Seira Raisa Zhefarovich

Seira Katsaros

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 13 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Acromantula Web Core
"I can't seem to fight these feelings...

I'm caught in the middle of this..."

And my wounds are not healing
Life's been sucked out of me
<SIZE size="50"><FONT font="Georgia">
[name] Seira Raisa Zhefarovich
[etymology] Seira is a name from the Japanese origins that means holy and good. Raisa is a Russian name that means more relaxed. Her surname Zhefarovich comes from Bulgaria and it means powerful, dexterous, virulent enforcer which is true in the darker nature of the entire family, very few have been unaffected by this.
[origin] The surname Zhefarovich originates from Romania and Bulgaria. However the heritage of Romanian has long since washed away. The Zhefarovich family are large, containing three branches, with one typically being the main branch, which is the darkest, another being the more likely to be in businesses, and the last branch being the quietest and also the more pleasant if one could consider them pleasant at all. Most of the Zhefarovich family are pure-blooded, and have laws and strict rules which they are known for, and many were either Death Eaters or associated with them. They are known for their tightness and also on how they hate muggles and anything to do with them. While allying with some other families, the Zhefarovich do control others. They are very isolated, and while some people consider them to be legendary, they are also very hostile and malevolent, and will not stop a fight until they die from it. More often than not, they keep to themselves in Bulgaria while some spread around, their main base is in a Manor where no one can access unless they know where it is, and have many other secret places. The Zhefarovich had this tradition to give into the inner dark nature, and many other traditions that if broken, one would die. The first name Seira was given to her by her father, who noticed the name in a book he was reading. Her middle name comes from her aunt Raisa, who was loved by Danielle.
[nicknames] Seira does not have any nicknames.
[alliance] She aligns himself with the side of evil, following her family. However, like her father, she does not take the Scitorari seriously.
[birthdate] Seira was born on May 7th, 2027, in the Zhefarovich Manor. She was born around 2:34 AM.
[age] Eleven-years-old.
[gender] Female.
[sexual orientation] Heterosexual.
[dialects] Seira is fluent in Bulgarian, English and French.
[hometown] She was born in the Zhefarovich Manor, where she spent all of her life there.
[residency] Seira is split between two locations: Zhefarovich Manor and Styx Manor. Seira resides in the Styx Manor that is located in a private, unplottable place in New Zealand while she is in school. The Zhefarovich Manor is where she stays during the holidays. It is in an unplottable location, where the only people that can access it are those that know where to find it. There are many other family members and ghosts that live there in the Manor.
[heritage] 1/2 Bulgarian and 1/2 French.
[blood status] Pure-blood.
[blood type] AB negative is Seira's blood type. It is rumored that in his family, those with AB Positive align with the side of good, whereas AB Negative align with the side of evil. This has been proven both wrong and correct. There is a belief in Japan that a blood type would give someone good traits and bad. The good traits from this belief are cool, controlled and rational, and the bad traits are critical, indecisive and unforgiving. These traits are true to her character.
[wand] Knotted 13 Inch Unyielding Ebony Wand with Acromantula Web Core.
Length: A strange length for a wand and a number which symbolizes misfortune.
Style: The knots of this wand's original wood remain clearly visible - earthy, this style of wand is perhaps most traditional and closest to nature.
Wood: Ebony wands choose a wizard or witch who could easily be seen as an outsider, but continues to dare to be themselves. The owner of an ebony wand is not easily moved from their purpose: whether that be good, evil, or something perhaps a little more grey.
Core: The web of an acromantula is especially strong, so as a core it helps to add a punch to spells. It has been known to be useful for spells of a darker nature. Wands with this core would have no effect against a Basilisk or against a wand that had a core with a part of a Basilisk.
Unyielding: A wand which takes a special skill and determination to master; but once mastered its spells leave an unforgettable impression.

[year] First.
[health status] Seira is perfectly healthy.
[allergies] She has a slight allergy to pet dander.
[pet] Seira does not own a pet.
I'm stuck in between my parents
And this routine's killing me
[five words] Apathetic, Distant, Cold, Calculating, Blunt
[personality] text
[beliefs] text
[boggart] text
[fears] text
[likes] text
[dislikes] text
[goals] text
[good habits] text
[bad habits] text
[strengths] text
[weaknesses] text
[loyalties] text
[magical talents] text
[other talents] text
[patronus form] text
[annoyances] text
I wish I had someone to talk to someone I could confide in
I did it to myself, I did it to myself, I said it would not be
[chinese year] Being born in 2027, makes Seira a sheep or ram. People born in the Year of Ram are elegant and highly accomplished in the arts. They seem to be, at first glance, better off than those born in the zodiac's other years. But ram year people are often shy, pessimistic, and puzzled about life. They are usually deeply religious, yet timid by nature. Sometimes clumsy in speech, they are always passionate about what they do and what they believe in. Ram people never have to worry about having the best in life for their abilities make money for them, and they are able to enjoy the creature comforts that they like. Ram people are wise, gentle, and compassionate. They are compatible with Rabbits, Pigs, and Horses.
[zodiac sign] Seira's zodiac sign is a Taurus, the Bull. As a Taurus, it makes Seira patient, reliable, warmhearted, loving, persistent, determined, placid and security loving while they also tend to be jealous, possessive, resentful, inflexible, self-indulgent and greedy. These are likely to be true when it comes down to her character. What a Bull likes are stability, being attracted, things natural, time to ponder, comfort and pleasure while they do not like disruption, being pushed too hard, synthetic or "man made" things, being rushed, and being indoors. The color that Tauruses like is the color pink, and their starstone is emerald. These apply to her, but she hates the color pink.
[fixed sign] A Taurus has a fixed sign, which means that the person can be described as someone who has stabilization, determination, depth and persistence. She has all of these qualities, and it fits her character.
[personal sign] Also being a Taurus makes someone principally aware of and concerned with individual concerns. This is not true toher character because she is not concerned with individual concerns.
[planet] The planet that rules the sign Taurus is Venus. Many believe love is the meaning of this planet but it is the appreciation of love and beauty that is much more accurate. Venus has a sensual quality which represents the higher aspirations of spirit and denotes our softer aspects of femininity; giving all of the people, male or female, the power of attraction. It is the sign that represents our more artistic side and the spiritual vibrations over everyday matters. However on the downside, it can make someone carelessness, possessiveness, being indecisive, overly romantic and dependent on others. Though on the brighter side, it can also make a person friendliness, tact, social graces and gentleness.
[element] Seira's element is Earth. An emphasis on this element indicate a practical, cautious, and pragmatic approach to life. In the majority of cases there is the need to build solid, 'real' material success, for example, home and career success. Earthy people may benefit from connecting to the earth element via gardening, pottery, facial mud packs. Long range planning and the determination to succeed are strong traits for this element, as is melancholy, greed and fear if taken too far. A person with a lack of earth may find it difficult to live in the 'real' world and to keep themselves grounded. Their expectations in general may be a little unrealistic. Seira fits this rather strong, and some of her most prominent traits are truthful, straight-forward, just, upright and virtuous in dealings with other people with the downside of being aggressive, egocentric, suspicious, controlled, non-caring and thinking she is never wrong.
[birthstone] Seira's birthstone is the emerald. The emerald was once linked to health and the curing of ailments, as well as being associated with the ability to see in to the future, giving them an almost spell-binding, magical reputation.
I just want to know the truth, broken home, all alone
Somebody put me out of my misery
[martial status] text
[when] text
[past relationships] text
[innocence] text
[past sexual partners] text
[turn ons] text
[turn offs] text
[aphrodisiacs] text
[the perfect fe/male] text
[the perfect date] text
I know my mother loves me but does my father even care
Expression, stimulation hallow sense of myself
[playby] Allegra Carpenter
[natural hair] text
[eyes] text
[height] text
[weight] text
[complexion] text
[scars] text
[birthmark] text
[smile] text
[body build] text
[body modifications] text
[dominant hand] text
[style] text
If I'm sad or angry, you were never ever there when I needed you
I did it to myself again
[school] Hogwarts New Zealand.
[hogwarts house] She was sorted into Rowena Ravenclaw's house. Below is her sorting post:
All the first years around a particular blonde appeared to be excited and leaping for joy. However, not a trace of a smile, or any sort of feeling fell on the face of Seira Zhefarovich. The only expression she seemed to carry was a bored one. Cold as her father raised her to be, as showing emotion and feelings were considered weaknesses, this reflected upon Seira. She did not question it, as she was also raised that questioning her father would lead to a lifelong agony of punishment, so the rumors say within the Zhefarovich Manor. However, Seira did not complain. If she could complain about one thing, it was being separated from her twin, Bellatrix Zhefarovich. Bellatrix was almost like an angel, with her porcelain appearance. She looked like an angel, but was anything but. Seira took on her father's mannerisms, but had some of the same quality of angelic appearance by her mother. She could look innocent and fragile, but Seira definitely was not that. Standing proud within the Great Hall, wearing the same appearance as anyone in her family, Seira waited for her name to be called up so that she could get this done and over with.

"Zhefarovich, Seira!" cried out the headmistress. Seira doubted that there would be any other students sorted after her. However, her mind was so focused on something else, she did not even see if she passed any as she strolled up to the stool, and gracious took her seat. She placed her hands neatly on her lap, and stared forward with an icy gaze that appeared to stare into the very soul (but everyone knew that it would be impossible). Seira sat up straight, like a lady should. She could hear her mother echoing those words within her mind. Even now, she had her parents with her the entire way. She was the daughter of two proud ancient Death Eaters, but her mind did not voice that at all. Instead, she merely thought of her parents being proud within the magical families, and thought of them as the best of all. She also thought toward the hat itself, to greatly consider her talents and skills before placing her into a house. She did not give her full trust to a hat, but she felt that it might make the right call. However, she did not know all there was to the houses. Ravenclaw, though, seemed like the better option in her eyes. If not that, she could settle with Slytherin because of Professor Styx. The rest? She was unsure of.

"Talents? You know nothing yet, but you'll learn. Oh, yes, you'll learn in...Ravenclaw!"
[special titles and awards] text
[extracurricular activities] text
[favorite subject] text
[best subject] text
[loathed subject] text
[worst subject] text
[favorite professor] text
[loathed professor] text
[grade average] Grade
[owl grades] Not available.
[newt grades] Not available.
[graduated] Due to graduate June of 2045.​
"I hope you regret what you did, I think I know the truth...

your father did the same to you..."

I'm crying day and night now, what is wrong with me
Somebody put me in my place


[mother] Danielle Axelle Lefevre-Zhefarovich
[born/death] December 2nd, 1951
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] Occlumens, Death Eater
[heritage] French
[martial status] Married to Asparuh Zhefarovich III
[occupation] Retired
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[titles] Prefect, Head Girl, Head of the Lefevre Family, Ranee of the Zhefarovich Family
[playby] Emilia Clarke
[roleplayer] Jessye

[father] Asparuh Gavril Zhefarovich III
[born/death] October 31st, 1949
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] Horcrux, Death Eater, Legilimens
[heritage] Bulgarian
[martial status] Married to Danielle Zhefarovich
[occupation] Retired
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[titles] Patriarch of the Zhefarovich Family, Prefect, Head Boy
[playby] Julian Sands
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn
[th colspan="2"]Parents[/th]

[older brother] Kalif Ivalyo Styx
[born/death] October 31st, 1972
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] Legilimens, Occlumens, Former Death Eater
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[martial status] Married to Nicolette Styx
[occupation] Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor at HNZ
[education] HS: Slytherin Alumni
[titles] Head of the Zhefarovich Family, Prefect, Head Boy, Top Duelist, Slytherin Head of House
[playby] Rhys Ifans
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older sister-in-law] Nicolette Arin Hensel-Styx
[born/death] Feburary 2nd, 1973
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] Animagus, Former Death Eater
[heritage] Russian
[martial status] Married to Kalif Styx
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] HS: Slytherin Alumni
[titles] Prefect
[playby] Diane Kruger
[roleplayer] Jessye

[older half-brother] Prodan Vassil Zhefarovich
[born/death] May 25th, 1984
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Bulgarian
[martial status] Single
[occupation] Retired
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[titles] Clandestian of the Zhefarovich Family
[playby] Jared Padalecki
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older half-brother] Axel Lastor Zhefarovich
[born/death] November 25th, 1993
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Bulgarian
[martial status] Seeing Ivy Kingston
[occupation] Potions Professor at HNZ
[education] HS: Slytherin Alumni
[titles] Viscount of the Zhefarovich Family, Prefect, Quidditch Captain and Beater
[playby] Alexander Skarsgard
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older half-brother] Benjamen Tenebrion Zhefarovich
[born/death] November 25th, 1993
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Bulgarian
[martial status] Single
[occupation] Unemployed; Scitorari
[education] HS: Ravenclaw Alumni
[titles] Nefarious Savant of the Zhefarovich Family, Prefect, Head Boy
[playby] Alexander Skarsgard
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older half-brother] Chavdar Lenov Zhefarovich
[born/death] November 25th, 1993
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Bulgarian
[martial status] Seeing Emerald Pisces
[occupation] Potions Shop Owner
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Cam Gigandet
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older half-sister] Nataliia Mirela Dragonov
[born/death] March 14th, 2000
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Bulgarian
[martial status] Married to Noah Snow
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Beauxbatons Alumni
[titles] Margrave of the Zhefarovich Family
[playby] Angela Lindvall
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older half-brother-in-law] Noah Salazar Snow
[born/death] December 26th, 1995
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] French
[martial status] Married to Nataliia Snow
[occupation] Beater for the Quibberon Quafflepunchers
[education] HS: Slytherin Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Gaston Willig
[roleplayer] Jessye

[older half-brother] Ozias Lucius Zhefarovich
[born/death] September 13th, 2009
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Bulgarian
[martial status] Married to Amycus Zhefarovich
[occupation] Beater for Transylvania
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[titles] Prefect
[playby] Jared Leto
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older half-sister-in-law] Amycus Kanoa Thoreau-Zhefarovich
[born/death] May 1st, 2013
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] 1/2 Hawaiian, 1/2 American
[martial status] Married to Ozias Zhefarovich
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Home-schooled Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Willa Holland
[roleplayer] Jessye

[older half-brother] Azerail Lucas Zhefarovich
[born/death] September 13th, 2009
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Bulgarian
[martial status] Married to Taralynn Zhefarovich
[occupation] Saint Mungo's Healer
[education] HNZ: Slytherin Alumni
[titles] Prefect, Head Boy
[playby] Jared Leto
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older half-sister-in-law] Taralynn Sage Vyhnal-Zhefarovich
[born/death] November 8th, 2008
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] 1/2 Canadian, 1/2 British
[martial status] Married to Azerail Zhefarovich
[occupation] Unemployed
[education] Salem Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Taylor Momsen
[roleplayer] Jessye

[older half-sister] Raven Riona Zhefarovich
[born/death] July 13th, 2010
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Bulgarian
[martial status] Seeing Kassiopeia Malkov
[occupation] Dress Designer
[education] Durmstrang Alumni
[titles] N/A
[playby] Emma Roberts
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older brother] Videl Alastor Zhefarovich
[born/death] October 31st, 2019
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[martial status] Single
[occupation] Assistant at Madam Puddifoot's
[education] Durmstrang; Expelled
[titles] N/A
[playby] Nathaniel Buzolic
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older half-brother] Ivaylo Salazar Zhefarovich-Dolohov
[born/death] August 2nd, 2024
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] 1/2 British, 1/2 Bulgarian
[martial status] Single
[occupation] Student
[education] HNZ: Slytherin
[titles] N/A
[playby] Joseph Morgan
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older half-brother] Asparuh Gavril Zhefarovich IV
[born/death] October 31st, 2024
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] Bulgarian
[martial status] In an arranged marriage
[occupation] Student
[education] Durmstrang
[titles] N/A
[playby] Allan Hyde
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older brother] Virgil Antoninus Zhefarovich
[born/death] July 1st, 2026
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[martial status] Single
[occupation] Student
[education] Durmstrang
[titles] N/A
[playby] Devon Sawa
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older brother] Astaroth Dante Zhefarovich
[born/death] July 1st, 2026
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[martial status] Single
[occupation] Student
[education] Durmstrang
[titles] N/A
[playby] Devon Sawa
[roleplayer] Kaitlyn

[older twin sister] Bellatrix Inanna Zhefarovich
[born/death] May 7th, 2027
[blood status] Pure-blood
[special] N/A
[heritage] 1/2 French, 1/2 Bulgarian
[martial status] Single
[occupation] Student
[education] ....
[titles] N/A
[playby] Daria Zhemkova
[roleplayer] Jessye
[th colspan="2"]Siblings[/th]

I cannot fight now, I feel like a weak link
Never enough, do I deserve what I got
<FONT font="georgia"><SIZE size="50">[history]
"Push it back inside, all alone...

it feels bad to be alone, crying by yourself..."

Living in a broken home, how could I tell it so all y'all could feel it
Now everything's OK, there's nothing wrong with me

People in RP: Title
People in RP: Title

Depression strikes hard like my old earth would tell it

This seems unnatural to me I'd say in every way

<SIZE size="50"><FONT font="georgia">Code: Made by me, Kaitlyn.
Lyrics: Pink - Broken Home by Papa Roach; White - Never Enough by Papa Roach
Influenced by: Zoey and Jessye​

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