🌹 Rose Giving Self explanatory

Tessaria Carter

youngest carter | a perfect angel
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 15 Inch Swishy Chestnut Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
April 2055
Tessaria was looking forward to her rose delivering, but hadn't expected the great hall to be so busy that morning. She figured it was the easiest place to find people, as pretty much everyone headed there in the morning for breakfast. As she entered the great hall she heard names being called from every direction. Tess figured she should try this too. She stood around the Slytherin table calling out the next name on her list. "Amory Raven!" she exclaimed, trying to be louder than everyone else.

@Amory Raven
Amory had returned to his breakfast and was about to take a sip of his water when he heard his name called. He was five seconds from rolling his eyes and telling the girl to just give the rose to someone else but as he turned and saw that it was a first year who seemed rather excited about the task he took a deep breath in and raised his hand. "That'll be me." He told her calmly turning his full attention to her, "let me guess, a rose?" He was seemingly popular it seemed, it was the second rose of the morning which was more than he expected to be honest.
Tessaria gave a curt nod as the older boy assumed she was handing out a rose. She reached into her basket to retrieve his pink rose, which was perhaps the prettiest rose that she had. She held it out to him with a short note attached.

Pink Rose said:
A rose from rose
Amory took the rose and gave the younger girl a smile, he wasn't about to start scaring the younger ones off. Reading the note he smiled even more, even going as far as letting out a small chuckle. "Thank you, good luck with the rest of your deliveries and happy Valentine's!" Amory finally said to the girl who had given him the rose.

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