Seeing You Again

Jessica Reed

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Jessica walked in her usual casual strut all the way up Obsidian Harbour to the long wooden pier. She had been highly anticipating this day, it was a day that suited both Jake and Jess and so, taking advantage of this, they decided to hang out. Jess was just glad to have a day free of visting relatives. There was only so much of her family that she could take, especially when they were supposedly cousins. And then of course there were the second and third cousins who came to visit from Boston, Jessica knew that they had no actual intention of spending time with her or any of her family for that matter. She knew they came to make use of their house in New Zealand, the fact that it was Summer here just added to it. Jess never made any effort with these people, what was the point? They just about saw each other once a year, Jess didn't know them at all. No, instead, Jess decided that she would skip out on this visit and hang out with her good pal, Jacob.

Jessica recalled the first time she had seen Jake, when they bumped into each other on the street. She couldn't remember a time when she was happier. When she hugged him tightly for the first time since they were five. A small rare smile slid onto her lips as she thought about it, their childhood together and their friendship now. Jess leaned elbows up against the wooden barrier and stared out into the ocean. The sun beamed down on her porcelean face and her long brown hair blew slightly in the warm breeze. She slid on a pair of sunglasses before looking over her shoulder in search for her friend.
Jake so bad wanted to surprise Jess in his anigmus form. He only had one more year till he was able to tell her, matter fact show her what he was capable of doing. "To bad those damn rules" he said while clinching his fist. Lately he hasn't been acting like his normal self, alot been getting to him. He was confuse about a situation with him and Irene, his connection with Kathryn was lead astray and now he was meeting up with Jessica who he wanted to see for a long time, it just didn't feel right to be in the state that he was in. How could he tell Jessica what was going on when he didn't know his damn self. Everything was just so confusing. He was rubbing the side of his temple, his eyes wander the busy walkways to see if he could catch a glimpse of his old best friend. He was going to tell her just a little but also reveal to her what he was planning on doing during vacation. He hadn't been in Alaska for a long time, its been calling his name for a minute. A letter will soon be arriving from Jared once he got back home, it was finally time to take a trip up there.

Jake slipped his arms to his side, and notted the messy but falling tresses of Jessia catching his full attention. What the hell? He wanted to laugh, was someone going for w new look or something? It made him snicker when he walk pass her and acted as if he was just another stranger. He stop by a pole his heard turn towards the streets, she hadn't notice him yet, but Jake did and it was hell-of-a fun to see her that way. She was slowly growing out of another stage, it made him grin, he wanted to laugh but just kept posing as a stranger who lost his way.
Jessica fully turned around to the street, her elbows leaning casually on the wooden barrier as her eyes scanned for Jacob. Maybe he forgot? She thought to herself before quickly regretting it. There he was, leaning against a pole, looking as cheeky as always. Jessica slid her sunglasses to the crook of her nose and stared at him over them playfully. She held the eye contact for a couple of seconds looking quite serious for a while before laughing silently to herself. Jess ran over to him and wrapped her arms around his buff body. Her arms lingered around him a little longer then she expected them to. But, in all fairness, it had been a while since she had seen him and she had a right to hug him, he was her best friend after all. Jess pulled away with a smug grin planted on her lips. "Hey loser." She said and playfully punched his well built stomach a few times, "How've you been keeping?" She asked.
"Loser? Where?" Jake look around, his eyes darting one person to another. "Oh well your brother not around so it must be that guy over there" Jake pointed towards a fellow that walk pass them. He was wearing a top hat, and had an orange feather sticking out by the end. "I'm joking I'm joking Jess" he said flaring his lip as the side, flinging his arm around her right shoulder, dragging her with him as they walk on. "I've been okay somewhat...busy" Jake play it simple. If he was going to tell her what's been going on he was afraid she would judge him and probably call him a pig. "School sucks big time and I only have one more year, what about you? Last time I heard you had a boyfriend?" was it true or not. Did Sarah just made that up so he would quit bugging her about Jessica. Or was Jess really dating, probably someone from Boston. "Let me find out the tomboy finally came out of her closet?" he wanted to laugh because that definitely held another meaning. He hope not, wasted beauty to be with the same gender. That would probably make Jake mad in a humorous way.
As Jake wrapped his arm around Jess, she slung her arm around his lower back comfortably. When he said that the last he heard she had had a boyfriend, Jess looked up at him with both amusement and interest. "Let me find out the tomboy finally came out of her closet?" Jessica rolled her green eyes playfully, "Cute..very cute." she said sarcastically. "But no, not since Jackson." Jessica said slowly. It was the first time she had thought about Jackson in a while. It was also the first time she realized what an ass the guy really was. She was so glad that that part of her life was over. "The guys at Hogwarts...well..they're.." She continued while trying to find the right word to describe them. "..pretty." She looked back up at Jake with a playful gleam in her eye.

"You should have seen them at the dance thing last week Jake." Jess couldn't believe her eyes when she saw all the guys in suits, dancing. She really would have loved Jacob to be there, she knew he would have gladly joined her in making fun of them. "What about you lover-boy?" She knew he had had a girlfriend since she last saw him but she really wasn't sure what was going on now. It made her think of the time when she knew everything about Jake. When she used to sneak over to his house as a child late at night behind her parents backs. Jacob was a big part of her childhood and she had loved him, well, she thought she loved him. Now, things were so different. Jessica really didn't know what was going on in Jacobs life anymore. She gazed up at his perfectly sculptured face before smiling softly to herself and gazing ahead. Jessica then promised herself, that she'd become that close to him again, that she'd know every little detail about him again. And Jessica Reed always kept her promises.

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