Closed Run over

Dante Styx

just hyper
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Knotted 14 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Dante Styx needed a run. It was a week before he would be turning into a werewolf. So, he needed to make sure he was going to remain in shape. Dante did not play sports, but he loved to run and feel like he was free. There was a lot of pressure on him. His mother said that she would be fixing things, and he was a little worried about what that was. She really wanted him to break up with Callie, and he did not want to. He liked her a lot! So what if she was a muggle-born? He was a werewolf, so he was not really a purified pureblood anymore, right? Dante kept those feelings in his head, and his thoughts raced faster than he ran, which was why he was not paying any attention where he was running, as his blue eyes were locked on his feet, until he literally ran into something solid. He tumbled backward and onto his back, blinking as he tried to comprehend what he ran into. He quickly sat up and realized it was not a what. It was a who.
Aura liked to run, it was something she was sure all her siblings had a tendency to do though she wasn't sure if it was for the same reasons. Even her mum liked to run sometimes, though she was sure her mum was a little more trusting. Growing up with a werewolf as a dad had meant things in their home were... interesting. Her mum was an emotionally stunted woman who didn't often seem to understand what was going through Aura's head, and her dad was useless more times than not during the month and when he was transformed, her mum would sit and watch him, almost like she thought he would disappear. She'd asked her mum why once, and she'd told her that should anything ever happen and her dad got loose she was always going to make sure he killed her first, hoping it would mean that he'd leave them alone. The wolfsbane mostly made him sleep and they were very used to it all now, but when she was four years old and her mum had told her that, well, it had been something that still haunted her sometimes. She loved her dad, more than anything, but she was still scared of what he could do if he ever forgot. She knew they'd never allow it, and he was so used to their routine she doubted he'd ever forget, but things happened sometimes. So she ran, so that she knew she could outrun him if she ever had to. It was important to her that he never feel the horror of something like that. And she didn't want the horror of knowing it was her own dad who hurt her. He'd never do it willingly, she knew that. "Oof!" She tumbled to the ground, landing hard on her butt when she ran into someone, or someone ran into her, she couldn't tell. "Ow, hey!" She looked over at her attacker only to realise it was the person she'd been trying to get alone to talk to. "Oh, Dante!"
Dante rubbed his eyes as he managed to stare at the girl that he ran smack into. She landed down on the ground as well. Dante was about to apologize when she said his name. Dante opened his mouth, and shut it quickly. He had been in this school for five years and he did not recognize this Slytherin girl. Who was she and how did she know who he was? He sat up on his bottom and crossed his legs across each other as he stared at the girl. "Ooookay so who are you and how do you know my name? You are new to this school and I'm sure I've not made a name for myself yet." Dante was not even a prefect so he did not know how someone new would know him. Dante was not exactly bright enough to connect the dots. If only he knew how his mother pulled strings behind the scenes and found himself a bride. The very bride that was sitting across from him that he ran into.
Aura brushed herself off, sitting up with a small huff of indignation as she fixed Dante with an unimpressed look. She tried to process the scene as she sat on the floor, her initial surprise softening a little into a small smile and then a bit of a laugh. “Well, this wasn’t exactly how I imagined our first proper conversation going,” she teased. When Dante asked how she knew his name, her smile only widened, though she tried to be all mysterious about it. “Let’s just say... I’ve been keeping an eye out for you. Not in a creepy way, I promise.” She tilted her head thoughtfully, her gaze steady. “I think you’ll find we’ve got more in common than you realise.” She extended her hand to him, her demeanour shifting into something more casual and friendly, “but for now, please help me up.” She didn't want to be seated on the ground anymore, and the quicker he helped her up, the quicker they could get over this pitiful introduction.​
It hit him like a knight bus. Dante remembered his mother's letters, and knew immediately who this girl might be. This, this had to be the one that his mother set him up with. A binding contract that he could not escape from, no matter how hard he could try. If he even attempted to continue with Callie, fall in love with her, she could potentially be at risk. Not just from his mother but anyone else in the family. Muggle-borns were not exactly accepted unless Styx himself stepped in to issue a protection order on them. He wrinkled his nose at her words. "No matter how you word it, it is gonna be creepy. Especially since I don't know you." Dante stood up and stared at the ground where she was, as she asked him to help her up. He scoffed, and put his hands on his hips. "Ew, no. You have to be the one my mom mentioned." Dante was copping an attitude on purpose. Since he couldn't get to his mother, he chose the next best thing - someone who didn't do anything to deserve his animosity.
She watched him silently for a moment. Hm, he was annoyed with her, though probably not specifically with her. He was probably more annoyed at the situation than anything else, but she wasn’t going to let that get to her, she didn’t need his hand to get up, she just would have preferred it, so she gets up off the ground without using her hands and using her thighs and core stomach muscles instead. She was maybe showing off a little bit. He deserved it after this stunt. As if anyone who was not her would know how to handle a werewolf anyway. Did he know she knew or did he assume his mother hadn’t said a word to her? She could imagine he would think that, but hadn’t Anastasia come to her family precisely because her dad was a werewolf as well? She was living proof that Dante could still have a life. No matter, he’d get it eventually. “I know you don’t consider that to be as creepy as you want me to think you do, though your acting ability is commendable,” as if he’s never met people he didn’t know before who’ve said weird things. He knows what a marriage contract is. Unless he was an idiot, and she doubted that, he was a Slytherin, and more importantly, a Styx. “I am, she’s told me a lot about you. I’ll look forward to getting to know more about you,” and he’d learn about her too, she’d make sure of it.​

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