Sasuke Uchiha

Sasuke Uchiha

Full Name:
Sasuke Neijie Uchiha (Read as Uchiha Sasuke Neijie in Japan, Korea and China)
//Pronounce as Saske

- Birth Date:
January 23, 2011
- Current Age:
11 years old
- Basic Appearance:
Sasuke has brown, straight, long hair. His eyes are color blue and his body has an athletic figure with 6 packs.
- Parents:
Tsunade (Uzumaki) Uchiha said:
* Pronounce as Sunade
* Read as Uchiha Tsunade (Uzumaki)
* Former Private Assassinator Ninja, Now a well business woman
* Attended Ninja Academy and Beauxbatons Academy
* Tsunade was born on April 9, 1988 in Fukushima, Japan. She was the middle Daughter of Shizune (Haruno) Uzumaki and Yamato Sai Uzumaki. When Tsunade was 11 years old, she was trained as a Ninja in Ninja Academy in the hidden village of Konoha. She then met her husband in the same Academy and got along, when Tsunade graduated in the age of 13th and got the rank of genim. Her parents decided to take her in some girly school called Beauxbatons, she then knew that she was a witch.
Minato Sarotobi Uchiha said:
* Read as Uchiha Minato Sarotobi
* Former Ninja, Now a well business man and has lot's of great companies
* Attended Ninja Academy and Beauxbatons Academy
* Minato was born on February 14 1987 in Aomori, Japan. He was the oldest son of Shino (Abumare) Uchiha and Shikamaru Yuhi Uchiha. Like Tsunade, Minato was sent in Ninja Academy when he was 11 years old, he was trained and got the position of genim. Minato met Tsunade in the Academy and got along. His parents was aware of her magical abilities, by then his parents said the truth that his a wizard and he must be enrolled to a magic school. Minato didn't argue or say anything, he knows that it would be for the best of him. Minato then flied to France and transfer to Beauxbatons Academy where he met Tsunade again.
<COLOR color="darkgreen">- Siblings, if any:
Hinata Cherry Uchiha said:
* Read her name as Uchiha Hinata Cherry
* One of the triples
* 6 years old
* One of Sasuke's triplet siblings. She was born on December 30, 2016 in Tokyo, Japan. She is now attending kindergarten.
Choji Kuh Uchiha said:
* Read his name as Uchiha Choji Kuh
* Pronounce his name as Chogi
* 6 years old
* One of the triplet siblings.
* Born on December 30, 2018 in Tokyo, Japan. He and his siblings are in Kindergarten.
Kiba Nizaro Uchiha said:
* Read his name as Uchiha Kiba Nizaro
* 6 years old
* One of the triplet siblings.
* Born on December 30, 2018 in Tokyo, Japan. He and his other triplet siblings are in Kindergarten.
- Pets, if any:
Tarantula (Robert), sh1t Zu (Demmy) and a turtle (Zoey)
- Area of Residence:
Tokyo, Japan
- Blood status:
Mixed Blood
PS: The names are only to be read like this (Alsola Alexis Joyce) if your character is a Japanese, Chinese or Korean.
(If your character is a sorted student:)
- Hogwarts House (And why):
Slytherin, Sasuke thinks it will suet his attitudes there better.
- Best school subjects (And why):
If they got any thing about the planet or the stars then Sasuke will love Astronomy.
- Worst school subjects (And why):
He loves all the subjects, he'll see if he can get on the curriculum.

(all characters:)
- What would their Patronus be?
- What would their Boggart be?
Sharp objects
- What would their Animagus form be? (If they ever were to become one)
An Eagle
- What would your character see if he/she looked in the Mirror of Erised?
He would see a more happy smiles on his families faces as his family is always happy, he wanted more.
- What memory could they use to create a Patronus?
When the triplets pushed Sasuke into the pool for fun.
Hello Sasuke,

just a few questions...

1. What type of rank is a genim?
2. Two years worth of training to graduate doesn't seem much, is this normal or is there other ranks or levels of ninja training that both Tusnade and Minato didn't graduate too?
3. Why did it take Tsunade so long to know she was a witch?
4. How old was Minato when he went to Beauxbatons?
5. What is it like having triplets in the family?
6. Do you get along with them?
7. Why did your parents decide to send you to Hogwarts and not to Beauxbatons like themselves?
8. Why would your patronus be a Lizard?
9. Why would sharp objects be your boggart?
10. Do you have any interests or hobbies?
11. Did your parents ever consider sending you to ninja academy?
What type of rank is a genim?
This might help

Two years worth of training to graduate doesn't seem much, is this normal or is there other ranks or levels of ninja training that both Tusnade and Minato didn't graduate too?
That is Normal, but there are other ranks to complete it by them. But they stop until they knew what really they are. Coz we don't know every people in the current world if the guy or woman you married is just a typical human or not.

Why did it take Tsunade so long to know she was a witch?
Her parents was weak to tell her that she's one because she might not take it and rebel herself.

How old was Minato when he went to Beauxbatons?
14th years old

What is it like having triplets in the family?
They are exciting, cute and adoring.

Do you get along with them?
Very. Everyday, we used to take a walk on the seashores.

Why did your parents decide to send you to Hogwarts and not to Beauxbatons like themselves?
Because New Zealand is just a fly away from France and we have a house in New Zealand for vacation purposes.

Why would your patronus be a Lizard?
I kinda like reptiles and know that Lizards are fast runner.

Why would sharp objects be your boggart?
[00c: I have no explanation in here, i just put it there because i have a same phobia as him]

Do you have any interests or hobbies?
Reading, Playing with the triplets, target shutting, horse back riding and watching some muggle shows on TV.

Did your parents ever consider sending you to ninja academy?
No, the school was centuries old and no one was taking care of it. So, they decided not too.
Thanks for answering those questions, just a few more. Thank you also for posting the link, I found the ranking very helpful.

1. Are you Sasuke fluent in English or do you perceive problems in communicating when you attend Hogwarts?

2. How will you feel about having no electrical equipment with you at Hogwarts?
3. If you don't get Slytherin, what other house would you like?
4. Will it be hard to be away from the triplets for so long?
Are you Sasuke fluent in English or do you perceive problems in communicating when you attend Hogwarts?
Sasuke is fluent in English, her parents taught him very well. He just talk in Japanese when his family attends party and conference meeting that the whole family will be needed.

How will you feel about having no electrical equipment with you at Hogwarts?
I don't feel bad about it because i don't usually holds any gadgets even though we are rich, i spend time with my siblings.

If you don't get Slytherin, what other house would you like?
I would prefer ravenclaw, because i have the traits that a Ravenclaw has one.

Will it be hard to be away from the triplets for so long?
That would be definitely a yes, i love them so much that i will save then on any harm.

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