It's ok" Toni said liking it a lot more than ok but she wasn't going to let onto that. "Not as big as I would have expected but the classes seem fine and there are enough people that are easy enough to get along with" Toni said the last part not exactly a lie. Though really the phase would have been better used by saying that there were plenty of people that were easy to make enemies or dislikes with.

"Is second year any more exciting than first?" Toni asked.
Abbey rolled her eyes inwardly and began, "At HS it was really interesting, I can only assume it was the same here as there was the tournament, but I only knew what my sister wrote me." She shrugged her skinny shoulders shyly then bit her lip. "Classes are more interesting I guess, but I can only assume the lesson plans are the same, and the people here seem nice enough," She rolled her eyes at herself. Stupid response, she thought as she drilled on with the conversation, "So... umm you fancy flying?"
Toni barely listened as the girl spoke. All the words that came out of Abbey's mouth was really not important to Toni at all. All this girl was was a distraction from actually studying for exams. Though Toni did catch on that she was a transfer for HS, which Toni took as Hogwarts Scotland.

"Why did you transfer?" Toni asked a bit curious but not completely. It was at least something to pay attention to, maybe. As the question of flying came up, Toni nodded her head twice. "Love flying" She said thinking back to how she still had to go flying with Beau, he wasn't fond of flying at all and Toni really wanted to help change that.

"I wanted to be on the quidditch team but I hear that first years don't make it." Toni said shrugging not showing how much it really did bother her. "How about you... Do you care for flying?" Toni asked wondering if transfers could even make the quidditch team.
"Why did you transfer?" Abbey heard Toni ask. Her stomach twisted and she winced discretely but she was trying to get rid of her memories of the man while thinking, I'm not a victim! I'm stronger then him! She shuddered slightly as she leaned back into the wall as if she had to feel that it was there to make sure that the man wasn't there. A second or two later Abbey had calmed herself back down and began thinking of a decent enough lie.

Abbey bit her lip anxiously as she tried to think of something to say, she was shooting blanks again. Damn I hate being such a bad liar! She thought frustratedly as she said slowly, "My sister decided to move to New Zealand." She shrugged her shoulders then nodded her head once and said, "Love it! Last year I tried out for seeker, but first years aren't allowed to make the team at HS as well." She shrugged her shoulders again
Toni was surprised at how long it seemed to take this second year Slytherin to answer a simple question. How hard was it to say we just decided to move or my parents separated or something along those lines. Some people Toni thought resisting the urge to shake her head with this statement.

Finally once Abbey answered, Toni couldn't help but flash her a small odd look. Though soon she figured that it didn't matter. Not like Toni was usually the one to pry in other's business. Well maybe she was. "Does your sister go to this school?" Toni asked seeing the the conversation was not dying as bad as it seemed to be before.

At least she likes flying Toni thought thinking that maybe Abbey wasn't too bad. "Seeker's a nice position" Toni said nodding once in approval. "I play keeper though" She added knowing that really she wasn't sure if she looked the part of keeper. Toni had heard it all before. Though no matter what she loved the position and really in her mind a keeper didn't have to look a certain way.

"Do you want to be on the quidditch team this year?" Toni wondered. Just don't let the conversation die She thought absentmindedly her thoughts running back to the common room full of books she should be studying.
Abbey looked over at Toni and saw her expression, she forced a sheepish smile then she shook her head once and said, "No.. Asher is sort of MIA." She frowned sadly then shrugged her shoulders she didn't want this girl to think that she was too odd, though really she could care less. She couldn't help but raise her eye brows in surprise at the girls response, she really didn't look like she would play anything. Abbey just thought that Toni would be one of those girls that watch quidditch for the good looking guys, while fondling all over them.

"I would like to but I think that Slytherin has all of the members they need," Abbey said absentmindedly with a shrug and droned on, "I think next year the keeper is going to graduate so maybe you could try out in your third year."
Asher Toni thought as Abbey named her sister. What an odd name that was. Thank god Toni got a reasonable normal name. A name that fit her. Toni dreaded to see what type of girl was named Asher. Hopefully the name didn't fit, for the girl's sake of coarse.

"MIA" Toni repeated. "God I wish all my siblings would go MIA" Toni added a small smirk appearing on her face at the thought. Well all of them except Amanda Toni thought though wouldn't say it aloud. No matter how much she stated she hated Amanda, Amanda was her support system, the only sibling Toni would speak to.

Yet as Toni watched the girl named Abbey make an expression of surprise when Toni added that she would like to play quidditch, the expresson was no surprise for this first year Slytherin. "I know I don't look the part" She added not really caring. More people should look like her as they played quidditch, at least that was what Toni thought.

"Maybe I will try out then third year" Toni said thinking that she didn't even want to consider third year at the moment. Too far ahead in the future and really Toni didn't want to consider that at all.
Abbey opened her mouth to respond but she closed it when she thought about what she would be admitting, it was just best to keep quiet. "How many siblings do you have?" Abbey asked, the girl said, 'all' so Abbey could only assume that she had a lot, though Abbey didn't know how many was normal or not. She could only guess.

When the girl said that she didn't look the part Abbey could only roll her eyes. "Don't really act it either," Abbey commented with a shrug and said, "No matter, that's well into the future." Abbey really didn't have any right to look to the future as she was just trying to survive each day, when she was stable with her new life maybe she would go and start planning her life. She really had more important things on her mind then something as trivial as quidditch.
Toni's eyes wondered down the corridor then up the other side. No one was in sight. How could this place be so empty. There was so many students in the school yet there was no one around. Of coarse when Toni didn't want to see anyone she was surrounded by people usually that she didn't care for. Now that she wanted a small group it looked like everyone was in hiding. Giving up her small search for people, Toni concentrated on the conversation once more.

"Oh" Toni said rolling her eyes as the topic of how many siblings Toni had came into the conversation. "I have nine siblings. Eight sisters and one brother" Toni said hating that fact. It was one thing about her family that she didnt' care for at all, well there were lots of things she hated about her family but still that was at the top of her list.

"I didn't know a keeper had to act a certain way" Toni muttered. First she didn't look like it and now she didn't act like it. Why did people have to judge like that though Toni was probably the worst to judge people. It was just how she worked. Yet in her mind it was ok when she judged. "Well there are more important things than quidditch" Toni said knowing that she would have to stick to that commment even more if she never made the quidditch pitch.

"Are you staying here for break?" Toni asked jumping to a new topic completely but it was the only thing she could do to keep the conversation moving and not coming to a dead stop.

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