secret meeting

Rob wondered what Cloe wanted to talk about. "Urm, yeah sure...I guess." He said, checking that Reece was okay before following Cloe to the living-room.
Cloe looked at him, "Rob i like you and i mean i would like to know ur feelings so that i don't get mine confused" she said, looking at him.
Rob thought for a minute about what Cloe had just told him. "Cloe, I like you...a lot, but you know commitment is difficult for me 'cause of my past...maybe we could try things out...see how it goes..." Rob rubbed his hands down his face as he thought again for a few seconds. "How does that sound?" He said, taking both of her hands, and squeezing them gently.
Cloe looked at him, "i mean Rob i know your past and all but some times you need to let go of the past and go with the future" she said, looking at him and thinking about her past and smiling, "Rob i think i need you more the you think i do i mean all i've been thinking about is my past when i might have my future right in front of me" she said, smilng and taking a step closer to him.
This was difficult for Rob, he hadn't committed to anything since prison, but maybe this would be the boost he needed. Rob looked into Cloe's eyes and smiled. "Okay, so maybe this is a good start..." Rob trailed off, before quickly kissing Cloe on the cheek.
Cloe giggled, "you missed your mark" she said, smiling at first then frowning remember how junior use to say that to her.
Rob noticed Cloe frown. "Hey, the future remember..." He said, assuming it was a memory from the past. Rob then kissed Cloe on the lips. "That better?" He asked softly.
Cloe smiled, "i'm glad i have you rob" she said, smilnig at him and hearing reece yell his name.
Rob smiled as he heard Reece shout his name. "Hey, shouldn't he be crying for his mum?" Rob said, laughing a little as he looked at Cloe.
Cloe looked at him, "i don't know maybe he likes you to i mean he hardly sees his father at all" she said, walking with him and picking him reece up but seeing he wanted Rob and asking for a story. "oh Story that why he wants you" she said, smiling and kissing rob's cheek.
Rob smiled at Reece as Cloe told him that he wanted a story. He tickled Reece's tummy, before taking Cloe's hand. "Well maybe if Reecey boy here stays in bed for another 5 Minutes, then Robby will come and let you choose a story..." Rob said in a baby voice to Reece before smiling at Cloe. "I just want to chat to Mummy for a bit first." Rob said happily, as he leaned in and kissed Cloe on the lips.
Cloe looked at Reece who agreed as she looked at Rob as they headed out, "talk about what?" she asked, smiling at him.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry wrong Lock. ;)

Rob smiled as Cloe asked him what they had to talk about. "Nothing." He said quietly. "I just want to be with you for a bit." Rob said, before wrapping his arms around Cloe's waist, then kissing her on the lips again. "Should we go downstairs for a bit?" He asked, holding her closely.
Cloe smiled, "alright" she said, heading down the stairs and smiling at Rob.
When they reached the bottom of the stairs, Rob took Cloe's hand..."You know I've never done anything like this in, I've never had to love anyone before, you're gonna have to bare with me..." Rob said nervously as he shot Cloe a small smile.
Cloe smiled, "i'll help you and so will Reece he already loves you" seh said, smiling at him.
"I know you will, but you also know how hard this is for me to commit to something this important." Rob said as he collapsed down onto the sofa, taking Cloe's hand again as he pulled her down on top of him and showering her with kisses as he laughed away.
Cloe smiled at him, "alright but we'll still help so Rob what we need to talk about?" she asked, smiling at him and kissing his lips good and hard.
Rob smiled. "It was really nothing, but I need to spend all the time with you that I can get, and Reece of course, but he isn't my son, but you're my girlfriend." Rob said before kissing Cloe back. "And I think...well...I dunno...maybe I love you..." He said happily, un-doing the top two buttons of shirt, then looking back up at Cloe with cheeky smile.
Cloe looked at him, "yeah i think i love you to" she said, swallowing hard when he looked back at her those eyes just made her want to get lost in them.
"So what now?..." Rob asked, placing his hands at either side of Cloe's neck and pulling her in to kiss her on the lips.
Cloe smiled, "i don't know up to you" she said, giggling and kissing his lips back.
"If you insist." Rob laughed, pushing Cloe back onto the sofa so that she was lying down, before climbing on top of her, moving her hair away from her face, then placing his hands on her cheeks and continuing to kiss her. "You shouldn't leave things up to me." He said jokingly, kissing Cloe some more.
Cloe smiled, "why i like leavign things up to you it makes it fun to see what you'll do" she said, giggling.
Rob smiled at Cloe's comment. "Well maybe you should leave things to me more often." Rob joked as he removed his top. "How about it?" He asked, with a childish laugh.

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