Salazar Thomason Kim Strayde

Salazar Strayde

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
13" Ebony wand with essence of Crystalised Dragon Fire
Salazar Strayde
Pureblood Gryffindor
born | 4th April 2009
age | 16

hometown | Gwyntogllan, coastal Wales

Animagus in training

~| Wandwood: Ebony | Length: 13" | Core: Crystallised Dragon's Fire |~

Ebony is well-known as the most powerful magical wood. The power of ebony is non-discriminating. It is useful for any magical practice and with any element. Ebony wands give the wizards who use them pure, unadulterated power. Ebony is obviously striking in its pure color. It represents strength and generates unsurpassed magical energy. The fire within the wand recognised the fire within Salazar and they work well together, particularly on fire charms and transfigurations.

Hair: Black, short
Eyes: Black
Height: Shorter than average. 5'6"
Build: Smaller than average, lean and sinewy.
Traditional wizarding (with the exception of
short hair). Salazar always wears long robes
and cloaks with conservative 19th Century-
style clothing underneath. However, when
he 'dresses muggle,' he goes to town, putting
together odd combinations of bright colours
and ecclectic styles.
Other Distinguishing Features:
Fingerprints of right-hand pinky and ring fingers are
blank - burnt off while playing with fire years ago.

Personality | Salazar has a fiery temper, but is mostly preoccupied with his art or his status.

History | Salazar was born and raised in Gwyntogllan (Seriously, click that link!), an exclusive wizarding community in Wales. He showed interest in colours and fire at a very early age. When he was 6, he cast his first bluebell flames charm - still his favourite charm, to this day - and at the same age, 'accidentally' set fire to a patch of grass behind his house, quite severely burning his right hand, which no longer has fingerprints on the last two fingers. He became known in his town as the best young transfigurer around, and an excellent artist. He and his friends take photographs of their wand paintings, which in themselves don't last very long, but the photographs keep a record of their brilliance.

Family | Salazar does not live with his family, although he did until early 2025. He no longer has contact with them.</COLOR>
Father | Algernon Thomason Strayde 36, Pure, Barkeep at Gwyntogllan tavern, Korean-British.
Mother | Demelza Emeliana Strayde (nee Wood) 34, Pure, Healer, British.
Brother | Barnabus Francis Kim Strayde 14, Pure, Korean-British.
<COLOR color="#000">Instructors and elders from Gwyntogllan
Transfiguration | Flammeus Grobwald
(Zar was known as the best young transfigurer in his village. Grobwald was going to train him as an animagus)

unspecified elder | Old Wentyworth
(Performed incarcerous charm on Zar when he was 12 and was caught stealing from a halfblood family)

First trip outside of the wizarding world |
Salazar had no idea what to expect. He and his friends had travelled to Diagon Alley by floo powder, chaperoned by their parents, of course. They knew not to trust a group of 15 year old boys alone in such a busy place with so many opportunities for mischief. Somehow, his mate Gwylim had convinced them all to sneak away while their parents were having lunch. They'd said they were going to look at the new arrivals at the broomstick store, but they'd snuck away and Salazar found himself surrounded by people wearing the oddest clothes he'd ever seen.
"Where are we?" he asked.
"This is London!" Gwylim replied.
People were giving them strange looks as they stood there in their robes and travelling cloaks, but Salazar couldn't tear his eyes from their strange garb. That was, until he noticed the cars going by.
"Merlin's beard! What on earth is that?"
"Haha, didn't your Ma never teach you about muggles and cars?"
"That's a car? Well that's a relief, I thought it was some kind of dangerous muggle beast!"
It was then that Salazar saw the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen in his life. He didn't know what it was, but his fingers started to tingle with heat and his toes even began to smoke a little. The colours - they were amazing! Red and blue and purple and yellow - but why were they so static? Salazar couldn't understand why someone would create such amazing light and let it just sit there, flashing inside its little black box. Maybe it was some weird muggle art movement he didn't understand.
"'Zar, what are you looking at? Come on let's go explore," Lexx called.
"This, it's brilliant!" he indicated the lights.
"A neon sign? Zar, you're stranger than a muggle's kitchen!"
Salazar stepped closer, wanting to touch the 'sign,' longing to know how it was made, how such a thing was created. Just then, Lexx's father appeared at the doorway of the Leaky Cauldron.
"What are you doing? Get back here!" he cried in panic, "There are muggles everywhere! They haven't touched you have they? Are you okay? Merlin's Beard, if the Elders find out about this..." His voice trailed off in fear. It was then that the boys realised the seriousness of their situation. 'Zar remembered the hours he'd spent listening to the elders tell of the horrors of the muggle world. He shivered and scurried back into the Leaky Cauldron, trailed by Lexx, Gwylim and the others.

First trip to Hogsmeade | Hogsmeade. <- Link viewable during school holidays or by non-student memebers.
Since that day on the London street, Salazar began to notice that some of the things he'd bee brought up to believe didn't gel with what he'd seen. He becomes curious about muggles and, knowing he won't get the truth at home, embarks on a journey to Hogwarts Scotland.

Five months alone | Returning home from Hogsmeade, Salazar can't quell his curiosity and confronts his father with his questions. When his father becomes angry, he tries to backtrack - giving a false name for the girl he met, and playing down the encounter. However, he's a terrible liar and his father disowns him, labelling him a blood traitor and sending him beyond the Kyffin, despite not having the authority to do so.
Salazar storms out, but sneaks back in in the wee hours while everyone sleeps, collecting his most prized possessions: his magical camera, collection of photographs and his hand-crafted broomstick, as well as a few items of clothing. He steals as many galleons as he can find and flies away from his home town. His first instinct is to go to Hogwarts in Scotland, but he realises his father could easily find him there - and there would be hell to pay when Algernon discovered the missing galleons. Instead he heads out across the Atlantic, flying until he is exhausted, and then some more, for hours on end, until he finds Iceland. He rests in the first forest he sees, and then slowly makes his way to the wizarding community in Reijkjavik, where he stays with a kindly old witch for a few days while he decides what to do. She helps him find information about schools he can attend and he applies to a couple. He leaves soon after, fearing his father will find him.
He travels by floo network to America and spends some time with some friends of the Icelandic witch. When he receives his acceptance letter to Hogwarts New Zealand at the end of April, he bids them farewell and travels again by floo powder to Obsidian Harbour.
Over the New Zealand winter, he survives on little and makes few forays from his lodgings at the back of the Leaky Cauldron, laying low until school starts.

6th Year
First year at HNZ | [ul][li]Salazar is sorted into Gryffindor. At first, he doesn't even know what that is or means, but as he learns more, he is shocked that he wasn't placed in Slytherin.
[li]Begins writing letters to Daytona Bradshaw, the girl he met in Hogsmeade. (I think I've found this 'real world' you speak of)
[li]He meets fellow transfer student Mark Stone and Slytherin Hilde Lindstrom. (Transfers meet) The next day meets Mark again and their friendship is set despite their differences. (A relaxing place)
[li]In his first Astronomy class, he travels by portkey to Troy in Turkey, where he is 'attacked' by muggles. (Hilarity at Troy)</COLOR>
[li]On Daytona's advice, he wears a 'pureblood' name badge and is laughed at by the entire student body. (Looking like a fool)
[li]Joins the Gryffindor quidditch team. (Practice, )
[li]He meets the girl of his dreams, Cassie Zhefarovich, but she doesn't feel the same way about him. (Brave now, aren't we?)
[li]In Muggle Studies he learns a great deal. (Lesson #1, Lesson #2, )
[li]He asks his transfiguration professor if she knows anyone willing to train him as an animagus.
[li]<COLOR color="#000">Joins the Muggle Sports Club in an attempt to learn more about muggles. (Accio: Muggle Sports Club)

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