Old School Week Settling In

Dominic Torres

Softie 🌻 Ilvermorny Grad 🌻 Daycare Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Zeke ) ( Pansexual
Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Chestnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
10/2034 (28)
Dominic didn't think finding a job after graduating college would be quite so hard. He did well in school and even worked as a tutor the entire time. He knew what he was doing when it came to teaching others but still, he had gone longer than he'd like to admit without a real and steady job. So when the listing for a daycare teaching in New Zealand popped up he jumped at the chance. It happened so fast he barely had a chance to pack before leaving. Now that he had things somewhat under control it was time to get more acquainted with his new home on a day off.
selene was enjoying her break back at home with her mum even though she was slightly nervous about the job she was starting next semester. today she was walking along obsidian having stopped at the bookshop for a book she stood for a looking out over the sea. she realised she wasn't standing alone. "Its a stunning view isn't it?" she said part to the man and part to herself.
Dominic had stopped to enjoy the view and enjoy the sunshine on his way to pop his head into the rest of the shops when he heard someone speak to him. He glanced over his shoulder and saw a dark haired girl who looked around his age. "Oh yeah it really is." he said with a smile. "Are you from around here?"
Selene nodded. "Yes. But i have been living in the US for the last few years. and only just realised how much i miss it here" she said. "I'm Selene by the way" she said.
Dominic brightened at the mention of the US. "I'm Dominic." he said in return when Selene introduced herself. "Where in the US?" he asked. "I'm sure you can tell from my accent I'm not from around here" he laughed.
Selene smiled. "nice to meet you, Dominic" she said. It still felt weird saying her home. as here still felt a lot like home. "I live in Salem, in Massacheusis. how about you?" she said.
Dominic laughed a little when she told him where she lived in the US. Given the history it was ironic to find a witch that chose to live in Salem. "Oh very cool. I've never been but I did go to Ilvermorny which wasn't too far." he said. Nothing in New England was really that far from anything else. "I grew up in Arizona but spent the last few years in California going to school before moving here rather recently." he explained.
Selene nodded as Dominic said that he had gone to ivermorny. "I have heard a lot about that school." she said. thackery had gone there. and she had been hoping that a teaching position would open up there for her. "did you move here for anything in particular or just a change od pace and climate." she said. it was certainly cooler here than it had been the last, or rather only, time she had been in arizona.
Dominic didn't aske what she had heard about his alma mater. He hadn't kept up too much with what was going on at his old school but hoped things were well. "A job." he said brightly. "I teach at the new day care." he explained.
Selene smiled and shook her head slightly at the coincidence that he was a teacher. of course you are a teacher she said. Who else would she run into but a teacher. Who had traveled from America to New Zealand to crack when she had sort of done the exact opposite.
Selene smiled and shook her head slightly at the coincidence that he was a teacher. of course you are a teacher she said. Who else would she run into but a teacher. Who had traveled from America to New Zealand to crack when she had sort of done the exact opposite.
Dominic hadn't expected that kind of reaction when he mentioned his new job. He raised an eyebrow. "Do I just seem the type?" he asked with a laugh. He was following in his mother's footsteps and he'd be lying if he hadn't heard that kind of comment before.
Selene smiled and looked out over the water. shaking her head slightly "no, not that at all. maybe a little, more just, I moved from here to the us to teach" she said

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