Saving My Semi-Dead Characters``

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Adriana Clarke

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
So some of my characters have been slipping through the cracks, so I want to save them! Also, if you were in a thread with any of these characters, don't hesitate to remind me of it.


Althaia Dubois
I made her a plot and it never really got into action. She's a headstrong and confident twenty year old woman that isn't afraid to have an opinion on things. Though sometimes she can be extremely hard-headed and so it's hard to get a word in with her more often than not. Now what I'm looking for her is a love-interest which can be a woman or a man. The only requirement is that they get along correctly. If it was a woman, I'd love to start an RP off as them being friends and then it developing into a close bond, then eventually a romantic relationship. She probably wouldn't be comfortable with it at first but then would ease into it, mostly because she hasn't discovered that aspect of her sexuality yet. I'd also love some friends for her to gossip with and spend time with as well. I can't say that she'd not have enemies. Since she can be stubborn, it can be easy to dislike her I'm sure.


Adriana Clarke
This is my favorite student for sure. Adriana is a flat out cocky and narcissistic Slytherin first year that knows what she wants and will do anything to get it. She won't hesitate to use people as if they were objects and to toss them out without a second thought. Mainly, she just needs one or two close friends to gossip and torment other students. However this friend needs to be either a Ravenclaw or a Slytherin, mostly because she wouldn't socialize with anyone otherwise. She's also very picky, so she would point out flaws if she deemed it necessary. Though blood purity doesn't mean much to her, so that's not something that's a factor in picking her friends.

Aran Reynolds
It really makes me sad to have to write this because I love Aran to death. He's a flirt and very charming, never hesitating to chat-up anyone in his path. Though this twenty two year old is also extremely sensitive and sometimes finds himself getting upset over very minute details or actions of people. Even a look can put him into a bad mood or get him worried that you dislike him. Clearly, he's just a people pleaser. He also lives in London as a freelance artist, and just does odd jobs around for money. He loves to travel so he usually doesn't stay in one spot of a long amount of time. Currently he's getting over a rocky relationship, so I'm not really looking for a current love interest. He'd probably settle with flings and friends to get him out of his rut. Maybe there can be a plot with one of his friends developing feelings and vise-versa. But I dunno, if you have any ideas just suggest it. :r
I have two characters that can RP with Adriana.

Amber Wilson.
Amber isn't a Ravenclaw or Slytherin but she is really wealthy and maybe Adriana could use her for her money and betray her? Amber is sweet and kind and easy to get along with. She isn't judgemental in the slightest. I don't know if you want to RP with Amber or not, I won't mind if you dont. Amber just needed an RP or two.</COLOR>
Arielle Lemaire.
Arielle is also very wealthy, she is originally from France and her mother died when Arielle was just a baby. Since Arielle is a Slytherin she could gossip etc about other students behind their backs. Unlike Amber, Arielle is really judgemental. Arielle won't be nice to people if they aren't fashionable and/or rich like her.
<COLOR color="#000">Let me know if you want to RP or not.
I actually like that idea a lot. Plus it seems in Adriana's character to do something like that.

She sounds perfect to be a friend to Adriana. They'd get along really nicely.

Any preferences as to who starts these up?
Hey Mimi :hug:

I had another idea for a roleplay :r sorry :p

Isobel and Adriana

Isobel is basically full of herself. Whereas there are some 'mild' Slytherins, she is basically pure evil :p she loves shopping, girly things and being around people, but she is incredibly two faced. Isobel had a hard upbringing, being an only child and her mum dying when she was little. Her dad is a muggle, but her mum was a nearly pure-blood witch and Isobel despises her dad, only keeping him around her little finger for money purposes. She is quite rich, and gets exactly what she wants, when she wants. I think that her and Adriana would get on very well, as long as at first they don't fall out (Isobel has too much pride to apologise or make it up with her) Isobel would probably be a great gossip, and i had a random idea that seeing as you are looking for 2 Slytherin students, Isobel, Adriana and Arielle could become a sort of friendship group??? I don't mind and obviously we need Anna to agree, but thats just a suggestion xD

Let me know what you think :)

Althaia Dubois&Alexia Mason
I have Alexia Mason, she has a very similar personality I would be open to anything friends or love interest latter on. She is headstrong and that could be interesting if they were to fight on something because neither would want to admit the other was right.

Aran Reynolds&Alexia Mason
It's pretty much the same as above here, She could be a close friend or fling. Alexia would understand how he's feeling about the break up, and she could handle his moodiness.
You know I love your ideas. :cool: But they would get along well and as long as Arielle agrees to it, I'd love making that group.

I think that's a good idea. ^_^ They can start out as friends and then it'll develop from there maybe? I'd love to see how these two would work out as a couple because of their stubbornness.

I think they'd make great friends. As for fling, he'll definitely attempt flirting with her, but then fail miserably.
Isobel and Adriana

haha, they are too random :p (my ideas that is :p ) im glad you go along with them :cool:

That would be awesome then :D Perhaps they should have a topic going in the girls dorm then?? Like a mini group, but without a name or anything so it isn't going to become something done by the rules, just an awesome threesome :cool:
I'll see what I can conjure up. :p I'll PM you with the link.
How about I start the one for Amber and you start the one for Adriana and Arielle? :D PM me the link to the topic once you have posted it and I will do the same.
Sounds great!If you want I'll start Aran and Alexia's and you can start Althaia and Alexia's? :)
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