Serena Cardosi

OOC First Name
Too Young

Full Name:
Serena Vedette Cardosi

Nicknames: Rena, Princess

Date of Birth:
November 29th, 2026 @ 11:25pm.

Current Age:
9 Years Old.

Basic Appearance:
Hair - Serena has semi-long honey blonde hair. It falls a little bit past her shoulders and is often straightened or thrown up into a neat bun. When Serena doesn't have it straightened it has a slight wave to it. Serena takes very good care of her hair so it's normally shiny and soft to the touch.
Eyes - Serena's eyes are a pale blue, almost like the color periwinkle. Sometimes they are mistaken for gray.
Skin - Due to her Italian heritage, Serena has a natural olive tone to her skin. Serena also takes good care in moisturizing daily, so her skin is well taken care of as well.
Smile - When Serena smiles it is seen as more of a smirk than anything else, a trait that she believes she inherited from her father. Usually when Serena smiles it looks like she's often about to get in some sort of trouble, half the time she doesn't intend for it to be that way though.
Height - 5"0
Weight - 97lbs
Build - Serena is very petite. No curves, nothing. She's only nine though so she hopes that will change as she ages.
Tattoo's - Serena has no tattoo's or plans for any tattoo's.
Piercings - Currently she only has her ears pierced.
Closet - Serena often wears dresses or designer brand clothing. Her dad has money and she uses to that to her advantage when she chooses her clothing.

Serena's personality can be split up into the follow categories.
Manipulative - If it was one thing she learned from her father, it was how to use people to get what she wanted. Serena is very good at getting people to do the things she wants, she's had a lot of practice by watching her father.
Resourceful - Serena is pretty good at using what she has to make the best of a situation.
Competitive - Serena is also very competitive. She likes to win and be on top. When she's not she's often in a foul mood.
Freedom Seeking - Serena likes to do her own thing. She'd rather plan her own life and what happens in it. The fact that she is betrothed really bothers her.
Blunt - She says what she means and doesn't hesitate to say it the moment it comes to her mind.
Blood prejudice - She was raised by prejudice parents, so she's blood prejudice as well.


Father - Collineus Cardosi
Owner of Cardosi Incorporated
Attended Hogwarts Scotland (Slytherin)
Born on June 19th, 1975


Mother - Leia Thoreau
Secretary at Cardosi Incorporated
Born on December 1st, 1982

A Bengal Cat named Olympia.

Area of Residence:
Catania, Italy

Blood Status:
Pure Blood

1/2 Hawaiian & 1/2 Italian

Special Abilities:
Serena has no special abilities.

Interests or Hobbies:
Reading - Serena likes to read in her spare time, particularly about anything she feels can give her an advantage.
Shopping - Serena loves shopping just as much as the next girl. Even if it's not really something she likes, she just likes to spend money.
Parties - Big or small, Serena loves parties of all sorts.
Card Games - Serena really likes card games of all sorts. Even the types people tend to gamble with. She's pretty good at them too.
Animals - Serena really loves animals as well. Sadly her dad won't let her have a house full of them.
Potions - Serena doesn't really know how to brew them and whatnot, but she really likes discussions about potions, ingredients, and whatnot.

Additional Skills:
Serena is bilingual so she can speak and understand two languages, and she keeps the fact that she's fluent in Italian from most people she meets. Serena is also very good with money. Her dad has taught her many tricks and ways to manage money successfully despite her young age, so she definitely knows her way around a galleon or two.

- Serena is very persuasive. She is good at talking her way into things, or convincing others that her way is the right way. A trait she picked up from her father.
- Serena is also a quick learner. It doesn't take her long to pick something up and be able to master it.
- Serena has a natural gift for observation and being able to read people.

- When Serena fails or something doesn't go her way, she tends to get upset to the point where she can be a bit of a brute.
- Serena is very controlled when it comes to her life decisions, so despite knowing what she wants to do with her life, she's not allowed to.
- Serena is really bad at concealing her emotions still.
- Like her mother, it's easy to get under Serena's skin.

Describe your character in three words:
Controlled, Ambitious, Daddy's Girl

Favourite place to be:
Serena's favorite place to be is in her dad's office at his company.

Unfortunately, because of her family background and how controlled her life is, Serena doesn't really have any friends. The only kids she really gets to spend time with are the kids of her father's employee's, and her bossiness and shrewd attitudes tends to scare them away rather than invite them in.

Hogwarts House:
Serena is not attended Hogwarts yet, so she hasn't been sorted.

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
Serena would love to be at the top of her class.

Best school subjects:
Serena figures she'll be good at potions, but honestly has no idea what her best subject is quite yet.

Worst school subjects:
Likely history, although Serena appreciates magical background, she has a tendency to zone off when something gets boring.

Extracurricular Activities:
Sofii does not have any extracurricular actives yet.

Unknown at the moment.

Current Job:
Serena is too young to have a job just yet.

Plans for your future:
Serena wants to be able to live her own life. She dreams of taking over her father's company and becoming a very successful business woman who doesn't need anyone else's help to get by.

Your Patronus:
A Cougar as it is said that they represent Leadership, courage, power, swiftness and balance. Most of which Serena embodies.

Your Patronus memory:
Serena would probably choose a memory where she spent the day with her dad and managed with win his approval. Serena is constantly trying to win his approval so whenever she gets it, she never forgets it.

Your Boggart:
The day she found out that she was Betrothed. It was like sucking a the last big of freedom that she possessed and throwing it away.

Your Animagus:
The same as her Patronus, a Cougar.

Mirror of Erised:
If Serena looked into the mirror of Erised, she would see herself able to make her own decisions, while successfully running her father's company.

A page from your diary:
Diary Page said:
<COLOR color="#000">I don't like to write in these things, but my nanny insists that it's better to put my thoughts onto paper rather than harass the maids by trying to tell them my problems. They're getting paid plenty, they can afford to spare a few minutes to let me vent. But, whatever.

I heard my daddy asking mom about a son. What on earth would they need a son for? They have me! One of the maids mentioned that she wondered if my daddy was trying to get a male born into the family so he could pass the company down. Once again, why do that when they have me? Don't give it so some stupid boy! When I mentioned the entire thing, he went as far to tell me that he had a better surprise for me. What could be better than taking over and establishing something my dad obviously cares about so much? I'm kind of nervous to ask. If I don't like the surprise though, you can bet like hell that I'm not going to be happy.

Anyways, I'm done writing. This didn't help at all. I'll stick to venting to my maids.
- Serena

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