Searching for a snack

Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Not ready to turn in for the night, Cyndi decided to head down to the kitchens for a snack of some sort. The hallways were silent and dark as she made her way down, and the young student teacher was suprised to not find any students along the way. There usually were one or two out and about despite the curfews that were in place.

Entering the kitchen, Cyndi used her wand to light the way as she tiptoed quietly to the fridge, not wanting any of the house elves to wake up thinking that she needed assistance. She placed her hand on the door and pulled it open slowly, the light from the fridge brightening up the whole area. Undecided about whether to have a piece of chocolate cake or some brownies, Cyndi stood there with one hand on her hip and the other on the door.
Even though Vince had been at Hogwarts for about two months now, he was still so used to his other job of late night shifts bar-tending at the Hogs Head, and had therefore found himself restless and unable to sleep that night. After tossing and turning, he decided to go down to the kitchens for some hot chocolate, something that for some reason, never failed to make him sleepy. Vince threw a plain white v-neck shirt on over his wild, curly hair and put some faded jeans on as he shoved his feet into some shoes to walk out into the castle.

He was still getting acquainted with the castle so he had gotten lost quite a few times, but eventually he managed to find the kitchens. It hadn't occurred to him that maybe pulling out his wand and using it to light his path would've been a smart idea until after he had already arrived at his destination. He entered the kitchens and immediately saw someone standing in front of the fridge, blocking some of the light it provided. "Oh," he said to himself in surprise, not having expected anyone here. He squinted his pale bluegreen eyes and asked, "You're not a student are you?" Vince wasn't going to rat them out, it would just be rather uncomfortable if they were.
Cyndi hadn't been expecting anyone to arrive in the kitchens and was startled to hear another voice. With a slight jump, she turned her head to see someone standing there. She knew he wasn't one of the students because she knew most of the older ones, so she concluded that he must be a professor even though he looked rather young. The light coming from the fridge wasn't good enough that she could get a clear look at the guy, but she knew that he was tall, much taller than her anyway.

"You scared me!" she breathed out and then shook her head, a small smile appearing on her face. A lot of people still confused her for a student, which was pretty normal considering she had only graduated a few months ago. "Nope. My name's Cyndi Weasley. I'm a professor-in-training. Are you a new professor here?" she asked as her heartbeat began to slow down.
Vince chuckled lightly and shook his head as he said, "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you. I just didn't think anyone else would be here at this time of night," he added, figuring that she had probably thought the same thing. Vince shoved his hands in his pockets as he took a few steps forward cautiously. When she said she wasn't a student, but rather a professor-in-training he smiled again, then she asked if he was a new professor here. Vince grinned as he nodded his head yes as he verbally stated the same. "Yeah, I just started a few months ago," he said with a shrug of his shoulders. "It's a bit surreal to be honest," he admitted, his lips turned upward into a small smile. He was still amazed he had been hired at such a young age, but he thought that the fact that the lessons he taught were geared towards teens, perhaps a youthful mind was best in communicating with his students. Feeling more comfortable now that he knew she wasn't a student, he asked, "What subject do you teach?"
"Tell me about it" she responded with a laugh, which she quickly stifled as it sounded overly loud in the quiet of the kitchen, as the young professor said that his hiring was surreal. It was how she felt about the whole situation herself. Just a few short months ago, she had no idea what she wanted to do with her life other than pass her NEWTs and graduate and now she was teaching a class. She taught the middle year students so it wasn't so bad because she had a couple of years on them and so far things had gone well.

"I teach Ancient Runes to the third and fourth years" Cyndi explained. "How about you?" she asked, curious to know what class he taught. Looking at him again, Cyndi was pretty sure that she would have signed up for whatever class he was teaching even if it had been astronomy, her least favorite subject. She realized that she was still holding onto the door of the fridge and asked, "Did you want something? " as she gestured to the door and picked up a brownie from the plate in the fridge.

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