Serving Detention

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Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
Entering his office, Kalif swept through the area, before he ordered, "Sit." The chairs were directly in front of his desk, perhaps five feet from it, and Kalif chose not to sit down. He did not see the point in it because what he was going to make them do, they would have to go outside anyway. However, they needed to know what exactly they will be doing, and how to do that correctly and efficiently. Kalif turned and he folded his arms across his chest and glowered down at the two Ravenclaws. Kalif said, "Before we go outside and do the tasks that I command, you will be needing to know what exactly you are dealing with. You two are old enough to perform this action. I would not let anyone below a sixth year to go near this plant. If either of you have attended my NEWTs classes, then you might know how this plant works."

Kalif already had the plant out and a notice to ensure no student walks near the plant. "You will be collecting pods from a Snargaluff. This plant is a man-eater, and rather vicious. If you two have not learned your lessons by the time you collect the pods, then I will make you extract bubotuber pus without gloves. I am sure you two know what happens with undiluted pus touches your skin." Kalif paused before inquiring coldly, "Before we proceed out to the Snargaluff, how are you going to approach the plant to retrieve the pods?" Neither should be harmed, not with Kalif around, unless they did something out of stupidity. That he couldn't help.
Lily followed the professor to his office and took a seat where he indicated. She was not sure what to expect, but figured it would be a bit nasty. She kept her eyes down until she heard what exactly was expected of them. Her head snapped up and her eyes went wide again. "Snargaluffs?" she said, her voice conveying her shock. "No, I think the snargaluff pods will be enough to learn the lesson from. Thank you." She was freaking out, but tried to keep herself calm -- at least on the outside.

"How you retrieve the pods is by restraining the branches until the stump opens and allows you a limited time to access the pods within. The pods are then juiced by puncturing it with something sharp," Lily replied. She was hoping that they were able to wear gloves and protective goggles.
Sumner sat in the chair beside Lily. After Professor Styx told them what they had to do, he sat there in a state of semi shock. The man was off his rocker! Snargaluffs? Really? His head swivelled between the two as questions were asked and answered. Wisely he kept his mouth shut so they didn't have anything heaped onto their detention. He just kept a bland look on his face and nodded when needed, letting the cool headed Lily do the talking. He'd try to do most of the work, as he still felt it was his fault they were in this mess. He was a wizard, wasn't he? So it was his dumbarse fault for not magically locking his dorm room door.
Kalif turned his cold gaze to Lily, "I think I will be ultimately deciding whether that is enough. Your opinion means nothing in my detentions. But yes, that is how you extract the pods from the Snargaluff." Kalif glanced over at Sumner, half expecting him to say something. Inwardly, Kalif smirked with satisfaction. At least he was earning up to a sixth year's reputation and maturity, for now. "Due to how devastating this event could end up being, I am allowed a wand, gloves, and protective eye wear. I will not be supplying robes, however. Any damage that does occur upon your clothes..." Kalif paused for a moment. "Well, you should not have been trying to take them off of each other in the first place. At least if it does happen, it will be more of an embarrassing situation than a lustful one." Kalif concluded, "And now if you two don't mind, I want to get this over with." Kalif motioned for them to get going, before he would follow them outside and leading the way.
When Professor Styx corrected her, Lily dropped her head. She merely hoped that he figured this was going to be punishment enough. "Yes, sir," was all she could say to him. Lily was happy that they did get to use some protective gear, but was glad she wasn't wearing anything that couldn't be destroyed if the plant decided to do so. She did like the shirt she was wearing, but so be it. Then her thoughts turned to what was underneath. Thank Merlin I wore a decent bra today and not one that needs to be tossed out, she thought to herself, trying not to smirk.

As the professor motioned for them to stand, she did so and walked out of the door. How was it that she was hoping that her shirt would get ripped and that her and Sumner would be able to find some alone time in the next day or so. As she waited for Professor Styx to show them where they would be working, she started to think about their punisher. What if he is a legilimens? Oh, crap. I really hope he wasn't trying to listen to me in there! Well, if he was, it serves him right to know that I was thinking about my bra. Hope you like purple Professor Styx!
Sumner noticed Lily glancing down at her shirt and his eyes followed. He nearly ran into the wall beside the door on their way out. Serve me right for becoming distracted. Struggling, he got his game face on and tried to pump himself up as if they were going to play Quidditch and not risk life and limb with a plant. He faltered once and suppressed a shudder as the word 'lustful' said in Professor Styx's voice filled his brain. There were just some words adults of authority should never say. Ever. Seriously.
Kalif mused in his mind, Hopefully the plant decides to be a little merciful. Last thing I want to see or explain are two half - or completely - nude teenagers because the plant decided to be voluptuous today. Kalif could have rolled his eyes but he did not. Instead, he closed the door to his office behind him, while locking it tight. Kalif also did not want students to mess about in his office, having the issue twice since he had been working here. A grim expression washed over his face, a perfect mix with irritation. The robes fluttered around his body as he approached the area where they would be serving detention. Kalif pulled his wand out of his robes and used it as a pointer to reveal that the supposedly dead tree stump would be what they will be working with. A pile of protective gear as his word stated just moments ago rested a few feet ahead. "Begin," the Death Eater spoke in a cold, authoritative tone.
Lily stiffled a giggle as Sumner walked into the wall. Wonder what he is thinking about? Seem's the mere mention of ripped clothing messed with his concentration. Following Professor Styx, they made their way to the nasty looking tree stump. His command to begin sent shivers down her spine. Turning to Sumner, she asked "Who is going to handle what?" She was scared. but who wouldn't be at this moment.
Sumner frowned and handed Lily her share of the protective gear. Putting on the dragonhide gloves, protective eye gear, he palmed his wand and turned to her. Speaking in a low voice, he said, "I'll help you get started knotting the vines. Then when the stump opens, I'll dive in and grab the pod. Cool?" He rolled his neck and clenched his jaw. What was in store for them wasn't going to be pleasant.
Lily took the protective gear with a nervous smile. "Sounds cool to me," she replied, settling her goggles on her face. Pulling on the gloves, she took hold of her wand and approached the nasty thing. It started moving and defending itself against the coming intrusion. Aiming her wand, she cast "Impedimenta" at the thing. She wasn't quite quick enough though as one of its branches slashed out at her and caught part of her shirt. It tore with a nasty sound and as she looked down, its speed seemed to slow as it sliced through her shirt to her skin.

Jumping back, she yelled out. "Merlin that flipping hurt! That branch was longer than I thought." She moved quickly, before the spell wore off, to grab the branches and knot them. Lily didn't pay attention to just how ripped the shirt was, or the fact that there was a reddening scratch below it.
Sumner wanted to just blow up the damned stump where it stood. But he also wanted to keep his stones in tact and somehow he didn't think Professor Styx would look upon vandalism of his property too kindly. Instead he moved to the other side, sizing up the stump as Lily took her side and began. He cursed as the vines slithered out and one whipcracked against her. "Impedimenta!" He didn't waste any time but dove into the vines and used brute strength to bend the ones he could read into a knot. One stray one cracked out and sliced open his cheek, then tore across his abdomen. Cursing, he jerked back then mangled that vine into the knot already formed.

Ignoring the stinging pain and the thin welt that stung horribly across his muscled stomach, he jumped back and jerked his head to see how Lily was faring. Her torn shirt caused immediate distraction until he pulled his attention back to the task at hand. "You alright?"
"Yeah. I'm fine. Let's just get this done," she said, trying to stay on task as best as she could. She tried not to let her eyes stray to the now exposed expanse of stomach. Really tried. And was trying to resist the urge to take care of the gash on his cheek. Really, trying to resist....

Grabbing the limbs near to her, she twisted them into the knot that Sumner had started to form. Taking hold of the mass, she did her best to hold on and add a few others to the mass. The last one was not quite into the mass, and caught her shirt again, slicing across her to make an 'X' on her stomach. "Oh, no you don't!" she exclaimed as she took hold of it again and knotted it to the rest.
Sumner winced as Lily was struck again. "Alright I'm going in!" He dove foward, racing against the clock in case those suckers came free and tore him apart. He jammed his gloved hands inside the hole and felt his stomach roil as the stump gave way. He felt for the damned pod and as his hand closed around the grapefruit sized, pulsating pod, a vine tore loose of the knot he'd made and cracked down over his back. Leaving a diagonal welt, it ripped the back of his tee shirt wide open. Grimacing, refusing to cry out, Sumner rolled out of the way, the pod firmly in his hand.

He grabbed Lily's arm with his free hand and moved them out of the way. He turned to the professor. "Here, sir." He held the pod out, making sure to hold it with both hands firmly. "May we go, sir?"
Lily watched as Sumner dove into the opening in the stump. She tightened her grip on the branches in her hand, silently wishing him to hurry. Before she knew it, on branch slipped out and she worked to get it back. She groaned as it smacked Sumner on the back. Finally breathing as he pulled the pod out of the stump, she was caught off guard as he pulled her away from the thing.

As Sumner asked if they were free to leave, Lily held her breath. She hoped that would be enough for the night. She wanted nothing more than to head back to the common room and then her dorm and get cleaned up -- and into a shirt with no rips in it.
Kalif watched with amusement as the battle between two hormonal teenagers against a man-eating plant. However, Kalif wondered if this was enough. The pod was retrieved. However, he assumed they had not learned their lesson just yet. He took the pod and he shook his head. "I am afraid not. Given that I am relieved you two aren't completely unharmed, or at least with serious injuries. Instead of making you perform the other task, that does need to be saved for the fourth years..." Kalif paused, and he finally stated coldly, "You two are to do an essay of three pages minimum on how indecent your actions were in the Ravenclaw Tower and another essay about the significance of the Snargaluff. Turn both in to me tomorrow." Kalif glanced toward the school. "Now you are finished here."

OOC: This is just an IC punishment. You don't have to write them, just say it is done.
Sumner stood stoicly while the professor gave them further punishment. He nodded and when they were dismissed, turned away with a grimace. Written homework? He'd rather have faced the bubotubers. Looking down at his hands and then at Lily's torn shirt, he smirked as he walked beside her. Then again maybe not.

He waited until they were away from the professor's hearing before he nudged her with his shoulder. "How you holding up?"
Lily stood next to Sumner, waiting to hear if the were dismissed yet or not. She breathed a sigh of relief at not having to do the bubotubers, but essays? Really? She nodded and was glad when they were dismissed. She turned and left, following Sumner out the door.

She walked along silently, not quite sure what to say. Then she was nudged. Turning to face Sumner, she gave him a half-smile. "Not bad. Not looking forward to doing essays tonight, but at least my shirt isn't too horribly damaged. How's your cheek?" She stopped walking and moved to take a look at the gash he had received.
"I'll be okay. Nothing a visit to the hospital wing tomorrow won't cure." Sumner kept his eyes on her face. He wanted to look. Hell he had looked. But she was his friend. He had to stop snogging her whenever the chance presented itself. Even now, standing there with the faint moon light, her blue eyes and beautiful face threatened to suck him in. Not to mention the interesting peeks-he whirled around and started walking again. "Come on, I'll walk with you to the common room."
Lily rolled her eyes at Sumner as he said he would visit the Hospital wing tomorrow. Then he took off walking like there was something wrong. "Ok, to the common room. We can work on those essays together. Or something." She followed him, quickly catching up to be along side of him as they walked.

Bruised but not broken
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