set and heeled

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
27 (31/12/2035)
Selene was sitting on the bed in the hospital wing. She could feel the throbbing in her foot the kind of throbbing that made her want to move it and stretch to stretch out the cramp. but she had been told under strict instruction not to move it until it was fully set and healed. it wasn't the strong pain that she had felt when she had first splinched before she had been given a pain potion. but as the draft was wearing off. the pain was starting to return. she wished she had something to do other than just sitting here. her bag was still in the great hall with her homework and rune stones in it. the book she was reading was sitting on her bedside table in her dorm. and she had already read through last months copy of witch weekly twice skimming though as the gossipy articles about which quidditch star was dating who and which political figure was rumoured to be having. baby. it really didn't interest her. She had stopped last time at the quiz pages and borrowed a quill from the nurse to have a go at the muggle puzzle where you had to put numbers into squares. she had thought she had been going well before she realised that the had two eights in one row. she had then left it and turned the page continuing her flick through the magazine but now she retuned back to it trying to figure out where she had gone wrong.
Lily had heard what had happened to Selene through the grapevine. Word spread quickly. She immediately felt horrible and remembering how it had been for her very recently, she went down to the great hall and grabbed Selene's bag. She hoped it was Selene's bag, anyway. She made her way up to the hospital wing, smiling shyly as she came in. "Hi, Selene?" Lily asked, a basket of cookies and muffins in her other hand. "It's Lily- Lily Lockwood? Can I come in?" she asked, hesitating a little bit away from Selene.
Selene looked up as she heard someone approach her. not the nurse someone else. she wouldn't say that she wasn't surprised by who it was walking towards her. She knew Lilly. They had shared classes for six years. she was in helia's house and she had heard her sister mention her from time to time but they too weren't close. She put the magazine down and smiled "Hello Lilly" she said trying not to sound surprised at the appearance of the girl. "Of course you can come in. a bit of company would be lovely" she said. trying to scooch across a little to make some room for her but feeling the twinge in her ankle when she moved she stopped. "How is your shoulder" she asked hoping that she was feeling better after she too had splinted last week.
Lily smiled shyly, moving into the room. She pulled up a chair next to Selene. "I brought your bag," she offered, showing her the aforementioned bag and set it on the edge of her bed. "I also brought a treat basket. Biscuits, cakes, a few other things," She set the basket on the table by the bed. She hesitated as Selene asked about her shoulder. "Oh, i-it's healed alright," she murmured but shifted her shirt to show Selene the scar there. "Are you going to try again?" Lily asked, glancing up to Selene.
Selene thought it had bene her bag that Lilly had been carrying but she hadn't wanted to ask because she hadn't wanted to presume or sound like she as accusing her of something. but now that she had her bag she didn't want to do homework. it was more fun to hang out with a friend. "Aww Lilly you are so sweet" she said as the girl said that she had also brought some cakes the looked at the basket her mouth watering at the smell of the sugar. "they look delicious. would you mind if I had one" she asked itching fo one of the muffins.
The Ravenclaw hadn't expected Lilly to show her the scar. she reached and outlined the scar from a couple of inches away not touching the other girls skin. It didn't look bad. like an old scar it had mostly faded. "That looks like it is healing well" she said glancing down at her own ankle which was itching the feeling of scars knitting themselves together.
"Yes appertain would be a good skill to have. especially when I want to visit th... the-the book of shadows my aunts shop in Salem" she said she had almost said Thackeray but chanced what she was going to say in the last moment. she liked Thackeray who was now managing the shop. and thinking of Hom made her think of her first kiss with him in the snow next to the witches house which had been magical. a few winters ago. but she doubted he liked her. he probably had an Americn girlfriend someone closer to his own age "you should take the exam too. it would be useful. and you will pass easily" she said. with more purity in her statement than she knew where it had come from.
Lily giggled a little, nudging the basket closer to Selene. "I made them for you, silly, you can have all of them," she reassured Selene. She held still, letting Selene look over the scar. She shrugged as the Ravenclaw said it was healing well; Lily still felt like it was huge and garish and was acutely aware of its presence.

She was surprised when Selene said she would go back, and quickly shook her head when Selene said she could pass, too. "Oh, no, no, apparition isn't for me," she replied a little shyly, tucking her legs beneath her. "I don't mind taking my time to do things," she continued, sure she would never get a handle on such advanced magic.
Selene took Lilly's comment as moe than permission to take one of the muffins. She picked up one and broke a bit off the top the way she always ate muffins. before putting it in her mouth. "Mmmm. this is delicious what is the flavour I can't quite place it" she said though a mouthful of the sweet trying not to leave crumbs on the bed.
Selene bit her lip as Lilly seemed conscious of her scar. "It has only been a week. it will take time to fade. we'll match now" she said. she knew some muggles got matching tattoos to show commitments to friends or family. Lilly was not someone she would have called a close friend more of an aquantence really but maybe they could be friends.
she nodded as Lilly said that she wouldn't be taking the exam and that apportion wasn't for her. "that is understandable. I didn't expect to be able to do it at all, so splinching gives me hope that I will be able to do it right" she said the logic was a bit weird but she had half succeeded so she maintained hope that she would be able to succeed in the exam.
Lily looked at the muffin Selene was eating, and reached out, taking a small bit from the edge and tasting it. "Oh, it's apple cinnamon," she replied easily, smiling softly. She nodded as Selene said the scar would fade, glancing to the girls foot. "At least they're both easy enough to cover," she offered with a shy smile.

Lily blinked, but nodded at Selene's logic. "I suppose that makes sense," she murmured, tucking her hair behind her ear. "If you want I can make you another basket of treats for after exams," she offered, looking back to Selene with a smile. "Either to celebrate that you did it or to console you that it didn't work," she mused, thinking a basket of treats was the perfect solution to either scenario.
Selene continued to eat realising that she actually was hungry. due to the shock of the class she had missed lunch and it must be after dinner time by now. "I love what you did with the topping. and is that a bit of nutmeg in them too. delicious" she said. after living with her mum her whole life it was refreshing to have some new baking to eat. As Lilly said that the scars would be easy enough to cover selene nodded. "and we didn't splice so bad that we did any lasting damage. she said before realising that that may be a fate she may have to face in the exam.
She wasn't sure what to say when Lilly offered to make her a basket of treats after the exams. they were delicious there was no doubting that. but she didn't want her to have to go to all the hassle of making things for her when she too should be celebrating the end of sixth year. "You don't have to make me anything" she said cautiously. she didn't want to offend Lilly after she was being so kind to her. "Maybe we could bake something together afterwards to celebrate" she said suggesting an option that might work well fo them both.

OOCOut of Character:
I am picturing something like this for apple and cinnamon muffins.
Lily blushed, smiling softly. "I'm glad you like it," she tucked her hair behind her ear. She bit her lip when Selene said that they hadn't splinched that badly. That was true, technically, but that she had splinched at all was enough to prove to Lily she wasn't good enough to do it.

She smiled a little when Selene said she didn't have to make her treats; she was used to defending her baking. She just... loved to bake. When Selene offered to bake with her, Lily lit up. "Oh, I would love that, it's always so nice having someone helping,"
When Sophie had heard the news about Selene, she couldn't help but feel a little bit guilty. Sophie had been able to apparate perfectly so far with no troubles, and the fact that Selene had injured herself pretty badly doing so made her slightly anxious for the next time that she'd try. Sophie made her way to her dormitory before coming to visit her, as that was where her art supplies lived. She took out one of her smaller canvases and began sketching away one of her creatures. This one took the shape of a small elephant. It had small wings and patterns on it like a ladybug, ears on it like a rabbit, and its legs joined together to form that of a mermaid's tail. It was hard to make out each of the animals that Sophie had chosen to include, and this was good as it made it look like its own, and whilst it was a little bit rushed, Sophie had drawn it especially for Selene and she hoped that she would like it.

With the drawing tucked under her arm, Sophie made her way back down to the hospital wing. When she entered the room she noticed another girl was already there. Sophie had seen her in classes but hadn't ever spoken to her before. Selene's foot was all wrapped up, and it made Sophie wonder if there was even a foot there after her splinching. "Hey." Sophie said, approaching the bed as she looked around at all of the sweet food that had most likely been brought to her. It made her feel as though her drawing was nothing compared to the amount of things she already had. "I'm sorry about what happened. I know it's not much, but I drew this for you. Most of those animals symbolise good luck and well wishes. I hope it's okay." She held up the drawing for Selene to see. Maybe Sophie should've spent more time on it just cleaning up the edges a little, but she couldn't take it back now.
Selene almost felt like she was being fake flattering Lillys baking but they really were delicious. She was glad that Lilly seemed so enthusiastic about baking together. "It will give me something to look forward to during the exams." she said a smile across her face. she would have to ask her mum for a recipe of one of her bakes.
at the sound of someone opening the door and coming towards them selene looked around and saw Sophie walking towards her. It had been long enough since the lesson that she knew it was very unlikely that anyone else had had the unfortunate experience of splinching. "Hey Sophie" she said smiling other fiend and dorm mate.

"you guts are so sweet. If I had known how much I would be spoiled I would have splinted myself ages ago" she said hoking but she really did appreciate the company. and thought that maybe she should be kinder. and think more about others than herself. She took the picture off Sophie and examined it. [v]"Wow. that is cool. I love the ears and the tail"[/b] she said examining it closer. "What can you tell me about this creature" she asked she enjoyed listening to Sophie explaining her creations. they were always so interesting and she had started to realise that the creatures that were there seemed to reflect something with how she was feeling. the first one she had shown her and told her about brought happiness.[/B]
Lily smiled, already going through different recipes they could make when she heard the door open. Lily looked up, smiling shyly as another girl came in. She let the two of them speak a moment, feeling a bit like she was intruding now, and gave them both a shy smile. She pulled back in her chair, withdrawing a little bit. She was unsure if she should leave, but just getting up sounded rude to her. She glanced away, tucking her hair behind her ear.
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Sophie admittedly didn't like the comment Selene made about splinching herself ages ago. She really shouldn't have splinched herself at all, not that she did it on purpose. Sophie just didn't like seeing her only friend like this. The Ravenclaw nodded as Selene complimented her picture. She still wasn't very good at being complimented, but she always appreciated Selene and didn't know where she would be without her. As Selene asked about it, Sophie just shrugged. "Well, it's a mix of everything really. Most of the animals in the creature symbolise good luck and strength. The mermaid tail adds a sort of feminine touch to it, showing that women have just as much strength as man. I drew it as a sort of good luck charm for you." Sophie explained to her, hoping it all made sense. Sometimes Sophie didn't even know what was going through her own head, but this one was different. It was then that Sophie noticed the other girl in the room suddenly became a bit distant. "Who's your friend?" she asked Selene, smiling over at her.
Selene listened as Sophie started to talk about the creature she had created. the combination was one that she would never have thought of but it looked nice and well joined "Thank you" she said as her friend "I will keep it with me though the exams. I need as much luck as I can get." she said the upcoming exams were looming ahead of them. and she really had study to catch up on. even though she was more ahead than sue usually was this time in semester she would still need luck to get her though the exams. especially transfiguration there were still some spells that they had covered that she had not managed to cast successfully yet.
Selene realised that Lilly had gone very quiet since Sophie had arrived she looked at the girl to see if she was okay, she was sitting back in her chair almost as if trying to be invisible and just blend in with the chair she wouldn't have even needed the Disillusionment charm. "Ae you okay" she asked her quietly. she didn't want Lilly to feel uncomfortable about Sophie's arrival. and she didn't want to ask Sophie to leave to make Lilly more comfortable and she didn't want lilies to feel ike shewasnt wanted and to leave. it was then that Sophie seemed to think the same thing. "Sorry I had assumed that you knew each other. Sophie this is Lilly. she is in our year but Hufflepuff like heli and makes delicious muffins" she looking between the two. can she have one?" she asked lilly. and Lilly this is Sophie. She is in Ravenclaw. and a great artist of fantastical creatures." she said finishing the introduction.
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Lily watched the exchange between the two girls a bit, twirling a strand of hair around her finger. She smiled shyly when Selene asked if she was okay and nodded slightly, not quite sure what to say. She listened as Selene introduced her friend. She looked surprised when Selene asked if Sophie could have one. "Selene, I made them for you, silly," Lily let out a light giggle. "You can share them with whoever you want or eat them all yourself, they're yours," she reassured the Ravenclaw, before turning her attention to the other Ravenclaw. "It's nice to officially meet you, Sophie," Lily smiled shyly at the other girl. She wondered briefly if Sophie spent any time with Lars. Maybe she could introduce them.
Sophie smiled slightly as Selene thanked her for the drawing and told her that she would keep it with her through the exams. This year's exams were hopefully going to be much easier than last but Sophie was glad that she could be able to still help Selene through them. Selene seemed concerned about her other friend and Sophie just frowned at her, wondering why she was so shy. Sophie had gone through tough times in the past, but it had never made her so shy. Sure, she didn't have that many friends, but it definitely wasn't because she was shy. She just didn't get people who were. The Ravenclaw listened as Selene introduced the Hufflepuff. After all these years sharing classes with her she did not know that her name was Lilly. She smiled at her. "It's nice to meet you too." she said with a slight nod. It had been a while since Sophie had made a new friend, especially after keeping herself so closed, and she knew Verity would be proud of her for it. "Thank you for the muffin." She reached over to take one of the smaller ones, finding it interesting that someone so close to her was so interested in baking. She always imagined older people liked that sort of stuff and so Sophie admired it.
Selene had never thought of herself as particularly sociable. she knew people thought her a bit odd. or if they were boing kind quirky. but it was weird that in this situation she was the one that was being the social one. maybe she wasn't giving herself as enough credit for how much she had grown over the last six years. "Thank you Lilly" she said again as her new fiend said that they were for her to share with whoever she wanted to share with "Sorry I should have offered offered you one. did you want one too" she said feeling guilty for not offering a cake to the friend who had made them.
She felt the responsibility to carry on the conversation but wasn't sure what else to say it wasn't the role that she was sued to playing. she shifted her bodge slightly getting comfortable on the bed so she could see both of her visitors without twisting. unfortunately, in doing so she moved her ankle and she felt a twinge of pain go through her she sucked in a hiss of air and felt herself flinch. reattaching ones foot was never going to be a tpainfree process but that was a sharp pain. "How long does it take so it doesn't hurt then I move" she asked Lilly hoping that the answer would be short and not a few days or the worse answer of it still hurts.
Lily smiled shyly, tucking her hair behind her ear. "You're welcome," she told them both, giggling a little when Selene offered her some. "Oh no, I'm alright," she told the girl. Her smile faded however, as Selene asked about the pain. Unthinkingly, Lily rubbed her shoulder. "The pain for me faded after the first night. It hasn't completely gone away, but that could just be me," She had heard of phantom pain from her mother, and Lily was sure it would be a while before the quiet ache of her shoulder went away completely. She shook her head, smiling shyly at the other girls. "You're an artist, Sophie?" Lily asked, thinking it was rather cool.
Sophie took a bite of the muffin as she watched Selene and her friend converse. She winced as she saw Selene try to move and instead sucked in a hiss of air as she was in too much pain to do so. Sophie wanted to heal her. She wanted to make her better, but she really didn't know how to. She hated seeing her only friend like this and it brought back memories of her father in the hospital bed. The life draining out of his face every single day she visited him. But she knew Selene would survive this. The Hospital Wing had excellent nurses and if it really was that bad she would've been taken to St. Mungo's.

"You were splinched too?" Sophie asked Lilly as Selene asked her how long it would take until it doesn't hurt. Sophie couldn't bare to imagine how it would feel to have a whole limb come off. She had been lucky that she was able to apparate without anything happening to her so far. But even if it did, a part of Sophie thought that perhaps she deserved it a lot more than Selene, which made the whole situation a lot more unfair.

As Lilly asked Sophie if she was an artist, she paused, not really knowing how to respond to that. She just shrugged. "It's a pointless hobby." she replied, feeling as though drawing on a piece of canvas meant nothing. It didn't benefit anyone and she wasn't doing anything to help the world. It was just for her own satisfaction, and maybe it also made her a little bit selfish. She wanted to do more than draw, especially after seeing so many people go through unimaginable situations that she could do nothing about but sit back and watch.

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