- Messages
- 2,251
- OOC First Name
- Jess S
- Blood Status
- Mixed Blood
- Relationship Status
- It's Complicated
- Sexual Orientation
- Who Cares?
- Wand
- Pear Wood, Unicorn hair core, 14 inches
- Age
- 12/23/2033 (28)
Sapphire wasn't watching, but she knew it was coming. She'd been expecting it from the start. There was that little stab to the heart, but she hid it well. "Yeah, yeah, it's late," she managed with a strained laugh. "You, uh, don't have to lie, ya know. I'm good. It's good." She managed, though her voice cracked. "But if they ask I'm saying we talked about school, got bored and went our separate ways. Yeah? Yeah." She lurched off the rail and back the way she'd come, afraid that if she looked at him he would see the pain in her eyes.
She'd seen it coming, she had, and she managed to stay mostly calm as she made her way back to the door. It took everything in her not to look back, and she knew if Mervyn stopped her she was done for. "See you around," She called back, knowing that even though things hadn't gone at all well she still wanted him around. She would just have to be very, very careful and never touch him again.
She could do that, right?
She'd seen it coming, she had, and she managed to stay mostly calm as she made her way back to the door. It took everything in her not to look back, and she knew if Mervyn stopped her she was done for. "See you around," She called back, knowing that even though things hadn't gone at all well she still wanted him around. She would just have to be very, very careful and never touch him again.
She could do that, right?