Second Years, Lesson Six

As the class walked in, Landon gave them a bright smile before greeting them, "Welcome everyone! Your mandrakes will all be fully grown by now! I came in last night to feed and water them and caught them trying to move into each other's pots." He chuckled. "Today will be your last lesson with them, so make sure to say your goodbyes." The man let out a small sigh as he looked over the faces of his second years. Some of them looked very sad at the thought of leaving them after they had been taking care of them all semester and it made Landon feel sad too. He tried to brighten the mood. "It's alright guys. These Mandrakes will hopefully be used to save some people lives in the future, so there's no need to worry!

"Today we'll be repotting the Mandrakes before they are sent off to St Mungo's. Put on your dragon hide gloves and work robes, and ladies if you need to tie back your hair, I have extra ribbons laid out by the earmuffs." He put his earmuffs around his neck. "This will be very much like when you first repotted your Mandrakes. Except now, they're all a lot stronger and they won't want to be repotted. You will have to use a lot of force, but make sure to be gentle with them too. I'll demonstrate with my mandrake and then you may begin." He put on his gloves, then said sternly. "You will all have to wear your earmuffs. As an added measure of safety, I have placed a silencing charm on all of your Mandrakes. Put your earmuffs on now please." He waited for them to do so, then pulled up his earmuffs.

Professor Carter grasped the leaves base firmly, tugged upwards with a steady, hard pressure then with a slight pop, his mandrake came out of his pot. He wrestled, kicked, tried to bite and it took Landon ten minutes to get him into the larger pot of soil. He quickly put the soil around his head until only his leaves were visible. Once the man was done, he waited for his student to get theirs repotted.

It was a hard process and took some time. Once they were done and their tools were put away and the Mandrakes were fed, watered, and in the sunlight, he spoke. "Good job today guys. I know it was hard, but I'm proud of you all for completing this last task. This was a crucial part of your lesson over Mandrakes in Herbology. If any of you plan on pursuing a career in the medical field, you will need to get used to doing stuff like this. Unfortunately, you will also need to learn how to chop them up which is always a horrible process." Landon was glad that he didn't make his students chop up the mandrakes this time as it meant that they could be spared the pain of doing so. "You may now be dismissed now that we are done with our mandrakes. Make sure to study for your exam. I wish you all the best!"


Assignment: Post attendance. Good luck in the exams!
Alana felt a bittersweet twinge as she listened to Professor Carter announce that today would be their final lesson with the mandrakes. She had grown quite attached to the little plant creatures despite their temperamental behaviour and strange habits. Following the instructions, she tied back her hair with one of the extra ribbons and put on her gloves and earmuffs. Repotting the mandrake was as challenging as expected; it took all of her strength and patience to wrestle her stubborn mandrake into its new pot, but she managed with a sigh of relief when it finally settled into the fresh soil.

As the class finished, Alana felt a sense of accomplishment but also a bit of sadness knowing they wouldn't be working with the mandrakes anymore. Despite the difficulty of the task, it was satisfying to know they had helped prepare these mandrakes for a more meaningful purpose. As she left the greenhouse, Alana promised herself she'd study hard for the exam and wondered if she'd ever work with mandrakes again in the future.

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