Sepentes' mansion

The halls were cold and terribly dim as Whisper crept form her small bedroom, armed only with a stubby candlestick and the threadbare shawl drapped loosly around her shoulders. The shadows danced and jumped around her like living things, darting forward and then shying away again in the flickering light of her candle's meger flame. A floorboard creaked beneath her bare feet, loud and shrill like the warning call of a bird, and she froze on the spot, her pale blue eyes darting fearfully to the tightly closed door beside her. For several minutes she remained still and silent, her hand cupped around her tiny flame to protect it from the frigid drafts that hissed through the halls and under the doors, waiting for the barely audible shuffle of the slumbering one's waking. The urge to scramble back to her room and hide beneath the warm covers of her bed gripped the little girl's thin frame for a moment but instinct made her linger long enough to realize that not so much as the slightest hint of a sound had risen to disrupt the quiet. With a sigh of relief, she moved on, shivering as the chill bit at her feet. Jaju will be cross with me if he finds me up at this hour, she thought uneasily as she darted up the stairs, more so if he finds out what I'm up to.

Once upstairs, it didn't take her long to find the door she was looking for even though the long corridor was positively filled with others that were almost exactly identical to it. It was a very large door, made of the darkest cherrywood, polished so diligently that it gleamed like a dark mirror under the light of her candle. It was also, unfortunatly, very heavy, at least to a child of Whisper's size but perhaps her desparation helped her a little because she managed it somehow without make too much noise.

Her mother's room was well lit, silvery and cast in the coldest blue under the light of the moon, which seeped in through the massive windows that lined the far wall. It was quite spacious and fine with beautiful carvings etched into the walls but it was also quite empty, furnished only with a bed and a small armchair. Perhaps there might have been more if the circumstances called for it but as it was, there was no need for anything else. There hadn't been in a long time.

Whisper went to her mother's bed, gazing down at the motionless form that lay upon it for a time before lifting the blankets and settling down beside her. "It's my birthday today, mommy." she murmured, resting her head gently upon her mother's chest so she could hear her breathing, though the sound was so quiet that anyone else might have mistaken it to be missing altogether. "At midnight I'll be six years old. That's how many years you've been lost, too, I guess."

Her mother didn' t respond of course. She had neither moved nor uttered a sound since as far back as Whisper could remember, but Whisper went right on with her one sided conversation as she always had. "That's what Jaju says anyway, that you're lost somewhere out in the big, wide world and you can't find your way back." She smiled sadly, wrapping her tiny fingers around her mother's, which were cold and smooth as ice in her own. That's what he says."

But is he telling me the truth? she couldn't help but wonder.
"A very late hour to be sneaking around, child," Serpentes said softly as he shoved open the oaken door which screeched a shrill warning. He'd been easedropping silently outside the door for several minutes now and he knew the child probably suspected as much, she knew him so well. "And disturbing your poor mother, too, I see."
Whisper said nothing at first, curling up tighter beside her mother as if the lifeless woman could possibly do anything to keep her there. "I couldn't sleep and this house gets so noisy at night." She murmured timidly, hiding her face against her mother's cold arm. "I don't like leaving her alone."
Serpentes chuckled, his voice cold and rasping though he had little intention to treat the child unkindly. "You're a Shifter, Whisper, as am I. A child you may be, but you are no fool, so do not try to spin little lies when we both know what is truth."

He strode across the room with unexpected grace and ease for his age, stopping silently to observe the senery outside the large window. The moonlight made his face seem even paler than the parchment tone that it already was, and his eyes were sharp and glittering like an animal's. "Shifters do not fear the elements and you have known and lived this since birth, Whisper, as have I." He grinned then, a terrifying sight under the light of the moon. "If you must deter from the truth then speak something worth overlooking."
"Then let me say again that I do not like leaving her alone," Whisper said undauntedly, leaving her mother's side with uttmost reluctance to join her guardian at the window. "As you told me once, she was torn from this world with no one beside her. What kind of daughter would I be to her to leave her while she waunders in darkness?"
Serpentes smiled again, casting a sideways glance at the little girl, who hardly stood taller than his hip. "To say that she was without anyone beside her is not the same as saying that she was alone, child." He said evenly, tracing the whiling design that decorated the colorless stainedglass that was the window's pane with a roughened bony finger. He thought of saying more but swallowed the words that waited unspoken at his lips. Whisper was a clever child, beyond her years with intelligence by far and he knew it wouldn't take long for her to figure things out for herself.

"It will do her no harm to leave her be," He said instead. "Especially at night, when you should be sleeping. Every night of rest that you use unwisely will weaken you for the following day and I can't have a weakling under my training. Know that it would be of my highest regret to wind up accidentally placing you under the same circumstances as her." He nodded gravely at the woman on the bed, his eyes never leaving the world outside.
Now it was Whisper's turn to smile. "And you know well as I that Shifters don't need sleep as much as a muggle or a normal wizard. A couple minutes is the equivalent of a good ten hour sleep to us. I know my nature, Jaju, and you have taught me never to hold my tongue simply because I am young and a female."

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