Second Years Lesson Four

She smiled as the students came into class, staying in her chair with Amara and Maxim curled up around her feet. "Hello, everyone. Take your seats, thank you," she smiled. "Alright, today's lesson is very simple. I trust you've done your reading?" She folded her hands on her desk, continuing on with the class. "The Repello charm is the opposite of the Accio charm. The charm is fairly self-explanatory; it repels things away from the target.” She laughed lightly, tucking a strand of chocolate hair back behind her ear. “There isn’t really very much to explain about this,” she told them, eyes roaming the room.

The wand movement is simply pointing at your target and focusing your magic. The incantation is Repello, along with the name of what you wish to repel. For example,” Mallory took out her wand and aimed it at a book on her desk. “Repello book,” she spoke firmly, and the book skidded away from her and off the end of her desk. It hit the floor with a clatter.

She smiled, motioning for the students to get up, following after with a bit of difficulty. “Gather your things, everyone, we’re going outside for the rest of this lesson. Come along,” she ushered them all out, taking them out to the Gardens on the school grounds. She smiled when the students had all settled, conjuring a chair to lower herself into. “Now everyone. Please do be careful; for today's lesson I want you to practice repelling insects and worms away from the plants. Once you’ve succeeded, you can leave, but please tell me first.” She smiled warmly, folding her hands over her belly. “I will be right here if any of you need anything.” She told them, even as she made a note to summon Misha and see if he could help her back to the castle after this.​
Apolline knew that now that they were into the latter half of the semester that she needed to do two things, one was really get stuck into her revision and two, as a second year, pick her electives. She wasn’t entirely sure what she wanted to do, but she was rather eager to pick them. To make that choice. Apolline just thought it made her seem older. She didn’t want to be old old, but she did want to not longer be the babies of the school. The gryffindor was getting herself ready for the day, vaguely thinking about her choices, and then headed to class when she needed to.

Apolline walked into the charms classroom and took her usual spot in the room. She glanced up at the professor and nodded to the question, she had done the reading. She knew the spell that they would be covering within this lesson. She took a few notes from what the professor was saying and repeated the incantation and the wand movement when the professor told them. She nodded and packed her things up to take them with her as the professor guided them out of the classroom and to where they were able to practice the spell. She took her wand out once they got there and then went to find an insect. She pointed her wand at it and said. ”Repello,” she cast it a few times before she got it and then practiced and practiced it until the lesson was wrapped up and she was able to pack up and leave the room.
Aroha was looking forward to break. It was still a while to go, but she missed her family, missed the ocean. It would be nice to just relax and chill out with everyone again.

She made her way to charms class, taking a seat near the back and waiting for the lesson to begin. A new spell to learn, and it sounded kind of fun to be honest. She could imagine annoying her younger brother by constantly repelling things every time he reached for it. That amused her and motivated her, and soon she followed the professor outside. It was a bit of an odd assignment, but Aroha didn't mind. She found a worm and tried out the spell: "Repello worm!" The spell barely did anything, and Aroha made a soft 'hmph'. She tried again, and apparently overdid whatever she was doing because the worm went flying far away. Aroha chuckled lightly to herself, though she felt a bit bad for the little creature. He'd just been minding his own business after all. Aroha tried it with a few other insects and worms she could find, finding the spell kind of satisfying. Once satisfied, she let the professor know she'd finished and went on her way.

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