Seeking Guidance

Miro Morales-Albertson

🌻 Confident & Impatient 🍄
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Miro was both nervous yet optimistic when Professor Grayveson mentioned she wanted to see each student before their next Charms lesson, in the hope to understand what each student wanted from their lessons and also to create a study plan if they needed. It was refreshing and almost convinced Miro that some of the professors actually wanted him to learn rather than see him fail horribly given how behind he was in his lessons compared to other students in his year. A study plan was definitely what Miro needed for all his lessons if he was honest, as well as talking to each professor about what he wanted to learn, but he was happy to start with charms, and with this in mind he approached Professor Grayveson's office later that afternoon. He knocked on the door to her office and held his breath for a moment, nervous that she wouldn't be there and he had the made the effort to visit her only to wait awkwardly, as well a mix of nervous yet ashamed that he needed to ask for so much help. It was a fault that was entirely his own from skipping classes and avoiding the feeling of being too dumb to focus or really care about learning, and that only made the shame he felt even more apparent as he hoped the professor would soon answer the door.​
Mallory had already had a bit of a busy day, between Peter and the students coming and going. She was loving it all the same. She hummed as she picked the room up again, a new pot of tea on. Peter was napping in her personal quarters. She had just set the last of things to rights when she heard the knock on the door. Mallory straightened, running her hands over her ribbed sweater as she moved back to her desk. With a wave the door opened, and she offered a gentle smile to the boy standing there. "Mister Albertson! Do come in," She shifted a few pages on her desk, motioning to the seat across from her. "Thank you for coming."
Miro stood back slightly startled when the Professor's door opened, a little surprised for a moment as he remembered they could wave their wand and open doors, but then tried to recover with a shake of his head before he stepped into the office. Professor Grayveson seemed kind and like she would understand the troubles Miro had been facing of his own accord with his classes, but even that realization did little to diminish his nerves as he tapped his hands together while attempting to explain his visit that day. "Hi, um, you're welcome?" He began, a little unsure. "You said you wanted each of us to visit you before our next class and stuff, to like make a plan for our lessons. I do think that would be good, but I need more help than just classes for this year." He explained, feeling self-conscious in addition to nervous but trying to ignore it so he could actually make a change. He really needed to at least not fail that year, and try not to fail in future years. Even if he passed by one mark it would be an achievement. "I am just not very smart, and I didn't really care about classes and now I don't really know anything about charms so I need to learn all the other years before this one too." He admitted, hoping the professor could at least give him advice of how to steer his learning in the right direction, if nothing else.​
Mallory let the boy speak, putting on the kettle. When he seemed to have finished getting his thoughts in order she gave him a gentle smile and motioned again for him to sit. "Please don't diminish yourself, Mr. Albertson. We all learn at our own pace. Honestly, that is part of what got me into teaching. I had to tutor my brother growing up- he had a brilliant mind, it was just wired a little differently and he needed to learn in other ways." She chuckled softly, recalling how she'd spent hours with Dimitri learning how to get things through to him. She waved over the teaset. "Care for a cup?" She asked as she poured her own.

Once settled, she gave him her full attention. "You're completely welcome to come by for extra tutoring- and I'm more than willing to help with any class you feel like you'd need the assistance for." She reassured him. "Why don't we start by learning a bit more about you? Tell me about yourself." She prompted, waving for him to take the floor. If she could learn a bit herself, it might help to decipher the best way to get through to him.

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