Closed Secrets between siblings

Ivy Cullen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Curly 12 1/2 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
13 (08/2050)
Ivy was sitting in her room. She was meant to be doing her English homework. But she was instead reading the latest issue of Charm magazine. It was still reading, so it should count as English, right? She rolled over on her bed, propping herself up on her elbows as did a quiz on which city she should go to. She didn’t really care about the result, which was Tokio. But she liked the quizzes just or fun
She heard footsteps approaching the door and quickly scrambled to her desk opening her book and making it look like she was working as she heard a knock at the door. “Come in” she said, picking up her pen before the door opened.
Linden had a good weekend. The family had had a weekend trip to visit Grandma Cullen for her birthday, somewhere during the weekend. She had ushered him away to Jane, a conversation in private. And she had managed to solve one of the problems he had had. However, it had led him to a new problem. He had spent the last few days thinking of safe places to keep the gift, and it was yesterday when cas had been rummaging in the cupboard under the sink in the bathroom looking for a new paintbrush that he realised that nowhere in the apartment was completely safe and he needed to call in support.

He didn't think it was uncommon for him to swing by his family home in the evenings. Today he popped home, and after saying hello to his mum and dad, he went upstairs towards his little sister’s bedroom. He stopped at the door and knocked, hearing a scramble behind. At her signal, he opened the door to see her sitting at the desk a pen in her hand and a blank sheet of paper in front of her. “Hey Princess. How’s the homework going” he asked, looking from her to the bed where the magazine still sat wide open.
Ivy turned around as the door opened. Showing not her dad as she had expected but ”Lin” she called, deciding between throwing her pen at him and throwing herself at him in a hug. She went with the pen, throwing it at him ”you need to walk differently. you sound too much like dad” she said before getting up and hugging him. ”what are you doing here?” she said.
Linden was not expecting the pen. He was too late to dodge and it skimmed past his shoulder leaving a slight mark on his shirt. What he was ready for was Ivy slamming into him, arms outstretched. ”Do I need an excuse to see my favourite little sister” he said, picking her up as he hugged her back ”and you getting all grown up I won’t be able to lift you soon” he said collapsing down onto the bed.
Ivy felt her feet leave the floor when cas hugged her. She loved her brothers and sisters. Even if some of their relationships were hard to explain, what was cas. there was no doubt that he was family. but her sister's brother and brother's boyfriend was just an odd thing to explain. ”I bet you tell Tara the same thing” she teased. Sitting next to him on the bed. Her parents could not expect her to be doing her English homework when Lin was here. No way. ” Thanks for saving me from homework” she said
Lin shook his head at Ivy’s comment. ” No way. I always tell her that you’re my favourite sister it drives her crazy” he said. he officially didn’t have a favourite all three of his sisters had their ways, the good the bad and the annoying. He had been the very first person to meet Ivy and had got to watch her grow up, and that was special. ” We both know that you were reading magazines, not your schoolwork” he said. Picking up the magazine flipping the page, and read the title. ”why purple is this year's spring power colour. ”. He said. Not sure how seriously she took this kind of thing.
Ivy rolled her eyes as Lin said he told Tara she was his favourite. She was pretty sure she was; she didnt see either of Tara or Willow have their namesake on his skin as she had, an ivy leaf on his left wrist; other than her only cas had earned that honour. ”I was actually doing the quiz. Because we both know blue looks so much better on me” she said. She looked at her big brother. Are you here for dinner? Mum has made a chicken casserole. Is Cas coming? I want to show him something I have been working on she said. She knew he probably wasn’t going to stay for the stew. But she wanted to know why Lin was here on a weekday.
Linden looked at his sister. He didn’t have a great eye for colour. Though he was getting better living with Cas he was starting to learn that he looked good in warm natural colours and cas in cool tones he looked at Ivy and nodded “Yes, You do wear blue a lot” he said.
At the offer of dinner, he shook his head, “No. I’m vegetarian, so the chicken is a no. And it is pasta night at home.” He said. “I am just here to see my sister and to ask for her help,” he said, hoping this would be the right decision.
Ivy rolled her eyes at lindens comment. I wear blue a lot? How are you gay and so clueless about style” she said teasingly. Lin's style, Or lack there of was a running joke between the siblings, all his good looking outfits were usually ones that someone else picked out for him. She was distracted from him talking about pasta by him asking HER for help like she could help him. umm, Sure. What do you need help with?” She asked, both cautious and excited that Lin needed her help.
Why was he always the butt of fashion jokes. He wasn’t really that bad, was he? “Well I didn’t spend that long in the closet compared to most people” he said. He had never really been in the closet. He had never really come out of it. He had just had a crush on someone and asked them out. And it was another boy. And that was that.
“You know that loose floorboard over there we used to hide our treasure under when we were younger. he said gesturing to the corner where a contently placed floorboard was loose that in the past had been home to snacks, and notes and all sorts of pretty things. I was wondering if I could hide something there and if you could keep it a secret and not tell anyone about it.” He asked.
Ivy looked up at her brother. She remembered the secret place well. It currently contained her secret diary. A couple of letters, some pebbles and a shell she had found and a bag of lollies she had “borrowed” from the pantry. As well as a couple of presents she had seen and was saving for Christmas. What do you want to hide? she asked. it isn’t an illegal dragon or something? she asked.
Linden chuckled at the question as opposed to a legal dragon? No. I am staying away from them for a while he said. After his accident a year and a half ago that had landed him in the hospital and then off work for a couple of weeks, no he wouldn’t be playing with any dragons bigger than ild for a while. Though the accident was one of the things that had contributed to his decision.
He glanced at the door to make sure no one was there. Not that he had heard anyone ” Before I show you. do you pinky promise not to tell or show anyone what I am about to show you okay.” he said, holding his hand out to her little finger out ready to promise.
Ivy hadn’t forgotten that Lin had been burnt. But she had also not been thinking about it until Lin commented on it. Oops. Yes, I promise,” she said, wrapping her pinky finger around Lindens and shaking on it. The longer Lin was putting off showing her to the more she wanted to know what was worth the secrecy So what do you want to hide? she asked.
Linden shook fingers with Ivy sealing the promise. A pinky promise was a children’s unbreakable vow. ”Let me show you what I want to hide. Until the time is right” he said, reaching into his pocket. and withdrawing the ring box. he was sure the box was a lot heavier in his hands than the contents of it. the weight of its expectation adding to its mass. he held it out for Ivy to take and open.
it was then that Lin moved and took a ring box out of his pocket. She took it from him and opened it. She was right. It was a ring box. Inside there was a ring. As old as the box that contained it. But beautiful. "Is that farmors? She asked if she recognised it from when she used to go through her farmors jewellery box. It was the one thing she wouldn’t let her try on. It he knew her farfar had given her. Why did lin get it when she wasn’t allowed to try it on. He didn’t wear rings. He was too busy with animals to wear rings. She looked at him. "Why do you have farmors ring? she asked.
Linden watched Ivy as she opened the box watching the expression on her face wondering if Casper would show the same expression of surprise and excitement when he saw it. yes it is he confirmed. Surprised that she recognised it so quickly. He hadn’t recognised it that quickly. He felt his face warming up as she asked what it was for. "do you think cas will like it? he asked. His cheeks getting even redder. "I was going to use it to ask him to marry me” he said. He had been thinking about it for a while now. The thought floated at the edge of his consciousness for well over a year. But getting more serious for a few months and he had started making steps towards making that happen. I need to keep it safe somewhere where he won’t find it until the time is right. Do you think you can look after it for me? he asked.
Ivy looked up at her brother as he spoke. He was looking so red and if her vocabulary was better, she would have described it as bashful but as it was, she had to go with somewhere between shy and embarrassed. As he spoke her eyes widened, Linden and Cas. You’re getting married she said supprised, she never thought of her brother and casper as proper adults getting married she knew that they had a flat and lived together. but that was just fun to visit. getting married was something that reminded her that they were so much older than her. Then, before she could think it through asked can I be a bridesmaid?.
Linden smiled at Ivy’s look of surprise and wonder. ”hey, Slow down. I haven’t even asked him yet. He might say no,” he said, ruffling her hair. He was confident about him and cas that the idea of him saying no was, at the moment at least, feeling very unlikely, even if it was acting like a slight miasma over the idea. Though when he had tried to bring up the topic, Cas didn’t get what he was talking about. He chuckled at her request to be a bridesmaid. ”I am afraid not, princess.” he said, pausing and putting his arm around her.
Ivy looked at Linden with incredulity. what. We are talking about the same cas here, right? Because the cas I know will never say no to anything you ask for she said. Pulling away to look at him. How could he think that cas would ever say no. They were already practically married. People write songs about what you have. You are Lin and Cas, Cas and Lin. Cassyboo and Linnybear too are meant to be together” she said.
She frowned when Lin said she couldn’t be a bridesmaid. ”awww, why?” she asked. She hadn’t expected him to say no to her about it so maybe she didn't know her brother as well as she thought.
Linden listened as ivy spoke about how cas would have to say no. to be honest, that was something he was more concerned about than cas saying no. Cas saying yes because he didn’t want to let him down more than because he wanted to. ”we will have to find out when I ask” he said.
He smiled as Ivy pulled away and glared at him. ”There isn’t going to be a bride. So we won’t need bridesmaids.” he said. holding his hands up in a pacifying way ” But if it does happen, I would like you to be an, umm, groomsmaid?” he said. Reaching out his arm to his sister again. Letting her lean back against him.

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