Sam Ridley

Sam Ridley

New Member
The Basics

Name: Samuel Arthur Richard Ridley
Birthday: 10th January 2004
Hometown: Dorset, England
Pureblood/half blood/muggle born/muggle/squib: Muggle
Five words that best describe your character: Intelligent, cheerful, patient, wise, quiet


Hair Color: Brown-Blonde
Hair Style: Short, slightly curly, handsomely shaped around face.
Eye color: Brown
Height: 5'10

Other distinguishing details: Faint freckles, and wears glasses when working.


Dad: Richard Ridley
Richard is a muggle and is a lawyer. He's extremely intelligent (not to mention hardworking!), loving and has a great sense of humour, and loves his kids to bits. However, he doesn’t get to see them as much as he would like, because of his demanding job. This means Sam takes a lot of order over his younger siblings. Richard has brownish hair and a tanned, ageing face!

Mum: Diana [Hardcastle] Ridley
Diana is a muggle as well, and she is a doctor at a muggle hospital. She is a busy woman, and has loads of free time with her children, but chooses to go out with friends. She is a beautiful woman, but she puts her wealth and clothes before her numerous children. She can be irresponsible, and keeps things from her doting husband. She has had quite a few love affairs, none of which Richard know about, so she is deceptive. Sam doesn’t really have much to do with her except for a few irregular and lengthy conversations about the upbringing of his siblings. Diana has long, brown hair and a pearly white face plastered in foundation!

Shelby is just plain horrible and strives to be like her mother. Sam doesn’t have much time for his younger sister.
Lucy is lovely, and admires her sister Hollie. She also likes to sit with Sam and is interested in his work. Twins with Keri.
Spends loads of time with Sam on the computer. Keri has the potential to be very clever, but sometimes can’t be bothered to make the best effort. He doesn’t really have much time for Shelby, but gets on especially well with Lucy, who is his twin sister.
Nicola (Nikki)
A mini Shelby, if that helps.
Madison (Madi)
Madi is an adorable little girl who hero worships her older sister Hollie. She spends a lot of time with her. Sam is very protective of young Madi, whom he believes to be vulnerable. He loves her a lot, and looks out for her in every situation.

Other key family members
Richard's father, who is hilarious and just like Richard. He is Hollie's favourite grandparent.


Interests/hobbies: Sport – Sam only really enjoys playing rugby and cricket. He hasn’t got too much time for football, but is good at it when he makes the effort. Sam like reading and spends most of his time at the computer. He is very intelligent and reads a lot of non-fiction factual books. However, he is also into fiction books, especially Science-fiction. He really enjoys Doctor Who! Sam plays the saxophone which he excels at, and has completed all 8 grades. He sometimes makes and writes music with his younger sister Hollie.
What you might like to do after school: Sam is interested in sciences, and may like to take that further – perhaps a doctor. He wants to do something achievable yet challenging, and something that includes things he enjoys. However, he has not fully decided exactly what he wants to do.
Someone you look up to: Sam looks up to his dad, tutor (at school), and, believe it or not, Hollie, who is very humble and unassuming (towards him!)

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