Closed Settled Moments

Ares Jeffreys

class of 2047 | trying | Kaikōura Kea Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 14 1/2" Rigid Larch Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
3/2029 (32)
Ares hadn't really expected the house to feel like home immediately, but it had. They had settled in immediately, had spread themselves out and it had been perfect. He was perfect. He was so thankful for it. It had been a couple of years since they'd bought the place, and in that time they had managed to do a few odd jobs to renovate parts of it, but they had also managed to really make it their own. it was a home that was lived in and perfect. Ares had had a rough few quidditch games, acting a little brashly in them, and his muscles ached from the amount of practicing he was doing, but there was nothing that settled him more quickly than spending the time with his love. He groaned as his bones ached as he made the morning coffee, there were children in one of the neighbouring houses playing outside. It was nice. This place was nice, though perhaps it was missing something.
Moving into a bigger home was perhaps the best idea they'd had in a while. It was cozy, maybe a little cluttered, but that was mostly just because Dimitri loved collecting pretty things and he had shelves all over so he could display them. Not a morning person, Dimitri slept in a bit late as he usually did. He woke up slowly, blinking and whining at the sunlight falling across his bare torso, finding the blankets bunched around his waist.

He yawned, forcing himself to sit up. He didn't want to get up, but the bed was too empty for him to stay. Walking out in just his pajama bottoms and some fun monkey slippers, Dimitri found his way to his husband. "Mn, come back to bed," He whined groggily, holding out his arms and making grabby hands for Ares from the kitchen doorway.
Ares was well used to Dimitri not being a morning person but Ares didn't mind. He tended to use the mornings for things that were boring, like cleaning or going for a run, making sure that he then just had time for his love. He glanced at his love in the doorway and smiled easily. He moved and wrapped his arms around him. He kissed the top of his head. "Morning, my love," he said softly. "I hope I didn't wake you,"
Dimitri leant heavily against Ares, half awake and grumbling. "No," He mumbled. "Sun," He yawned, burrowing himself against Ares' side. "Too bright," He yawned, taking a moment to run his tongue over his teeth and popping his jaw quietly, trying to counter his cotton mouth. "Bed," He tried again, attempting to shift back and drag Ares back to the bedroom.
Ares held him close and rubbed his back lightly. He kissed the top of his head, and then laughed lightly. "I'm not tired, baby," he told him. He wasn't likely to need to sleep and he'd just be laying there awake instead of sleeping. "You go back to bed, let me tidy things up and make you some good breakfast, 'kay?"
Dimitri whined. "No, cuddles," He countered, squinting his eyes open to peek at Ares. "Cuddles, then breakfast?" He tried. "I'll help," He rubbed at his face, struggling as usual with being a very sluggish not morning person. He stepped back, stretching a bit before going back for Ares' hand. "Five minutes?" He gave his husband his best pout, trying to intice him back for more affection before starting their day.
Ares held Dimitri's gaze and then nodded. "Cuddles, then more rest for you maybe," he said, thinking that Dimitri was still tired and he didn't wnat him to make himself more tired just because of the fact Ares was up early. Ares took his hand when it was offered and pulled him in close, going to wrap his arms around him. "So, back to bed then,"
Dimitri let himself be pulled in, yawning and snuggling against Ares. "Mm, okay," He agreed, relaxing. He wasn't sure though how he'd move to bed when it was so comfortable just standing here. "Can you sleep standing up?" He murmured, arms looped gently around Ares' waist.
Ares laughed lightly, and began moving to try to guide him back to bed. "I'll just carry you back to bed," he said with fondness colouring his tone, but not quite moving to actually pick Dimitri up to be able to carry him to bed.
Dimitri giggled and leant into his husband. "Yes, please," He murmured, letting himself be herded back towards the bedroom. "Thats a very romantic way to start the morning, Mr. Jeffreys," He teased lightly, yawning and running a hand through his messy hair. "Though more sleep will be fabulous, too."
Ares smiled fondly, and herded Dimitri back to bed, half lifting him but not entirely needing to. He got him to the bedroom and then towards the bed. "You're beautiful, you need more sleep," he told him with a warmth in his tone. Love filled every word and inflection.
Dimitri chuckled, snuggling against Ares, trying to pull the man back into bed with him. "It's too early to be awake," He complained. "Come back to bed," He whined, even as he collapsed back against the soft mattress, reaching blindly for the blanket.
Ares shook his head lightly, getting Dimitri back into bed and moving the blanket to be over him. "Sleep," he encouraged leaning down to kiss his forehead. "I'm already very awake, but you are not," he told him. Ares had always been a morning person.
Dimitri was already mostly asleep, smiling softly. "Mm... just lay with me for a minute?" He asked, yawning and stretching out under the covers. "I sleep better if I fall asleep with you." He reached out one hand blindly, too lazy to even look and grab his husband himself.
Ares did as Dimitri wanted. He felt almost sure that Dimitri would sleep just fine without him, but he wasn't about to say no. He wasn't about to turn down the opportunity to just hold his husband. "Of course," he moved into the bed next to him, and brought Dimitri in close. "Sleep,"
Dimitri didn't need any prompting, asleep almost before Ares could even say anything. He awoke again several hours later, alone in bed. That was normal, though. He stretched, and actually ready to get up this time, he got up and got ready for the day. He didn't bother to brush his hair, just throwing on some clean clothes before he set off wandering for his husband. "Aresss," He called, much more awake and bright in demeanor.

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