Serenity Dion

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Serenity Dion

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Holly Wand 11 Essence of Phoenix Feather

ATTACHED AT THE HIP -you'll hang with the right cohorts, you'll be good at sports!
PARTNERS IN CRIME -follow my lead and yes indeed you will be popular
BEST FRIENDS -i've had so many friends! but only one that mattered.
GOOD FRIENDS -bright? she's phosphorescent
AVERAGE FRIENDS -it's good to see me, isn't it? no need to answer, that was rhetorical.
BY ASSOCIATION -think of it as personality dialysis
ENEMIES TURNED FRIENDS -a regime change, caused by a bizarre and unexpected twister of fate!
ON AND OFF -he's distant and moodified, and he's been thinking which really worries me.
FAKE FRIENDS -oops, i broke itoh well, it's a training wand.
SECRET FRIENDS -there has been much rumor and speculation, innuendooutuendo
FORBIDDEN FRIENDS -pink goes good with green!
CONFIDANT -your first party? ooh, let's tell each other something we've never told anyone!
FIRST NAME BASIS -it's glindathe guh is silent.

SWORN ENEMIES - What is this feeling so sudden and new?
HARDCORE HATRED - I felt the moment I laid eyes on you
ONE-SIDED HATRED - my pulse is rushing
MUTUAL HATRED - my head is reeling
ONE-SIDED DISLIKE - my face is flushing
MUTUAL DISLIKE - what is this feeling fervid as a flame,
ANNOYANCE - loathing
BACKSTABBED - unadulterated loathing
JEALOUS - I loathe it all
FRIENDLY RIVALRY - Every little trait however small,
- makes my very flesh begin to crawl,
- with simple utter loathing

FUTURE -so we're perfect together, born to be forever
ONE-SIDED CRUSH -you deserve each other, so here, out of the goodness of my heart!
MUTUAL CRUSH -you deserve each other, this hat and you, you're both!
IN LIKE -after all, now that we've met one another, it's clear we deserve each other
SEXUAL TENSION -your whole life is going to change, and all because of me!
ATTRACTION -i don't even think he's perfect anymore and i still want him!
FLEETING GLANCES -like a comet pulled from orbit, as it passes the sun
INNOCENT FLIRTING -i'll show you the proper poise when you talk to boys, little ways to flirt and flounce.
-it well may be that we may never meet again in this lifetime

LIKE FAMILY -now that i've chosen to become a pal, a sis-ter, and adviser, there's nobody wiser
TEACHER -and i don't see why you can't just teach us history instead of harping on the past!
STUDENT -your ozness, he means no disrespectation, you see, we all went to school together
ROOMMATE -my roommate is unusually and exceedingly peculiar and altogether quite impossible
MIXED FEELINGS -magic wands need they have a point?
INDIFFERENCE -just stay on the yellow brick road the whole time! oh dear, i hope they don't get lost
PROTECT -it's not her you want, it's me!
OTHER -now you wait just a clock tick!

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