Second Years, Lesson Two

As far as Landon knew, the first lesson with his second years had been a good success. He just hoped that the batch were as sensible as they made out to be considering the dangerous workload that they had this semester. Today's lesson was going to be their first lesson with an actual mandrake and he was probably more nervous than he had ever been. Before his students arrived, Landon was busy making sure each workstation was set with large clay pots, potting tools, watering cans and small pots of Mandrakes. Nothing was to go wrong that lesson and he was sure of it.

When each student was situated next to a workstation, Landon quickly began the lesson. "I hope you all have your earmuffs today because, as you can see, we are going to get started with handling mandrakes. The mandrake you are standing in front of now will be your pet for the rest of the semester. You will look after them and you'll be writing a journal all about it. For now, your first step is to repot them and place them comfortably into a new home." Landon couldn't help but be nervous for the students and what they were about to do. He had only ever seen the majority of them once before and now he was trusting them to do what they were told when dire circumstances were involved. "One thing you must understand before you even begin touching your mandrake is that you may not cause your mandrake any harm. Anyone who is found to do that will get an automatic fail for this course this year which I'm sure none of you would like." He continued, with a sarcastic smile. "Mandrakes fancy damp soil, shade to sunlight, and occasional food. Remember to take proper care of them."

After a good overview of the rules, Landon was a bit more confident with them all. He was never a stickler for rules but going through them would hopefully ensure that all of the twelve and thirteen year olds were safe. On the bright side, the students would never have to hear Landon go through them again as he was sure they'd all be mature enough to remember each and every one. Professor Carter walked over to his desk and leaned against it to observe all the students. He instructed, "Put on your Dragonhide gloves and your work robes and we shall begin." Landon put on his gloves also. "I will demonstrate for you. However, before I demonstrate, I will verbally tell you what we are about to do. First, you will grasp the leaves of your Mandrake gently, yet firm. Then tug them upwards. Your Mandrake will come out of the small pot, and then you will transfer them into the large pot already filled with dirt, put them in, plant the dirt around them and give them some water. And that’s it. Watch me. Put your earmuffs on." He waited patiently for everyone to put them on and gave a few of the ones who had forgotten them one of the spare pairs of earmuffs from the box. "Their cry is pretty strident. So, make sure you have them on correctly."

Landon put his on and made sure it was in place. He did everything he had ordered them to do and eventually, the Mandrake rested comfortably in the large pot, dozing off. His Mandrake was rather small but vociferous. Landon took off his gloves and went to sit behind the desk, watching as the students began to work on their mandrakes.


Assignment: RP today's lesson AND write a short diary entry about your mandrake for full marks. For extra credit, you may draw a picture of your mandrake if you wish.
As Makaria Styx entered Professor Carter's Herbology greenhouse, she felt a mix of anticipation and curiosity. She had heard from classmates that Professor Carter's lessons were engaging, and today's topic on mandrakes seemed particularly intriguing. She collected her earmuffs from the professor and carefully adjusted them over her ears, ensuring they were snug. The greenhouse was set up with individual workstations, each equipped with the necessary tools and a small pot containing a mandrake. Makaria observed her assigned mandrake cautiously; it was nestled in its pot, its leaves vibrant green with hints of purple. She listened attentively as Professor Carter began the lesson, emphasizing the importance of handling mandrakes with care and the consequences of mishandling them.

Makaria nodded along, mentally preparing herself for the task ahead. She understood the gravity of caring for a mandrake; their cries were infamous for their potency, and she was keen on avoiding any mishaps. After the professor's demonstration, Makaria put on her Dragonhide gloves and work robes as instructed. She approached her workstation with a mix of nervousness and determination. Grasping the mandrake's leaves gently but firmly, she carefully lifted it from its small pot, mindful of its roots. With deliberate movements, she transferred it into the larger pot filled with damp soil, ensuring it was comfortably nestled before gently patting the soil around it. As she worked, Makaria marveled at the mandrake's unique appearance and the responsibility that came with caring for it throughout the semester. Once she got her journal entry, she left for the day.
Today we got started with the mandrakes. I repotted it, gave it some water and food. Not sure what it will be when it gets older, but it might.not be a girl, but I named it Ember anyway.
Valentine’s Day was coming up, but Violet didn’t care enough about it. She heard that there was such a thing called a Valentine’s Dance where happy couples would dance all night. But she was far too young for that. After all, she didn’t have anyone to share a dance with, so felt it was rather pointless to attend. She had more important things to focus on, including her theory that there was a whole new universe underneath the school’s lake. The girl had classes to attend, and so she reluctantly packed her backpack and headed to them.

Violet's next class was Herbology, where they were going to have to deal with Mandrakes which would apparently be difficult for them. Violet spent the whole week wondering what could be so difficult that a 12 year old couldn't do it. Why would they give a difficult task to students so young? Violet didn't think it would be that challenging as she entered the greenhouse with her earmuffs. She knew her great uncle often over-exaggerated many things. The girl positioned herself in front of one of the plants and listened as the professor spoke rather passionately about what they were about to do. As he demonstrated taking the mandrake out of the pot, Violet's eyes widened at creature in his hand writhed about. She was glad she had her earmuffs on, because it was loud even with them. She held the leaves of her mandrake firmly as she lifted it out of the soil it was in. The noise was very loud, especially as the other students around her did the same, and she just tried her best to be very quick with it. Eventually, the task was over, but despite how easy it seemed, it really wasn't. She headed back to the castle as the lesson ended to tidy herself up before writing in her diary.

Violet Owens-Rosemary
Ravenclaw Second year
Herbology Lesson #2
Diary Entry #1

My mandrake is VERY LOUD and I think I may have gone deaf. And yes, I was wearing my earmuffs correctly. I hope they're not always going to be this loud.
Today I repotted my mandrake. Hopefully it likes its new home.

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