Second Years, Lesson Six


Second Years, Lesson Six: Animare & Wizarding Chess

As his students arrived for the lesson, Edward was at the front of the classroom a chess set laid out. This was his last session with these students this semester so he wanted to have some fun before their exam. "Morning!" He greeted his students with a smile. "Anyone ever played a wizard chess before?" He questioned, looking around at a mixed reaction. "For anyone who has never played wizard chess: it's chess, except the pieces come to life to attack each other on your orders." He explained easily. "Before these pieces have minds on their own, they start out as normal, boring, chess pieces that resemble those used by muggles."

"The pieces are transfigured, by a special team of wizarding toymakers, to come to life. Each set generally has its own distinct personality, depending on the preference of the witch or wizard who brought them to life. This type of transfiguration falls under the Inanimate to Animate type of spell."

"This," Edward pointed at the chess set, "Is a muggle chess set. The pieces remain stationary, having no animation or personality of their own, until we grant them that."

Taking out his wand, he aimed at the marble queen. "Animare!" At once the piece's facial features changed. Her mouth contorted and melted, shifting from a solid line to something more mobile. The piece remained in the clothing that had been carved onto it, but it seemed to come to life, the marble cloth separating from its body somewhat to resemble a more living and free-flowing appearance. The queen loomed over its subjects with an impassive expression, until she seemed to notice the classroom of students beyond her board. "Hmph." She tutted, her brow creasing.

Edward's eyes moved from the queen to the class with a smile. "As you can see, the incantation 'Animare' brings things to life. Naturally, other inanimate objects are brought to life to amuse children. Chocolate frogs are an excellent example that comes to mind. After the chocolate is mixed and set, candy makers use a sort of mild variant of the spell. The result is that they really only get one good jump before -"

"Why are there children on my battlefield, peasant?" The queen cut in, causing him to laugh. He then quickly tapped her with his wand again and the queen froze back to her inanimate state.

"Anyway, the wand movement," He continued with a grin. "You should tap the object that you are going to animate once squarely in it's center and then aim the wand at the object, speaking aloud the incantation. With the proper visualisation and concentration, the correct wand movement, and a firmly spoken incantation, you should find yourself able to cast most inanimate to animate spells. In your cases, you aren't likely to flesh out any sort of faux-personality, but you should give it life. Now one by one come to the front, pick a chess piece, and try to bring it to life in front of the class. Starting with you." Edward pointed at a student sitting on the first bench of the first row.

Roleplay the lesson, including trying to bring a chess piece to life, for full marks. Extra points might be given for creativity. Tag @Professor Edward Pirrip if you would like me to interact with your character!
Winnie had been trying to stay at school over the break. Her parents seemed to be rather against it, but she was pulling out every argument that she had for it. She just didn’t really want to go home, there wasn’t anything for her there, not compared with what was there for her at the school. The slytherin put those thoughts aside and then headed out of the dorm room and to her first lesson of the day, keen and eager to have a good and productive day.

Winnie walked into the transfiguration classroom and took her spot int he room, though it appeared quite clear what they would be doing. Transfiguration with a chess set. Winnie raised her hand to say that she had played and she knew it relatively well, and then nodded along as the professor began speaking, telling them that this was a muggle set that would be made magical. Winnie nodded along, watching the professor do it. She then watched as other students then did the spell. She walked forward and took the bishop piece. She held it in her hand, and then tapped the piece with her wand right at its centre and then said, ”Animare,”. It came to life immediately and seemed to immediately worship Winnie. She put the piece down and then let the next person go.
Sayuri entered the classroom and took a seat beside her sister. She was slightly amused when the professor asked if they had ever played wizard chess before, honestly, she preferred shogi but she supposed most wizarding children in this country would have at least been exposed to a Western game. Wizard chess it was. When the professor cast the spell on the queen, she watched as the piece sprang to life. It was quite fascinating, imbuing an object with a personality as such. It was certainly much more interesting than last week's lessons. If she were honest, she sort of itched to try out the spell. She wasn't sure how much she would be able to animate an object but she was certainly willing to try. She selected a knight from the chessboard once it was her turn. Why they had to do it one at a time was beyond her. Still, she tapped the piece, "Animare," she intoned clearly. The knight shifted and stirred. It seemed to take forever before the horse moved, the surface seemingly rippling until there was a figure riding atop a horse. The horse lifted its front legs, and the figure who she assumed was the knight raised a sword high into the air. It was as if they were readying to charge for battle. Satisfied with her own success, she went back to her seat to wait for the rest of the class to finish.

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