Scorpius Knight

Scorpius Knight

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Elder 15 1/2" Essence of Thestral Tail Hair
Full Name: Scorpius Knight
- Birth Date: October 13, 2009
- Current Age: 12
- Basic Appearance: tall and slim, short brown hair or long brown hair, depending on if he wants to cut it or not, grey eyes that appear cold but sparkle when he's talking to someone he likes (as a friend, not just girls)
- Parents: Lacey Knight, Marcus Knight
- Siblings, if any: Just one younger brother, Orion Knight, 6 years old
Orion when he's older:
- Pets, if any: A pet snake named Eve (a girl snake), and a pet spider named Hyder
- Area of Residence: Born and raised in Cork, Ireland but moved to Wellington, New Zealand with his grandmother for practicality to go to school in HNZ
- Blood status: Mixed Blood

(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why): Ravenclaw; not your typical smartypants, just too curious about everyting
- Best school subjects (And why): Flying, Transfiguration (likes Astronomy and History but not enough to do well in them -_- )
- Worst school subjects (And why):

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be? A scorpion because the word closely resembles his name so he feels connected to the creature.
- What would their Boggart be? Being expelled and becoming a disappointment to his family, but mostly to himself
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one) An eagle so he can fly wherever he feels like going
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised? Himself successful without his family telling him what he has to do
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus? When he and his dad climbed their first mountain

- Write an example roleplay by your character:
Scorpius woke up with the wind howling at him as an alarm clock. He groaned, "I'm up," and rubbed his eyes open. Today was his first day of class and he had been tossing and turning all night, wondering if he would be a qualified wizard like the rest of his family. Finally he had gotten some sleep but not enough because he still woke up grumpily. He slowly got up and put his robes on, prepared for his first day of class. After he was dressed he picked up his wand from the nightstand and put it in his robe pocket. He picked up his backpack and threw it over his shoulder, the book in it, hitting him in the middle of his back. "Ouch," he whispered. He made his way down to the Great Hall to eat some breakfast before class and sat at the appropriate table. He smiled at the few people he recognized and reached over for some muffins, while pour sugar into his oatmeal. Just as he was eating, an owl flew down to him with a letter for him. He squinted and noticed it was from his grandmother. He picked it up and began to read it but the owl was pecking him over and over. "Ow!" he said, rubbing his finger. "What do you want?" Then a student nearby said he wanted some of his food, so Scorpius gave him the rest of his muffin. "Here," he said grumpily again, going back to reading his letter.

[It's all crap! Sorry, couldn't think of anything good.]

- Imagine that your character keeps a diary or journal. Write a page that could possibly be found in it:
Boys don't keep journals. :p
March 17, 2014
Today my brother was born. I've always wanted a brother, but he's too young. When I go to wizard school, assuming I do get a letter, he'll only be 6 years old so he won't be able to come with me. I feel like technically my wish still hasn't come true. I wish I was a twin, so then my brother would be the same age as me. They let me pick the name. I chose the name Orion, cool name huh?


August 10, 2020
I finally got the letter that I wanted, New Zealand. My grandfather went to Hogwarts England when he lived there, and he said it was an awesome experience. My parents want me to go to the England Wizarding Prep**, but growing up I listened to my grandfather tell me his stories of school at Hogwarts, and it sounds really interesting. I already owled grandmother and she said I was welcome to live with her before school started, and maybe during school breaks. I'm going to talk to my parents tonight and hopefully convince them that it's a good idea. I feel bad for leaving Orion, but he'll be fine. I don't know if I'll be able to stay away from him during the holidays though, so maybe living with grandmother will only be about a month before school starts. Maybe I can even convince my grandmother and parents to let Orion live with my grandmother, that way we wouldn't be far apart! We'll see...Well wish me luck.

**I made up my own school, I hope that's okay.
Welcome to the site, Scorpius. :D I have a few questions for you and your character:

Why did he move to New Zealand with his grandmother? Does he not like babies?

Why doesn't he want to be around his baby brother?

Why are his patronus and his desired animagus form a different animal?

Is there some reason he would be worried for being expelled

And just want you to know:
You wrote that Scorpius' grandfather attended school in New Zealand, although this school is only in its fifth year of existence. Don't worry, it's a common mistake. ;)
Why did he move to New Zealand with his grandmother? Does he not like babies?
I forgot to edit my story. :doh: At first I wanted him to NOT like babies, but then as I continued, I changed my mind, but forgot to change the top of the form. He moved to New Zealand to go to HNZ, but not because he hated babies. He now actually felt really sad for leaving his younger brother.
((This'll be the only OOC answer I'll give. :p ))

Why doesn't he want to be around his baby brother?
Read above ^^

Why are his patronus and his desired animagus form a different animal?
My Patronus is just the mist or figure of an animal so I feel it would be a scorpion because that's what I feel describes me on the inside, my "mist-like" soul. (And I feel that the scorpion is my "inner animal" because of my name).

My animagus is the animal I most want to BE and have its qualities and features. I want to travel the world but not leave my loved ones for long periods of time, and when I was little, I always wished to be an eagle to be able to do just that. This was before I had gotten older and learned about the Wizarding methods of transportation that were just as fast, if not faster (Apparation, Floo Powder, Portkey, etc).

Is there some reason he would be worried for being expelled?
It's just been embedded in my brain since I started grade school that that was the worst thing that could possibly happen. I think being in wizarding school will finally open my eyes to what I really want, what I really fear, and other stuff.

And thanks for the notice about the school being open for only 5 years, I'll change that now, along with other things so as not to confuse anyone like yourself anymore. :)
Hello Scorpius..

What does his parents do for a living?
A pet spider is usually not a normal pet. Is there a reason he has a spider or does he just like them?
When he looked in the Mirror of Erised Scorpius saw himself successful without his family telling him what he has to do. Does his family order him around/tell he what to do a lot?
Hello Scorpius
I only have two questions now more to come though..

Why did his parents allow him to name your brother? It is not very common that this would happen.

If his Grandfather hadn't told him about Hogwarts would he gladly have gone to England Wizarding Prep? Or would he have wanted to go to another school?
Hello, here are the answers to your questions Professor Kiara Ana.

What does his parents do for a living?
My father, Marcus Knight, owns a restaurant/pub in Ireland appropriately named "Knight's Castle."
My mother, Lacey Knight is happily a "house mother" and lives to take care of the three men in her life. :D

A pet spider is usually not a normal pet. Is there a reason he has a spider or does he just like them? I just like them. I like to give people (and animals) a second chance, whereas most people see someone or something and judge it (i.e. spider=scary, bad). I asked for a spider because I wanted to see that it was not all bad, and it turns out it's a very cool animal.

When he looked in the Mirror of Erised Scorpius saw himself successful without his family telling him what he has to do. Does his family order him around/tell he what to do a lot? My family tells me what to do because they want what's best for me, like any family does. My dad doesn't want me to end up like him because he thinks taking over a family business (the pub) isn't much of a success. That doesn't mean he's not proud of his accomplishments (the pub) but me being HANDED the pub isn't success. He wants me to work for it, or work for my own goal, which I plan to do.
Hello Aiden, here are the answers to your questions and feel free to ask more. :)

Why did his parents allow him to name your brother? It is not very common that this would happen. When I was about 5 years old, I had the habit of naming everything! All my toys, the food I played with, and anything I could get my hands on really. It seemed a bit trivial and before my brother was born I would call him "Orion" while he was in my mom's belly and she thought it was a unique name, just like my own, and decided to keep it.

If his Grandfather hadn't told him about Hogwarts would he gladly have gone to England Wizarding Prep? Or would he have wanted to go to another school? I think I would've gladly gone to England Wizarding Prep because I didn't know of any other schools. *shrugs*
Did your mother seem to notice that Orion and Scorpius were both constallations?

F.Y.I. I noticed that your information box says that your character is 12 technically to be unsorted unless you have other situations you would be 10 years old.
Actually, Aiden, he would be 11, as long as he didn't turn 12 before the school year began. As his birthday is in October, and we are currently at the end of December, Scorpius would already be 11.

These questions are more aimed at you, the RPer, not your character :p

What house do you think Scorpius would be placed in?

What subjects do you see Scorpius excelling at?

What subjects do you think Scorpius wouldn't do well in?

Sorry about bombardment of questions. You're off to a fantastic start!
Aiden's question: Did your mother seem to notice that Orion and Scorpius were both constallations? Yes she noticed immediately when I would call my brother in her belly "Orion." That is partially, if not mostly, the reason why she decided to keep the name. She thought it was "meant to be." :oy:

And thanks for pointing out the age thing for me, I fixed it now. :)

Now Markus's questions.

What house do you think Scorpius would be placed in? Honestly I'm still trying to decide between Slytherin and Ravenclaw. I'm leaning more towards Slytherin and there are two reasons why: 1) I joined the site a while back and I was in Slytherin, then I had to leave because I got too busy but now I still feel a little affinity with the house. (Is affinity the right word to use??) and 2) Scorpius wants to achieve things, and I feel like Slytherin is the most appropriate house for him to go far. That's not to say in any other house he wouldn't be able to, it's just a feeling I guess. He doesn't want to be categorized by the house he's in so he's hoping to be in Slytherin so he can show the different layers and kinds of Snakes there can be in the House.

What subjects do you see Scorpius excelling at? I see Scorpius excelling at Potions and Transfiguration, especially since he's so interested in "becoming"different things, say for example an animal, a different person, etc. Transfiguration and Potions can really help out with that.

What subjects do you think Scorpius wouldn't do well in? History of Magic maybe. I'd like to say that at first he doesn't find it at all interesting so he doesn't try at all for that class, but maybe over time something will spark his interest and he'll become fascinated with it.

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