
Anna Key

OOC First Name
Anna walked up the stairs to the tower, a letter in hand. She had written to her foster sister Julie because she knew Julie would be missing her. She wondered how Julie was. It wasn't easy to live where Anna did, and Julie wasn't tough like Anna. Anna had spent a lot of her time worrying about her little sister back home. Her foster parents weren't going to be much help when it came to protecting Julie. That had been Anna's job. Anna wandered around the North Tower, wondering if she should post the letter. Maybe she should re-write it? She was a little indecisive. Nothing of interest had happened to Anna since she had arrived at Hogwarts. The letter was mainly about the classes and stuff. Anna looked out at the school, feeling slightly homesick.
Grace walked up the steps towards the tower, she stepped carefully and with grace, her hair swinging behind her headband, as she touched metal the rings on her fingers made clinking sounds, with her Violin case on her back instead of her side, she slowly managed to get to the top, she wished to send off a letter but she did not look forward to it, she was forced to borrow a Gryffindor girls pet bat to send it and Grace was not a fan of Bats.
Starshine, the Bat sat in its cage which was in the place her Violin usually was, every now and then she was make a sound and

Grace would try to quieten her down. “Please stay quiet.” She would mutter, her note sat in the same hand as the bat cage, the envelope that held it was a light pink colour and smelt faintly of rose, the writing inside was small and curvy, most people would have thought that it was typed but that was not so, Grace hand very delicate hands which gave her the gift of copying all types of writing, if she had a malicious mind she could have faked sick notes and other such materials, but Grace’s mind was pure and sweet, most of the time.

Grace was now walking down the hall, she saw a female figure at the end but she was not interested in the figure, only the letter to her parents and the bat that would carry it, Grace started walking a little faster as she was a little anxious to be rid of this bat, she was very thankful to the girl who lent it to her but Grace knew she would need to get an owl or some other type of animal later on, Grace was in such a rush that she slipped, as she fell she let out a cry and dropped the Bat cage, Starshine started squeaking in protest while the envelope went sliding down the hallway towards the figure, and Grace ended up halfway on her back, she had grabbed the wall last minute, just in time too if she hadn’t have stopped her fall her Violin may have broken.

Slowly but surely she started picking herself up and tried to quieten Starshine, she then looked at the figure. “Could you please give me my latter back?” She asked.
Anna saw the letter slide beside her feet. She looked down at it in distaste, then picked it up. It smelt flowery and weird. She turned around to give it to the other girl, and froze. She saw the fancily-dressed girl... A girl who happened to look exactly like her... Anna stared at the other girl's clothes, which were a lot cleaner and prettier than Anna's second hand outfit. Deciding to ignore the fact that there was a girl who was a stranger and yet totally familiar, Anna focused on the more normal things. She handed the other girl the letter. "Why have you got a bat?" she asked in a weak attempt of a normal tone.
Grace’s mouth dropped, it was something that never happened, ever, but Grace was an only child, she grew up on an island off the coast of Italy with her parents and Nanny, she lived in a nice house that was filled with photos of her parents only child and that child was Grace, she told herself several times that she was an only child yet here right in front of her was another girl, the girl looked slightly different, different skin tone and slightly less clean, but otherwise she was exactly like Grace.

Grace quickly snapped her mouth shut when the girl spoke, it was obvious that the girl picked up on the resemblance; shaking her head slightly Grace looked at the girl’s clothes, they were slightly worn; Grace figured they were second hand or they meant something to the girl. Grace l“Oh I have borrowed it so I can send my parents a letter.” ooked at the bat cage; she had forgotten that she was carrying it. She explained. “They are very worried, I have not replied to any letters they were going to come down If I didn’t reply, or my Nanny anyway.” She added, trying to distract herself, if she stayed on the current path she would get a huge headache.
Anna nodded slowly at Grace's answer. "Why didn't you use one of the school owls instead of a bat?" she asked. Maybe the identical girl happened to like bats. Personally, Anna couldn't see why anyone would want to keep a bat as a pet. Bats were always flapping around madly in Anna's house if you went into the attic. Every year Anna would go around the neighbourhood, getting rid of the bats from attics and chimneys. It was one of the many ways Anna earned money for herself. Looking at the other girl, she felt a strange sense of familiarity. She felt almost as if she actually knew her. "You have a nanny?" Something resembling a smirk appeared on Anna's face. "Rich girl, huh?" she teased. When in doubt, make fun of people. It was one of Anna's life rules.
Grace blinked blankly when the girl asked her why she did use one of the schools Owls, Grace had gone to see the Owls first but none of them looked acceptable to be able to see her parents, let alone touch her letter, the Bat was her only option. “I would much rather a Falcon or Hawk, I would never use one of the school Owls my only option was a Bat.” Grace explained.

Grace narrowed her green eyes when the girl mocked her, she did not care whether she knew the girl or not but she would not let a random girl with worn out clothes be rude about her family or Nanny. “Yes you could say I am, well richer then you could ever be.” She said in a rather cold way, looking the girl up and down as she did so. “Now if you will excuse me I have had enough of your annoyance and rudeness, good day.” Grace then started walking around the girl and started opening the Bat cage, giving Starshine the letter carefully and telling her the address.

OOCOut of Character:
Grace can be so mean :unsure:

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