School Shopping and A New Friend

Jacob Dawlish

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OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash
Jacob bit off the last taste of his Licorice wand ,mmmm delicious he sighed.He had stopped to take a break after buying his school robes at Madam Milken's they were soft and smooth lined with a deep royal blue to symbolize Ravenclaw..his house of course.He continued walking down the street to Scribbulus Everchanging Inks for his brand new royal blue quill. He entered the store and scanned the isles for jar of everchanging ink...where could it be? He turned suddenly around the corner to the next isle and bumped into a flustered girl around his age.Sorry! Are you ok? Jacob asked looking worried.
Fern Munrowe was almost done her shopping in Scribbulus Everchanging. Being 1st year she was pretty flustered for she couldn't find the right type of ink for her new quill. Scanning through the isle eyes squinted finger out and everything Fern turned the corner and all of a sudden she bumps into a boy her age. "Sorry are you okay?" he asked the embarrassed 11 year old. She responded quietly "Yeah just a little flustered!" then she thinks for the slightest second and introduces herself "I'm Fern Munrowe a first year to Hogwarts NZ and looking for a jar of ever-changing ink."
Jacob studied Fern Munrowe she looked very pretty with her long wavy blonde hair that stopped right at her shoulders and shiny blue eyes that twinkled when she spoke.Jacob paused is thoughts and smiled with a laugh "My name is Jacob Dawlish". "How funny it is that we both are looking for Everchanging ink" Jacob said with a grin.Jacob turned and began riffleing through the ink jars "found them!" he said to Fern "now what house did you say you are going in? I'm in Ravenclaw like my mother". Jacob waited patiently for Fern's response with a gentle smile.
The boy gave an attractive chuckle then said" My name is Jacob Dawlish." Jacob, Fern liked the name Jacob. " How funny it is that we both are looking for everchanging ink" How funny it was. While Jacob started ruffling around looking for the ink Fern decided it would be rude, yes, but she would study him. He had straitish dark chocolate brown hair and breath-taking, heart-melting brown eyes. He was a good 5 inches taller than her but she didn't really care. Just then Jacob shouted "found them!" then with a calmer expression he asked " now whathouse did you say you are going in? I'm in Ravenclaw like my mother". A little disappointed she replies with a mischievous grin " Ravepuff." Jacob obviously couldn't comprehend cause his facial expression has price-less. " Wait what house are you in???" Laughing really hard Fern was just able to make out " I'm actually in Hufflepuff. But I thought I'd throw you off guard and say Ravepuff. Both our houses combined!"
Jacob gave a harty laugh "Aha,thats cute..Ravepuff...Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff". "So your in Hufflepuff thats cool you know we should hangout sometime this week,to get to know you better!" he grinned at her expression of utter glee.Jacob scanned the isles again for parchment grabbing the white tattered papers in his silky hands running his hand through his hair he turned again "So what do you want to do when we hangout?"
Fern was mentally scanning her agenda she had almost done all her shopping...beside that cute little owl she wanted. She was thinking this over when Jacob interrupted " So when do you want to hang out?" wow impatient much? Fern had an idea " Hey, why don't you come buy an owl with me at the owelery tomorrow?" Fern was secretly crossing her fingers he would say yes after a few minutes Fern thought he must just be teasing her her cause it can't take five minutes to say "yes" or "no".
Jacob studdied Fern's question to go to the owelery he wanted to say yes he really did but he already had his little ball of fur Rufus the short haired english cat.His smile faltered "Sorry,Fern I can't go to the owlery..I already have Rufus my cat".Jacob paused and an idea flickered in his head "How about after you go to the owlery we go get ice cream at Florence's its just down the street!"Jacob's smile widened again yes he had found a way in to this invitation again,now he can spend time with Fern.
Fern was a bit disappointed when he mentioned Rufus but she was sure he would be cute. But the idea of ice-cream puckered her up because one of her most favourite foods ever. She put on the biggest smile she could ans cheerfully replied with a " Yes that would be..." she started doing her excited voice." the best thing ever!!!" And with that she went to go check out, with Jake at her side, and then they cheerfully went their ways.
Jacob watched Fern leave and shortly after he followed pacing himself thinking about Fern she really was a unique Hufflepuff he smiled just thinking about her smile so radiant and blinding.He remembered the last relationship he was in where he could'nt tell anyone about her...Hannah that is.They were still friends but now he thought of Fern that way,the way he thought about Hannah.He did'nt wanna mess things up with Fern...she was special to him now even though they just met.Jacob stopped and saw Cole in the distance "Cole,get your butt over here! Mom asked you to meet her at Madam Milken's an hour ago!!
Fern walked slowly toward the owlerey in silence thinking about her new bestie Jacob and how the odd way of meeting and his friendly smile, and those eyes the warm and comforting. Anyway at the owlerey she didn't really find an owl that she loved, the one in the window got sold, so she went to menagerie. There she found an adorable little bombay kitten that just totally stole her heart. She decided to name him Knight. Now time to meet up with Jacob.

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