Second Years Lesson Three

Mallory couldn’t believe the semester was already halfway over. She really couldn’t. She thought she really had been doing well, none of the students seemed to outwardly hate her, though she could sense several that seemed annoyed in classes. That was to be expected, however, she didn’t expect every student to adore classes. Even when she was this pregnant, it didn't really bother her. She hummed lightly, eager for the class to begin.

Mallory smiled as the students came in, motioning for them to stay up front with her. “Please stay up front with me, my dears. Today we’re going to be practicing a few spells elsewhere in the castle,” she told them, tucking her dark hair behind her ear, and chuckled. "You'll have to forgive me for moving a bit slower today." Her hair was falling freely down her back today, her robes a soft green. She had woven a bit of dark ivy through a single small braid that wrapped around her head.

Today we will be learning the locking and unlocking charm. Let’s begin with the unlocking charm. Wands out, please,” she instructed, keeping an eye on all of her students. “The incantation for this is Alohomora. Say it together please everyone: al-LOH-ha-MOR-ah.” She went over the pronunciation a few times, smiling at the students as they seemed to get a grip on the pronunciation. “Now onto the locking charm. This is Colloportus. Ready? cull-low-PORE-tus." She ran over this one a few times as well, smiling as the students seemed to grasp this one as well.

She clapped her hands together after a few moments. “Alright, everyone, very good. Now, we shall head down to the second floor, let’s go, all together now,” she herded them back out the door, leading them to the empty hallway, one hand on her back and the other on the wall as they moved for support. "Is everyone here?" She asked as they eventually came to a stop, looking around to count the students and make sure no second years had tried to make a bid for freedom. "Okay, partner up please, and choose a door. Most of the classrooms on this floor are empty so you can practice locking and unlocking the doors." She smiled warmly, and wanting to give them more incentive to practice, she added, "For every door unlocked, and every door locked, using the spells, you will earn your house one point,"

She hoped her students would do well. She conjured a chair and sat down, watching to see how the students were getting on and had a small notebook with the name of each of her students on it so she could keep track of who earned how many points. "Once you are finished, come and let me know please, otherwise good luck!" She smiled, watching them as they worked.


Total of eight points only please.
Apolline had thoroughly enjoyed herself at the valentines day dance. There was little she did enjoy more than just dancing about and having fun, and she did always manage to have fun. The few that she had been to. She did now wonder how difficult it would be to have a date date to these events, but she hadn’t yet found anyone that she liked enough or who liked her enough that that would become a reality. Instead she was just able to have some light fun with her friends or whomever she spent the time with. Apolline focused her attention on getting herself together for class and then headed out the moment she could.

Apolline walked into the charms classroom, but didn’t immediately go sit down, the professor had them coming up to the front and Apolline just waited for everyone to turn up so that they could go to the lesson, which wasn’t that far away, just on another floor. She took her wand out as the professor told them what they were doing and practiced how to say the incantations both for the opening spell and closing spell. They were then allowed to get started. Apolline walked about, opening and closing doors, managing to get about three of each which she was pretty happy with. It wasn’t too difficult for her to do really. She just struggling a little with the locking spell, but did get it too. The gryffindor then was able to pack up and head elsewhere in the school.
Helios had had a good evening, he hadn’t gone to the dance, and instead had spent some time working on homework and revision, being able to work slowly and calmly, with noe one disturbing him in the slightest. That was the whole thing, and it was good. He liked the dances for that reason, he could be nice and safe and alone and work on other things while everyone else was unsafe and lost track of time with their dancing. The teen felt much more ready for the week ahead and was gathering up everything, all his notes and books and then headed out of the dorm room to class.

Helios walked into the charms classroom, but didn’t immediately get his seat, instead he stayed up front as the professor got started on the lesson. He followed to the hallway they’d be working at and frowned. He wasn’t sure this was the thing to do. This seemed like it could be a little dangerous. He listened and repeated the incantations with the professor and then was just given free range to do what he wanted. Helios focused entirely on the opening spell, not bothering with any of the others, just on that. He thought that was the spell for him to do. The teen managed to unlock three doors, and he didn’t lock one of them, didn’t even attempt to practice the spell. He knew he needed to be able to unlock things more than lock things.
Aroha was expecting another normal lesson of charms - the standard, here's a spell, learn it, practice it. Not that there was anything wrong with that but Aroha liked novelty, liked things to change. She was therefore in a good mood when she found out they'd be going somewhere else in the castle to practice spells. She copied the professor's pronunciation of the spells, feeling like she'd gotten the knack of it. Her wand was working much better at the moment, she noted, so she wasn't feeling the usual dread that came along with having to do anything practical. She paired up with someone, and then realised that this was basically a competition. Anyone who didn't see it that way was obviously not seeing the true nature of the situation. Aroha quickly threw out her spells, locking and unlocking doors and trying her utmost to do her best. She checked after each spell that she'd done it properly - there was no point in winning if she didn't do it right. She noticed Apolline was doing rather well, something Aroha couldn't abide by, despite Aroha considering her a friend. She managed to lock four times and unlock three times - a total of seven - doing the last spell bare seconds before the class was finished. She smiled to herself, feeling like she'd won something. Aroha was pretty tired from her efforts afterwards, but was feeling elated as well. Sometimes life was good, after all.

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