Closed Running Into You

Snowdrop Chase

Eldest Child//RBF//Self-Righteous
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Sexual Orientation
Curly 12 Inch Flexible Cypress Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Snowdrop had had a strange past few days. The most odd occurrence being her run in with Cassius Styx in the library. It was just odd. He had been so… nice? She couldn’t quite wrap her head around the whole thing, it made her feel like she had been wrong for judging him but that couldn’t be. She had such spot on judgement usually. The teen had her head down, just trying to make it through the halls with her thoughts on the inside instead of written all over her face. However in the distraction she didn’t quite catch there was a student in her path and ran straight into them, forehead colliding with some part of the person. She took a few steps back. “Oh I’m sorry!” She exclaimed.
Gregory wasn't sure what was going on in his year. He had been quite hopeful that he would have a normal year, and really so far things had been okay. It was better than the year before, though that would've been quite something if the year before had been worse than this. Still though. The teen was making his way through the school, trying to still keep his head down, keep out of the way. But he wasn't looking where he was going until too late, and he bumped into someone one. He managed to stay on his feet following the collision, but the glasses went flying. Thankfully, though, he didn't hear any sound of them breaking, which would make it 50/50 as to if it happened. ”No, I'm sorry, that was probably my fault,” he automatically and quickly replied.
Snow heard the clatter of something hitting the ground and looked up. “oh, Gregory. What a way to say hi again.” She said with a laugh. Snow looked down and spotted his glasses. She knealt to pick them up and then moved to place them back on his face. She was extremely delicate in the way she did it, placing each arm of the frames on his ears. “There, that must be better.” She said with a laugh.
Gregory was kind of relieved that the person he had bumped into was Snow and not someone else. There was a brief thought in his mind that sort of like with Dahlia she would actually now be annoyed at him. But instead, as he geared up to find his glasses, she was suddenly right in front of him, putting them on, touching him with such a soft and delicate manner. Her fingers brushing his ears and he had a moment where he just blinked several times and just stared at her. His cheeks blushed furiously, and he glanced down between them, his heart beating in his chest loudly. "Thanks Snow," he said.
When Gregory blinked at first Snow retracted her hands rather quickly. She thought for a moment that she had made him uncomfortable. His cheeks flashed pink and a small smile came to Snow’s slightly chapped lips. She had never made somekne blush before and in that moment she wished she were a mind reader to know why he was blushing. “Anytime, Greg.” She said softly. “Want to walk together to wherever you’re going? We can chat games…” She said wondering if that sounded lame and then wondering when she started caring if she sounded lame.
Gregory glanced down at the ground between them. His gaze now fixed upon the ground between them. He wanted his heart to stop doing whatever weird thing it was, that he usually associated with panic. He just nodded. "Sure, I was heading to the great hall," he said motioning in the direction he needed to go. "Unless you were going elsewhere?" he didn't want to take her away from what it was she was intending to do. "Have you been playing the games I set up for you?" he asked.
Snowdrop smiled as he agreed to walk with her. She moved to be beside him and facing the same direction so it was more comfortable to walk together. Otherwise she’d have been walking backwards. “I was more just walking to clear my head.” She said honestly. “Yes I did. I actually got yelled at by mom for staying up too late one night to play Minecraft. But I’m so close to having all diamond armor.” She said excitedly. “Do anything fun over break?”
Gregory couldn't really imagine walking around just to clear his head. He was always concerned when he moved about the school about bumping into people, and usually he had a reason to be, since when he did bump into someone it usually did not end well for him. "Oh! That'd be cool," he told her, he had managed to get diamond armour already but Gregory also knew the game much better than she did. "Just the usual really, hung out with my dad, played video games. Stayed up too late playing them," he replied.
Snowdrop smiled as he said it would be cool. It would be, she was one step closer to the ender! She never thought she'd be so into video games, but she was happy her parents weren't so blood-purist they wouldn't allow her to play them. "Yeah I totally get that! It's addicting." She said with a grin. "I see trying to convince your dad not to let you come back hasn't worked. I'm glad though, who else would I be a nerd with?" She asked, glancing over to him.
Gregory agreed that it was addicting. He knew if he wasn't at magical school then he would spend most of his spare time playing games. "Sometimes, I just start playing and then blink and four hours have passed," Gregory said with a little smile. There was a slight falter in Gregory's step at her words. "Yeah?" he said with a hopeful tone. "I was kinda glad he said no too," Gregory admitted. Since though he would've been likely okay with staying home, he was also, actually quite pleased to be at school.
Snowdrop laughed at his remark about playing and it suddenly being late. She had experienced the same thing. She found it relaxing, building onto her own little village and exploring the mineshaft she had discovered. Fighting off the evil creatures of the night, none of which had been werewolves as far as she had seen. Which was a nice change. When he faltered beside her she paused as well, looking at him briefly and smiling. She then continued on and nodded. "Of course, you're like one of my best friends here." She said, almost blushing at the admittance. She was pleased to call someone as kind as Gregory a friend, and hoped that nothing would get in the way of that in the future.
After everything that had gone poorly in the year before, this was such a contrast, for Snow to be saying that they were best friends, that he had a best friend. Gregory glanced away from her, his cheeks red. "You're one of my best friends too," he replied, mirroring what she said, but she was sure that she was his only best friend and some days quite possibly his only friend. He didn't say anything else, almost worried that he might ruin it.

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