Screaming from the bathroom

Sunako Koshiba

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Black Walnut 10 1/2" Sakura core
ID # 7301650

Sunako was screaming again. She had been at this school for months now and the teachers would do nothing about this. There had been complaints about Sunako's behavior when this happened. At least there used to be. When she 'raised hell' in the middle of potions class no one dared cross creepy Sunako again. This only make their fear worse. It had been a few months since Sunako had stopped feeling the sharp pains in her head that nearly drove her to insanity but she could still hear the voices.

Sunako was in a stall with her arms wrapped around her legs and screaming in pain. You are meant for one thing and one thing alone Sunako, protect the child. You are nothing but a servant you are meant for nothing more. You will protect the Koshiba girl. Sunako wanted to make it all stop when it happened but she knew she couldn't she could only scream until the pain went away. You will pledge your life to the Koshiba girl once the time comes. Sunako nodded knowing that at this point the pain would go away. She would do anything to make the pain go away.

Sunako banged her head against the side of her stall a few times before the pain and the voices went away. She was breathing hard now. All that there was left to do was clean herself up. She could go back to face the world that thought her so useless with the blood she knew she had drawn from herself during her episode. Sunako walked out of the stall then caught the sight of herself in the mirror. With sharp motion she broke it then started to clean her self inflicted wounds.
(Hoping Veronica does not end up dead :p )

Veronica walked up the staircase that seemed to go on forever especially today since she was so tired. She had spent the whole afternoon rehearsing for the upcoming Qudditch game and she was, according to their captain doing good in her seeker position. Her whole body ached now due to sitting on a broom for the past two hours and wearing a jeans which was brand new and uncomfortable. As many knew, Veronica was more of a skirt and leggings person, jeans was just not her thing.

Nice hot shower, dinner and bed
she thought with a smile as she walked through the corridor that would lead her to the common room. It was then she heard a loud scream. Not just one scream but screams that were those which came from horror and pain and they continued. She looked around wondering who was in pain or why they were in pain. She realized it was coming from the girl's lavatory. She rushed inside and scanned the bathroom. Her eyes landed on a girl whose face she could not see and she seemed to be crying. The whole lavatory was a mess and much of that was...blood! "Hey...are you alright?"she asked as she walked up to the girl and knelt beside her. "What happened?"she asked as she put her comforting hand on the girl's shoulder whose face was not clearly visible as it was hidden behind thick, long hair.
It was as if someone had been trying to hit Sunako. When she felt the hand on her shoulder she shot over to a corner and hid herself as well as she could through her long dark hair and black hood. "I'm nothing, I'm no one, I don't exists. I'm nothing, I'm no one, I don't exists." Sunako muttered over and over again not really seeing that the person that was showing concern for her was the very person that she had planned to torment later on. Sunako was shivering in a way that no one would think possible of the dememtor incarnate.

There was blood dripping from her fist now from where she had taken out the mirror. Sunako hated looking at herself. In her eyes she was the ugliest thing in the world. This was because of the voices. They said that she was ugly that no one wanted to look at her half breed face. She was meant for nothing but to serve. There was the whispering started again and the pain that was now associated with it even though there was no one inflicting it on her now. There hadn't been anyone inflicting it on her for a while now. The voice became tied with the pain so that's what Sunako felt when she heard it. "Leave me alone, leave me alone, LEAVE ME ALONE" Sunako yelled as her fingers dug into arms with her sharp claw-like nails.
Veronica watched a little scared herself as she wondered what was happening to the girl. Her eyes widened with surprise as she got a glimpse of the girl's face as she moved away to the corner. It was Sunako, Veronica's enemy number one. She was almost going to leave the Watanuki girl to deal with her problems but she didn't have an evil heart like them and therefore she didn't. Although she would hate herself for being nice to her enemy she was going to help. Sunako's words made no sense and Veronica got the impression that she was under some kind of a spell or chant.

"Sunako..." she called as she cringed away from the blood that was spread on the floor. Avoiding to step on it she moved towards Sunako and pushed back the her hair to get a clear view of her face. "It's going to be alright, I'll take you to the hospital wing....relax" she said in a slow and kind voice hoping Sunako wouldn't kick her in the face with her karate. "Is someone hurting you?"she asked wondering if Sunako would understand her in the present conditions. Veronica dabbed her scarf and wiped the blood off Sunako's hand that was cut badly.
Sunako was suffering from a sort of post traumatic stress disorder. The spells that had been used on her for a number of years while she had been attending Tokyo Academy of magic had left a scar on her brain that no one would be able to fix. It also made her think that she was being hurt like she had been back then. There had to be a spell in there somewhere too that had made the voices and pain repeat themselves to keep Sunako the way she was but about that she didn't know. Sunako came back to herself and hissed softly. "Leave it alone White. I've done worse to myself." She said looking away.

Sunako had gone through training so hard that she had shattered her own bones, she had slammed herself against an iron door trying to make the pain stop, she had nearly poisoned herself with one of her creations because she had wanted to see what it would be like. Sunako was crazy there was no doubt about that but she still had a bit of since left in her. "No healers." She said finally. Sunako hadn't heard what Veronica had said but she knew what she was thinking. There was no way she was going to a healer for something like this.
Veronica was kneeling beside Sunako after wiping her hand when she heard Sunako speak to her. And then she looked away. What was it with her? Couldn't she agree to being helped by an enemy. She frowned on hearing that Sunako didn't want to be taken to the healers. She had heard of people resisting from being treated, she had done similar things on several occasions but Sunako was badly hurt and maybe she was even facing more pain that she showed through her screams. She did need help. "Okay, no healers" she agreed hoping that would comfort the Watanuki girl a little.

"How about we get out of this messy area?"she offered as she got up holding Sunako's hand hoping that she would allow her to lead her to the common room and put a little medicine on her cuts. Maybe a good sleep would help the girl.
Kyouhei had been seeing his sister screaming in pain lately, it was killing him inside but he wouldn't let her know that he felt that way. He had been walking in the dark corridor for hours until he heard a scream of Sunako's. He decided to check on her and he found the blond girl that he saw earlier, Veronica White wasn't it? Yeah he was sure it was her, she was trying to help Sunako and deep inside, Kyouhei appreciated that but he wont let her know that he felt that way. He knew that Sunako would hurt anyone that was near her, he didn't even know if she would hurt Kyouhei or not but if she did then Kyouhei would cast a spell at her and let her suffer.

Kyouhei pushed the girl's bathroom and went inside with his hands in his pocket. He had his wand ready in his pocket. "Leave her alone, White" Kyouhei warned Veronica as he glared at his sister, his looks was softer than usual but after realizing that he was staring at her like that, Kyouhei immediately put on his cold looks and glared at the girls. "Let's go Sunako Chan" He ordered her, he was going to take her to Takenaga's room not his. He was sharing room with Ranmaru and he was sure that Ranmaru was probably sleeping and he wasn't going to bother him.
Veronica was waiting for a reply or a reaction from Sunako when she heard footsteps and then appeared Kyouhei Watanuki. She frowned on hearing his words. "Do you really think I was going to hurt her?"she asked angrily as she stood up and gave him a look. "You should take better care of your sister" she advised before she took a look at Sunako and then started to walk away.
Sunako took out her wand so she could scurgio away the blood from the floors and walls. It was unsigtly her mixed blood all over the place. Her impure self all over because she had lost control of herself. She hadn't meant for things to get like this. She had only meant to hide herself until it was over. Sunako flicked her wand carefully so that she wouldn't hurt herself again and made the blood go way. She was going to follow Veronica because she didn't know what else to do. It wasn't like she was going to say what was wrong with her.

This was when Kyouhei came in. All in the family all a secret that they had to keep very close to themselves. She walked over to Kyouhei while slipping something in Veronica's pocket in a way that Kyouhei wouldn't see. It was a vile of pinkish liquid which at best put the person in sort of dreamy state with the good smell that it gave off. It was one of Sunako's failed expiraments. She knew that Veronica would have more luck with it than she would. Her brothers would take care of her. They always did. They fought and insulted each other but they loved each other. Sunako had seen this once a long time ago. Before her world became pain and darkness.
If Sunako wasn't in pain, Kyouhei would probably pushed Veronica to the wall roughly and start pointing his wand at her but seeing his sister like this, he decided not to. But before she walk away, he grabbed her by the wrist roughly "Do not speak like this to me! I do take care of my sister and you have no idea" Kyouhei regretted saying that to her, he should have kept quiet and slam the girl to the wall. "And you're silly for thinking that you can help her, don't go near her or she shall kill you or I will" He knew that Sunako hated this girl, at least the last time they met Veronica, Sunako was telling Scipio's girlfriend that Veronica's life belongs to her.

Kyouhei then let go and saw his sister walk over him, he was glad that she would come with him instead of locking her self in the girl's bathroom. Yuki did that before and he ended up on the bed with a nurse beside him because Kyouhei was trying to open the door and it slammed open and it hit Yuki hard, it was an accident. Yuki was the only one who had never been tortured by Kyouhei, he was afraid of killing his brother. He was so fragile, even worse than Sunako. Sunako was a strong girl but Yuki was different, he was different and Kyouhei hated that fact.
Veronica let out a moan as she felt Kyouhei's hand grab her wrist tightly. She knew she wouldn't win a fight against him but she wouldn't be afraid of trying to stun him. But Zac's words of advice to Veronica rang in her mind and she decided to not argue. "Whatever" she said trying not to peak into her pocket where she felt something that Sunako had slipped in when her brother appeared. She was curious but she would have to wait to be alone before she could see it.She didn't want to stay here any longer or spend 'quality time' with Kyouhei especially when he needed to take Sunako out of this mess. "Let go" she said waiting for him to leave her wrist.
A smirk appear on Kyouhei's face, he knew it was a bad timing for a fight but he wanted it, seeing someone screaming in pain made him happy. He tighten his grip on her wrist hoping that there would be a bruise there and glared at Veronica coldly and then to Sunako. "What do you say, Sunako Chan?" It was his first time asking on her opinion. Kyouhei was always the one who decide, he never let anyone else decide except this time. This would be the first and the last, he couldn't bare seeing his younger sister hurting her self, if it was Kyouhei slamming her to the wall and let her bleed, he would be okay with it but Sunako was trying to hurt her self. "I'll let go of you whenever I want, I get to decide. No actually, Sunako chan get to choose" He glared at his sister coldly seeing if she would want to have some fun with this girl or not.
Sunako was fine now which meant that she was back to her old horrible self. She still didn't want to see Veronica hurt at the moment. "Let her go Onii-chan. I'm not feeling well enough for this." She said though her voice was devoid of any emotion. Sunako was giving a kindness for a kindness. Veronica had tried to take care of her even though she had no idea what was going on and Sunako wasn't going to forget that any time soon. Still the small thing of letting her live while Kyouhei was here should have made them even. "Please Onii-chan I just want to go." She said clutching on this sleeve. A waive was coming meaning that she would be screaming for hours now. If she was in Takenaga's room they would bind her until it was over. They would keep her from scaring herself further.
Veronica's wrist hurt bad but she wasn't going to get a teary face in front of the Watanuki boy. She waited wondering what Sunako would decide and she was glad to know that she told her brother to let her go. "You heard her, now let me go" she told Kyouhei trying very hard to keep her tone calm and low. She could sense that Sunako must want to get out of here really bad or else she wouldn't use words like 'please', it just wasn't like her.
Kyouhei was slightly surprised when Sunako wanted her to go. He thought Sunako wanted to have fun a little. The smirk on his face soon disappear as he let her go. "Today's your lucky day, White" He glared at her coldly, he was going to kill her soon or at least torture. He took a few steps away from the girl still glaring at her. "Let's go Sunako Chan" He said coldly to his sister, he was going to go to Takenaga's room. He wasn't going to let Sunako scream in his room and wake Ranmaru. He knew that Ranmaru had a rough day and he knew that his brother was losing his temper. So he wasn't going to mess with Ranmaru for a while.

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