Closed Same old

Millie Walden-Cade

Youngest Twin | Indoor type | Bookworm
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 11 Inch Sturdy Larch Wand with Thestral Tail Hair
02/2048 (14)
The new school year had gotten off much the same as all of her previous years and Millie once again found herself in the library trying to keep up with the school work that had been piled on her as soon as classes had begun. It was her own fault, she was the one who had decided to take every elective possible, it was often she felt that way but she had begun to envy her sister Veronica who had actually looked at some of the electives on offer and said no, the difference between the two sisters was Veronica knew what she wanted to do when she left school, Millie didn’t, she didn’t know what she was working towards.

Millie pulled the books out of her bag and started to go through some of her notes for Arithmancy. It was one of the subjects she still wasn’t sure about but it was so different to anything else she studied that she didn’t want to give up on it yet. She hunched over her books and prepared to get lost in the silence of the library.
Elodie had just gotten back to school and unpacked everything finally. Not that she had a lot of things, really, it was really just her procrastinating with most of it. Now, though, she was ready for her first trip to the library to gather a few books for her to read over the next few weeks. She was humming softly to herself as she wandered the shelves. She'd collected a few that looked interesting. She rounded a corner and spotted a girl from her class nearby. Elodie smiled softly. "Hi," She greeted, giving her a friendly smile and a wave as she continued to scan the books on the shelf.
Millie looked up when she heard someone greet her, she blushed when she saw he cute girl that she recognised from class. “Hi,” She put her book down on the table and pushed it to the side of her so she could focus fully on the new arrival. “Did you want to join me?”
Elodie looked over, smiling as she was invited to sit witht the girl. "Sure, in a few though?" She asked, motioning to the books. "I wanted to pick out a few to read. I can sit with you once I have?" She offered instead. "Would you like to help me look?" She turned back to the shelves, scanning titles to see if there would be any that caught her eye.

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