Saffron Crewe

Saffron Crewe

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OOC First Name

Full Name: Saffron Crimson Blue Crewe
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Name Meaning:
Saffron; Yellow Flower
Crimson; Dark Red
Blue; The Color
Birth Date: 18th of October 2007
- Age: 19th years of age
- Birth Place: Norwich, England
- Current Residence: Christchurch, New Zealand

Words that describe you: Cute, Smart, Independent, Activist
Motto: Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars

Blood Status: Mixed Blood
- Blood Origin:
*Andrew Crewe is a pureblood wizard. His family came from Scotland but originated from Ireland.
*Crimson Reeves came from a half-blood wizarding family; her father was a pureblood while her mother was a muggleborn.
Crimson’s father originated from America while her mother is from Russia.
- Heritage: Half-Irish and Half-American

Civil Status: Single
Saffron Crimson Blue Crew or Rony for everyone, daughter of both deceased Lady Crimson Saffron nee. Reeves Crewe and Sir Andrew Wayne Crewe. Saffron was born at October 18, 2007 from England where she grew up with her sister, Ermengarde Clara Lilith Crewe; the two became orphans at a young age. Both their parents die in a fire because of saving little Ermengarde. Saffron however, didn’t blame her sister for the lost of their parents.

After the incident, their parents left quite a big fortune for just the two of them. And was taken care of a banker named Miranda Stevenson, when Saffron turned 18, they moved to Austin, Texas at that time. But she wants to work like a normal teenager , by the time she was 18, Miranda told them that Saffron can take charge of caring Ermengarde by herself as they lived in America now and laws states that 18 is an adult. She was glad that they are independent and free.

Saffron was always hesitating to use their parent’s money, so, instead of going to college like muggles do. She worked as a full time cashier in a fast food chain in the muggle world and a part time babysitter, so, Ermengarde can have a playmate and not always alone. She raised Ermengarde by herself, the things she couldn’t do when their parents were alive, now she can do it. Raised in a sophisticated household, Saffron can’t do anything by herself, butlers and maids are all around her. The same happened to Ermengarde when she was born.

But that’s not all it was for Saffron. She’s a mixed blood witch, her parents had explained this to her that time she turned eleven on her birthday. Saffron thought she normal like any other children in the muggle world. Though, she didn’t know she’s a freak, she’s one of the people who uses stick to cast some spells and brew potions on a cauldron. Saffron ripped the letter once it was given to her by her parents.

She didn’t spoke to them for days and nights until her father’s bravery urged him to talk to her. One of Saffron’s personalities is being brave and she caught that to her father. Andrew, Saffron’s father, told the whole story on how he and their mother met and how it works to be a wizard/ witch.
2002 – 2005
The year Saffron’s parents met at Hogwarts Scotland. Both are sixteen and in sixth year. Crimson was the Ravenclaw prefect while Andrew was the Gryffindor captain and chaser for the team. The two became best friend, as they were always partnered on every tasked the Professor assigned to them.

Andrew’s feelings for Crimson became deeper but Crimson however doesn’t know about this. Andrew’s family likes Crimson so much even though the family is pureblooded but one person became jealous of the two, Andrew’s brother, Dominic Christopher Crewe. He was in love with Crimson as well, Dominic stalks her all the time at school but Crimson doesn’t have a clue about this. Who couldn’t be in love with Crimson Reeves?

Those flaming red hair, honey brown eyes and magnificent curves are all guys wanted. But only one guy caught her eyes and heart and that’s Andrew. The two became officially dating on December of 2003, they are inseparable, no one can separate the two all those years.

Not even Dominic’s schemes are going to separate Crimson and Andrew. But it almost made them separate forever. Dominic thought that putting Crimson into a trap will make the two breaks up. Dominic invited Crimson to drink some butter beer with him and have a talk. Crimson didn’t know Dominic put something into her drink. The last thing she remembers was laying at the student lounge couch, her head was on Andrew’s lap.

Andrew told what happened and Dominic got expelled for harassment of a fellow student. After graduation, Crimson and Andrew work at the ministry. They shared everything; Crimson’s parents offered a big house for them in the muggle world and accepted it.

By then Andrew went into college and took an Associate’s Degree for Criminal Justice. While Crimson helped for her parents business, a clothing line, but on December of 2006, Crimson became pregnant to Saffron, by the time she was pregnant with her, she and Andrew are already married.

After eight years, Crimson became pregnant to Ermengarde and the couple decided to stop at two children. But tragic happened, the Crewe house was caught on fire on June of 2020. The only soul survivors was young Saffron and little Ermengarde.
Saffron didn’t listen to her father; she swore that any of this will not be known by Ermengarde. And it made her parents heartbroken. Until now, now that she’s a young adult, she carries the burden that she and her sister are witches. Saffron doesn’t know any about her parent’s parent and where is this wizarding world.

They then moved from Texas to New Zealand to start another life. Leaving the fortune their parents left them.

Former School: The Art Institute of Texas
- School House: Not Applicable
- School Club: Arts Club and Designing Club
- School Favorite Place: Dark Room
- School worst subject: Not Applicable
- School best subject: Not Applicable

Wand: Eucalyptus 13 ½ inches with Manticore hair on its core
- Size: 13 ½ inches
- Woods: Eucalyptus
- Core: Manticore Hair
- What does it do, both wood and core:
* Wood: Draws off the element of water. A feminine wood commonly used for healing, health and protection. Excellent for Moon Magic.
* Core: The Manticore is an intelligent yet ferocious creature. With the brave heart of a lion and the cunning head of a human, the Manticore is not a beast to be trifled with.
A Manticore hair would be a wise choice for one who wishes to cast dangerous hexes or miraculous charms.
It would make an excellent companion to woods that draw of the element of earth, as the Manticore dwells in the depths of dark forests.

Hair Style: Saffron has the same hair as her younger sister Ermengarde which is blonde, straight and has the same length, below the breast line.
Eye Appearance: Her eyes seems to be cold when they stare at you but to be honest, it’s the eyes of warmth and caring. Saffron has a Chinese like eyes and blueish cornea.
Build: Not tall but not short, Saffron is petite, has lack of muscles who looks like she’s not been eating for years.
- Books: Camera: A history of Photography from Daguerreotype to digital, The Ansel Adams Photography Series, no. 1, and A Series of unfortunate events
- Foods: French Fries, Carbonara, Chocolates, Chips and some fried Chicken
- Drinks: Water, Sodas and Wine
- Dress: Summer and formal dresses
- Color: Navy Blue and Baby Blue
- Shoes: Flat and heels

Hobbies: This young and feminine girl prefers to take pictures on her past time or sometimes just hangout outside on the beach and have a picnic with their nanny and her sister.
Personality: Saffron is unique in every way even in her personality, she’s not what you think she is. Saffron is quiet, independent, smart and caring, not all sister or daughter has this traits.
Likes: People who will appreciate her work of art like her photography and people who aren’t selfish because she’s not like that.
Dislikes: Death Eaters and Muggle haters

Mother’s Name: Crimson Saffron Blue nee. Reeves Crewe
Father’s Name: Andrew Wayne Crewe
Nanny’s Name: Alyson Genevra nee. Billards Seinfeld
Sister’s Name: Ermengarde Clara Lilith Crewe

Crewe Family (Father's side)
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Full Name: Christopher Gerald Crewe
Relationship: Great-Great Grandfather
Blood Status: Pureblood
Dead/Alive: Deceased (Died at age 92)
Married to: Brittany Vanessa nee. Goyle Crewe
Job: Former Auror


Full Name: Brittany Vanessa nee. Goyle Crewe
Relationship: Great-Great Grandmother
Blood Status: Pureblood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: Christopher Gerald Crewe
Job: Undercover Death Eater


Full Name: Zachary Richard Crewe
Relationship: Great-Great Uncle & Chris-Brittany’s Son
Blood Status: Pureblood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: Lilith Antonianee. Crabbe Crewe
Job: Minister of Magic Russia


Full Name: Lilith Antonia nee. Crabbe Crewe
Relationship: Great-Great Aunt
Blood Status: Pureblood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: Zachary Richard Crewe
Job: House Wife


Full Name: Beronica Zale nee. Crewe Ochoa
Relationship: Aunt & Zach-Lilith’s Daughter
Blood Status: Pureblood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: James Frederick Ochoa
Job: Durmstrang Professor


Full Name: James Frederick Ochoa
Relationship: Uncle
Blood Status: Pureblood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to Beronica Zale nee. Crewe Ochoa
Job: Beauxbatons Professor


Full Name: David Jefferson Ochoa
Relationship: Cousin & Beronica-James Son
Blood Status: Pureblood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: Cynthia Kathleen nee. Cromwell Ochoa
Job: Ministry Offcial


Full Name: Cynthia Kathleen nee. Cromwell Ochoa
Relationship: Cousin
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: David Jefferson Ochoa
Job: Owns a shop at Diagon Alley


Full Name: Crystal Jade nee. Ochoa Winchester
Relationship: Aunt & Zach-Lilith’s Daughter
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: Samuel Erick Winchester
Job: Auror


Full Name: Samuel Erick Winchester
Relationship: Uncle
Blood Status: Half Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: Crystal Jade nee. Ochoa Winchester


Full Name: Castiel Sophia Winchester
Relationship: Cousin & Crystal-Sam’s Daughter
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
School: 5th year, Hogwarts Scotland


Full Name: Aria Mariel Winchester
Relationship: Cousin & Crystal-Sam’s Daughter
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
School: 7th year, Beauxbatons


Full Name: Anna Cierra Winchester
Relationship: Cousin & Crystal-Sam’s Daughter
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Job: Muggle Grade School Teacher


Full Name: Michelle Cassandra nee. Crewe Mycal
Relationship: Great-Great Aunt & Chris-Brittany’s Daughter
Blood Status: Pureblood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: Angelito Michaelo Mycal
Job: Senior Healer at St. Mungos London


Full Name: Angelito Michaelo Mycal
Relationship: Great-Great Uncle
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: Michelle Cassandra nee. Crewe Mycal
Job: Head Healer at St. Mungos London


Full Name: Samantha Elise Mycal
Relationship: Aunt & Michelle-Angelito’s Daughter
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Dead/Alive: Deceased (Died at age 18)
Job: Former Intern at the Ministry of London


Full Name: Valentino Henry Crewe
Relationship: Grandfather & Chris-Brittany’s Son
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: Jemima Grazilda nee. Bones Crewe
Job: Head Auror (England)


Full Name: Jemima Grazilda nee. Bones Crewe
Relationship: Grandmother
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: Valentino Henry Crewe
Job: Unspeakable (England)


Full Name: Dominic Christopher Crewe
Relationship: Uncle & Val-Jem’s Son
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: Anastasia Ives nee. Carpenter Crewe
Job: Death Eater (England)


Full Name: Anastasia Ives nee. Carpenter Crewe
Relationship: Aunt
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: Dominic Christopher Crewe
Job: Death Eater (England)


Full Name: Brent Michael Crewe
Relationship: Cousin & Dom-Ana’s Son
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
School: 6th year, Durmstrang


Full Name: Jeremiah David Crewe
Relationship: Cousin & Dom-Ana’s Son
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
School: 5th year Durmstrang


Full Name: Esmeralda Angel nee. Crewe Jamieson
Relationship: Aunt & Val-Jem’s Daughter
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: John Xavier Jamieson
Job: Department of Transportation


Full Name: John Xavier Jamieson
Relationship: Uncle
Blood Status: Half Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: Esmeralda Angel nee. Crewe Jamieson
Job: Department of Transportation


Full Name: Dean Ruben Jamieson
Relationship: Cousin & Esme-John’s Son
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Job: Intern in law firm


Full Name: Ruby Annalies Jamieson
Relationship: Cousin & Esme-John’s Daughter
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Job: Owns a shop at Hogsmead


Full Name: Emerald Sapphire Jamieson
Relationship: Cousin & Esme-John’s Daughter
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
School: 7th year Beaxbatons


Full Name: Dawson Cormick Crewe
Relationship: Uncle & Val-Jem’s Son
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: Leila Camille nee. Brandon Crewe
Job: Auror (England)


Full Name: Leila Camille nee. Brandon Crewe
Relationship: Aunt
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: Dawson Cormick Crewe
Job: House Wife


Full name: Matilda Madeline Crewe
Relationship: Cousin & Dawson-Leila’s Daughter
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
School: 4th year, Hogwarts Scotland


Full Name: Mina Alessandra nee. Crewe Vandyke
Relationship: Aunt & Val-Jem’s Daughter
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: Erik Bernard Vandyke
Job: House Wife


Full Name: Erik Bernard Vandyke
Relationship: Uncle
Blood Status: Muggle Born
Dead/Alive: Alive
Married to: Mina Alessandra nee. Crewe Vandyke
Job: Court Judge


Full Name: Raffael Edward Vandyke
Relationship: Cousin & Mina-Erik’s Son
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
School: 5th year, Hogwarts Scotland


Full Name: Stevlana Amaranti Vandyke
Relationship: Cousin & Mina-Erik’s Daughter
Blood Status: Mixed Blood
Dead/Alive: Alive
School: 5th year, Hogwarts Scotland


Full Name: Andrew Wayne Crewe
Relationship: Father & Val-Jem’s Son
Blood Status: Pure Blood
Dead/Alive: Deceased (Died at the age of 38)
Married to: Crimson Saffron nee. Reeves Crewe
Job: Former Businessman


Full Name: Crimson Saffron nee. Reeves Crewe
Relationship: Mother
Blood Status: Half Blood
Dead/Alive: Deceased (Died at the age of 38)
Married to: Andrew Wayne Crewe
Job: Professional Photographer

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