Second Years Lesson Three

Mallory couldn’t believe the semester was already halfway over. She really couldn’t. She thought she really had been doing well, none of the students seemed to outwardly hate her, though she could sense several that seemed annoyed in classes. That was to be expected, however, she didn’t expect every student to adore classes. Peter was currently in a wrap, asleep against her chest. She kept one hand on his back, humming lightly, eager for the class to begin.

Mallory smiled as the students came in, motioning for them to stay up front with her. “Please stay up front with me, my dears. Today we’re going to be practicing a few spells elsewhere in the castle,” she told them, tucking her dark hair behind her ear. Her hair was falling freely down her back today, her robes a soft green. She had woven a bit of dark ivy through a single small braid that wrapped around her head.

Today we will be learning the locking and unlocking charm. Let’s begin with the unlocking charm. Wands out, please,” she instructed, keeping an eye on all of her students. “The incantation for this is Alohomora. Say it together please everyone: al-LOH-ha-MOR-ah.” She went over the pronunciation a few times, smiling at the students as they seemed to get a grip on the pronunciation. “Now onto the locking charm. This is Colloportus. Ready? cull-low-PORE-tus." She ran over this one a few times as well, smiling as the students seemed to grasp this one as well.

She clapped her hands together after a few moments. “Alright, everyone, very good. Now, we shall head down to the second floor, let’s go, all together now,” she herded them back out the door, leading them to the empty hallway. "Is everyone here?" She asked as they came to a stop, looking around to count the students and make sure no second years had tried to make a bid for freedom. "Okay, partner up please, and choose a door. Most of the classrooms on this floor are empty so you can practice locking and unlocking the doors." She smiled warmly, and wanting to give them more incentive to practice, she added, "For every door unlocked, and every door locked, using the spells, you will earn your house one point,"

She hoped her students would do well. She would be watching to see how the students were getting on and had a small notebook with the name of each of her students on it so she could keep track of who earned how many points. "Once you are finished, come and let me know please, otherwise good luck!" She smiled, watching them as they worked.


Total of eight points only please.

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