Second Years, Lesson Six

Noel was in the midst of going over homework assignments when the first second-years walked into the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. He looked over to them and gave them an friendly smile to welcome them. It would be the last lesson of the year with this batch of second-years so he wanted to give them the same opportunity he had given the first-year class. They could either stay and practice their wandwork or leave to study for the end-of-semester exam. It was up to them, he was perfectly fine with helping them out with their wandwork. '' Hello everyone. Last lesson already again.'' He than told them, the time did fly. '' I'm going to give you two options for today.'' Noel than stood up and walked to the front of his desk, facing the students. ''You may either choose to stay here and practice your wandwork or leave to study for the exam in the library or somewhere else where it's quiet. Remember that the exam will consist of a practical and a written portion, meaning you must study both. You'll have to partner up with another student for the exam portion involving spell-casting.'' Professor Waldgrave told them. He wanted them to be well aware about how the exam would look like.

He then tapped his wand on the blackboard next to him and made some writing appear on it. ''This is everything I want you to know for the end-of-semester exam. Study it well. Please don't hesitate to see me if you have any questions about the exam. The door to my office is always open for questions.'' Noel said to them with an friendly smile. He hoped they would make use of it if neccesary. Noel dismissed the class to do as they pleased. Once those that wanted to study somewhere else had left, the professor waved his wand and magically pushed the chairs and desks to both sides of the classroom so that those who remained could safely practice their wandwork. As always, he was available for questions and walked around to help out.

End-of-semester exam review
  • Definition of a jinx, hex, and curse and the differences between each.
  • Explain why we learn about prank-like jinxes.
  • Study the effects of the following jinxes practised in class
    • Jelly Legs Jinx
    • Trip Jinx
    • Knee-Reversing Hex (you are not required to master this for the practical exam)
  • Applicable spells for self-defence (such as the counter-charm (Finite) or the Shield Charm (Protego)
  • Study the effects of the following jinxes
    • Stinging Jinx
    • Ear Leeks Jinx
    • Antler Jinx
    • Bat-Bogey Hex

Just roleplay the lesson. Tag @Professor Noel Waldgrave if you want me to interact with your character! I try my best to respond.
Kairi wasn't sure how she felt about the semester coming to a close- she didn't go back over the break and she missed Daiki when he went home. She couldn't blame him for going- she'd go home too if she had a mother waiting for her. She was tempted to not go to class, but in the end she couldn't convince herself to skip. She walked down, sliding into her place by her best friend and smiling softly before turning her attention to the front. She considered reviewing her wandwork for a few moments before deciding against it, confident in the success she'd managed already. Nodding, she grabbed her bag and left when they were dismissed, thinking a bit of studying in the dorm would work better than the library.
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The semester was almost over, and Vikram was happy with how it had gone. Still, he had one more class left. He woke up early, did a bit of yoga and meditation, before going for a run. He made it back in time for a quick shower and walked down to class with his hair still a little damp. He smiled at the Professor as he took his seat. Today was review, which wasn't surprising. He decided to stay and work on his spellcasting. He partnered with another student. By the time they were dismissed, he'd gotten in a good deal of spells, and he was pleased with his progress. Humming, he grabbed his bag and headed back out.
Daiki walked into the defence against the dark arts classroom and took his usual spot in the room. He glanced towards the professor as the man told them they had two options. He nodded and then decided he’d focus on the theory work, he had spent time on the practical and knew it would be good to make sure he knew both. He worked away and eventually the lesson was brought to an end and Daiki packed up his things and left the room.
Eurydice entered the classroom, books hugged tightly to her chest. She made a beeline for Eli and took a seat. The longer they took this class, the more uncomfortable she became. She was hoping to learn more about defending in this class, but all she'd learned so far were prank spells. And as someone who'd been pranked, she had no excitement in trying to learn such spells. Still, she'd need to study to pass the class so she reviewed the things with Eli. She worried a little about partnering for the exams. She didn't want to partner with anyone other than her cousins. But there were three of them, and she'd rather be partnered with anyone else than risk Jonah or Eli getting paired with someone unpleasant. Still, it was a problem for later.
Lilith entered the classroom hesitantly, honestly she was very glad the semester was coming to an end that meant a short break and Merlin knew she could use one right now. Nothing appealed to her more than a bit away from a certain girl in her dorm and some other issues she had been avoiding for the past few weeks, maybe after the break the dust would have settled and she wouldn't feel as dreadful. Lilith was quick to take the second option and hurried towards the library, she'd find a silent corner where she could study on her own without being bothered. Though her mind was preoccupied with the fact that they'd need to pair up for the exam, maybe she'd get Eoghan to pair up with her.

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