Senior Field Trip

Alexis Renaldi

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Alexis rolled her eyes as her Korean classmates squeal as they entered a vineyard at Italy where their field trip was. At first she doesn't want to go but her cousin made her to go as part of her senior year field trip. Alexis looked at the brochure that was given to them when they entered the premises of the place and saw a field of grapes on it, she always loves that fruit but this time she will just see it and not taste it. As her classmates go roamed the are meanwhile Alexis stayed at the patio of the building making her cheeks go bubbled with air as she waited for the trip to be over. Then the are became quiet and no students where to be seen, "Huh, where did they go?" She told herself and went out of the patio to the grounds, she saw a grape on the first layer of the field and was tempted to get it well, no one's around she thought and shrugged her shoulders. Alexis walked toward the pile of hanging grapes and was going to take one when she heard someone spoke.
Leonardo's grandpapa was ranting again. He didn't like the idea of students coming to visit the vineyards again, but Maria's Leonardo mother had protested against his wishes. Leonardo can hear the banging of plates and dishes from outside his house. "Mama, stop stressing please Papa will be okay" he call out to his mother but she was to much into her venting mode to even hear what Leonardo was saying. "Por Dios" Leonadro chuckle, he slipped on his favorite hat, his legs moving forward as he stood reach the vine entrance of the vineyards. He was about to do his chores for the weekend since he took a bit of absent in school when he saw a girl wandering alone picking at a grape. "Of the white ones are best but the violet ones are better. They just have the zinc" he explain while he sauntered close to her. "Are you one of them muggel students?"
As she heard the voice that spoke from her behind made Alexis jump and turned around quickly, their teacher said not to pick grapes and just stare at them when she heard the word Muggle. "Muggle? you mean non-magical people?" She asked slowly but understandable, so, he is a wizard then. Glad to meet one Alexis thought to herself and smiled at guy. "No, I'm not. I'm a witch." Alexis told him cautiously, she looked around if someone is spying on them and when she saw it was clear Alexis turned her head back to the guy. "I know my teacher said that we shouldn't pick grapes but I really love grapes and ..." She trailed off bitting her lips, Alexis is craving for grapes for a long time all she got was prune that her Mom bought for her because Alexis and her cousin shared it for the baby. "...Can I try one? Just one please?" Alexis begged the cute guy and smiled to him warmly. "If it is against the rules its fine." She was disappointed but tried to gain her perfect smile.
"Oh my I almost forgotten" he roll his eyes, giving himself a dab on the forehead. How could he forget not everyone was muggel or possess magic. What if she was a muggel, even though she had stated that she was not a muggel. Still what could he have done if she said yes, wait she wouldn't know the term muggel. Leonardo my boy you did it again, his smile grow wide in confidence. "Sure go ahead, its grape." he twisted one with the use of his fingertips. "Its made to be eaten and occasionally squeezing to make delicious wine" Leonardo pop one in his mouth. He savored the taste of the grape, his taste buds clash with the sweet grape. "I would be insulted if you didn't" he said with a cheeky grin, plucking another one before he pop it into his mouth. "So your witch and you attend muggel school? Strange" he ask and exchange his thoughts.
Alexis raised one eye brow and he said he almost forgotten, what he did forgot anyway? Alexis thought as she looked at the guy as he took grapes on the plant itself and eating it. She was hesitant at first but she really want one, Alexis shrugged her shoulder and took one and took a nice little bite off it. The grape was delicious as always for her, it was sweet and tasty "Your grapes are yummy, I should tell my parents to buy stocks here for the hotel ..." Alexis told the guy and didn't noticed what she just had said, her real identity should not be revealed to everyone as she hates to be treated like a princess. "Nevermind ... As I was saying they are delicious." She took another one and ate it slowly, "That's what my parents wants, they say that I should balance wizardry and normal life. That's why I'm in a muggle school and I am home schooled at the same time for witchcraft." Alexis really was fine with both her parents wants and she doesn't hate it. When her classmates started to get back from the field she dropped the grapes she had picked and wiped her lips cleaned, "Wooh, I'm afraid to get caught, sorry." She told him and smiled, "I'm Alexis Renaldi or Alex for short."
"Hotel? Whereabouts?" he caught the bits of what she was saying and heard the arrivals of her classmates. He never met someone who was homeschooled. Leonardo wish he was homeschooled, but his mother didn't get magic and was the only witch in her family, making Leonardo the only wizard. "Well the muggel world not so bad" his words slurred with his rich accent. "I've always wanted to attend one but of course mama doesn't agree to it, hence the magic part" he grace her with a coy smile, a radiant glint hit at the edge of his green eyes. "If your parents ever want to invest in vineyards, I'm sure papa wouldn't mind it, but you can't be scare to ravish the taste of ze grapes" he chuckle because Alex had drop one as he was saying this, "I'm Leonardo, Leo for short, its good to see someone new these parts of the fields" Leo live Raul part of Italy.
She filed air on her cheeks again as the guy caught about her family hotel and released it noisily, "My family's Hotel is at Korea." She told him and bit her lip, she had done it again, wow, Alexis. your getting dumber everyday the guy was never been in a muggle school she presume and that's what makes him more confused. "Yeah, its fine but some part isn't that great." She was thinking about the times her classmates made fun of her when she transfered from Australia. It was not the great year she had but after that they all get to know her and not make fun of her anymore. "I'll tell that to my parents when I get back."Alexis giggled a little and crossed her arm, when the guy introduce himself as Leonardo. "Well, Leo. My principal knows this place and made it our senior year field trip but for me its boring ... but no offence." Alexis smiled weakly as she doesn't want Leo to be disappointed, "So, do you want to take a walk out on the middle of the field?" She asked bitting her lip, she bite to hard and almost taste blood on it. "Argh, blood." Alexis mumbled and took out a napkin out of her bag and wiped her lips.
"Boring? You must be blind Alex" Leonardo didn't like that boring. "I have a better idea let's ride the horses? Horses on the fields with you sounds better than just plain walking" he was being flirtatious with Alexis. What he couldn't help that when he sees a pretty girl, he will always put on a charm. Not that he ever needed to, woman young and old had boosted Leonardo confidence since he was a little boy. His green eyes those of the ones of his mother made him irresistible. He look over the muggel instructor and notice he hadn't spotted Alex just yet. He was to busy describing the quality of the grapes to the students. Half of them look bore to the death while the other half kep snagging on the grapes behind his back. "Come your teacher won't notice, if he do, well you know, no harm having fun"
Alexis smacked Leonardo softly in the arm its like they had known each other for a long time, "I am not blind even though I wear glasses I can still see clearly ... Its just I'm not aware that this part of Italy is like Texas or Scotland." She explained briefly, she had lived in Texas quite a lot because of her Grandmother living there and Scotland, she just saw it on Television and it makes her bored a lot when seeing those countries. Alexis then heard Leonardo said something about Horses, she pursed her lips as she looked at her classmates, if they saw her riding one they will just question her and will hate her for lying because they know she doesn't ride one and hates horses. "Umm ... Okay, but can we just used one horse? ... Please." Alexis told him and put a cheeky grin, the truth is she doesn't know how to ride a horse, so, she wanted a supporter when she fell down. Alexis looked back at her classmates and her teacher, she was really bother by her teacher because once he saw her, Alexis will be flying back to Korea without finishing the trip. But its worth the risk she thought and turned her gazed back to Leonardo, "Okay, let's go then." Alexis told him and grab his hand tugging him to the horse saddle.
Leonardo was smack by the strange girl, luckily by the arm. He flex his muscle afterwards just to let her know that it didn't much effect him at all. "You shouldn't be touching what you can't have..." he tease her more. Leonardo was very cocky at times that he hardly ever notice more. He even gave her that wink that says whatever he meant was true and if she wanted to much all she had to do was let him now. It was funny how that seem to be put in play, Leonardo felt the girl hand grips his tight around his rough yet gentle hand. "You sure you can keep up Alexis? Back down now if you wants but once were riding I'm not stopping" he started to lead her towards the back of his villa. The horse's shed laid in the back, built by the hands of his own grandfather, curved every inch with his own hands. Leonardo always admire papa work, he did it with dedication that's why its manage so long now. "Papa! I'm riding Nio today,!" he shouted towards the back of the house, he was given the okay. Since Alex didn't say yes or not, Leonardo assume she wanted to go on for the ride.
"Yes, I'm sure about that ... even tho I'm scared to try." She said the last sentence quite a whisper and keep walking until they where on the horse stable. Leonardo did get a permission on his Grandfather, she smiled at the thought because her grandfather isn't that nice to them slightly, he was raised by a pureblood and wealthy parents. "I see you have a tight bond with your Grandfather." Alexis told him and give Leonardo a slight smile. She then took off her glasses and put it on her school bag leaving it on the stable, "I'm ready." She announced and waved her digital camera on the air, she will document all the things she had done in this vineyard. So, her cousin can see it.
"Tight bond? What does that mean?" Leonardo ask his, eyebrow quiver with a smirk on his face. "You act as if thought your already know me well Alexis, let me not find out I have an admire already" he chuckle wishfully. Walking into the shed he unlock one of the stalls and brought his family favorite horse. "If I were you, I wouldn't bring that camera with you" he wink and jump on the horse, his hands already lock around the sattle. "Now its your turn" he reach down and held his arm out. What he had to do was bring her in while she balance on one of them laces at the bottom of the sattle. When he felt her hand slide into his, he brought her in, "Now swing your legs across, and whatever you do hold on tight Alexis" he tuck in his lips a little, holding a bit of his charisma to himself.
Alexis slouch her shoulder for Leonardo didn't understand what she had meant, "Tight bond .... Means you and your Grandfather is like best friend. Well, by examining you I can know you very well." She explained to him while she took off her school blazer and revealing her non-school clothes and placed her blazer onto her school bag. When she heard that she shouldn't bring her camera with her, Alexis turned just in time Leonardo took out his horse which gives her the creeps. "Why I can't bring my camera? I love to take pictures and this the moment I've been waiting for." Alexis was bit disappointed but took Leonardo's advice and put back her camera on her School bag, she then watched as he get on at the horse's back and said its her turn. At first Alexis was hesitant to take his hand but she felt that someone pushed her and took Leonardo's hand without a second thought again, as he pulled her up, Alexis cling her right foot in the lace at the bottom and swung her left leg on the other side. "Oh freaking hell, this is not a good time to wear a skirt." Alexis commented on her clothes, she then slowly snake her two arms around Leonardo's waist and didn't obey him to holden him tight. She only hopes that this ride will last long and she will not fall onto the grounds.
"Hold on tighter Alexis if you don't you will fall and have a unconscious" he said to the girl who arms were already around his chest. He didn't look back when she said about the skirt, if he had notice before he wouldn't have told her to come. It was to late now, he had her on the horse and was feeling rather enthusiastic right now. Leonardo kick his leg in and started to move the horse slowly around the area. The horse listen to simple commands when he order the horse to go and stop a little before he look back at Alexis, his face bestowing a charming grin. "How you like it so far?" he ask, the horse still galloping around his home. He was going to speed up a little to see what Alexis reaction would be. He was already fill with laughter just picturing her petrified expression. "Are you ready now?"

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