Closed Run Ins

Elodie Wynshaw

~Kind~ Soft~ Innovative~ Independent~
OOC First Name
Jess S
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Whippy Ebony Wand with Vampire Blood Core
15 (4/24/2048)
Life had changed so drastically for Elodie in the last few years. She'd been adopted by Byron, taken in. She had an amazing bedroom in the loft, and though Hephaistus couldn't get up the ladder to her room, she often took naps with him downstairs, just curled up against the mountain of a dog. And Byron was amazing. He was kinda cranky sometimes, but he was just a big old softie. And then she'd been accepted into school. It had been a surprise, but she was excited for it. She had been exploring, happy, and she'd found lots of really neat places. She was on her way back to the castle, looking through the pictures she'd taken of the Gardens, that she meant to send to Byron, when suddenly she smacked into someones back. She yelped, falling back and tripping on her camera, her pictures going into the air and scattering on the ground as she landed on her bum. "Oh, gosh, I am so sorry!" She apologized, scrambling to try and gather her pictures.
Dante Styx finished exploring the lawns so he was in the courtyard. He was walking toward the castle with the intention to sneak into the kitchen and raid for some snacks when he felt someone who clearly couldn’t see run right into his back. He stumbled forward, but managed to regain his footing before he would have fallen on his face. The blond was annoyed. Seriously, who would in their right minds run into him?! Dante turned around to see another first year - like him - on their rear end, scrambling for photos after running into him. If he were older, he could just whisk them up no problem! But a first year did not have such power yet. Dante rolled his eyes, "You should be, and considering you aren’t blind, what in the world made you run smack into me?" Dante put both of his hands on his hips, and waited for an explanation.
Elodie gathered up her pictures quickly, giving him a shy smile as she stood. "I was looking through the pictures I'd taken today and I hadn't been looking where I was going. It was completely my fault," She owned up to her mistake, slipping her things into her bag. "My name is Elodie, Elodie Wynshaw." She introduced herself.
Dante saw that she had taken pictures, but that was not something that interested him. Maybe she should join the yearbook since that seemed to be more up her alley. At least she took responsibility for her mistake, however. Then she introduced herself. The surname didn't mean anything so definitely no pure-blood. Unless they were so small it was insignificant. "Glad you know who's at fault. And I'm Dante Styx." Dante figured that since she introduced herself, might as well let her know who he was, right?
Elodie smiled easily at him, holding her arms loosely against her torso. "It's nice to meet you! Dante is a nice name," She complimented him. "Where are you going? Maybe we could walk together?" She offered, thinking that despite the rough start this could be a great opportunity to make a new friend.
Dante never had a compliment over his name. That was odd. He only knew that his mom or dad named him after a book! "I think my folks got it from a book called Dante's Inferno. Never read it myself though." Dante shrugged his shoulders since he didn't know what the book was. It was likely above his reading ability. Now she was asking where he was going and inviting herself along too. Dante had no reason to say no, honestly. "I was going to the kitchen to get some snacks. I'm a little hungry after exploring all of the lawns, you know? You can come with, I guess, if you have nothing better to do."
Elodie considered what he said, storing the information away for later. She'd have to get that book from Byron. She smiled as he said she could join him, and she skipped after him. "Snacks sound great!" She agreed easily, tucking her hair behind her ear. "What kind of snacks do you like?" She asked him, curious to get to know the boy better now that they were talking. She liked him. She decided then that they would be friends, and she couldn't help but smile brightly at the thought.
Dante had no idea what Dante's inferno was, but he assumed it was a book from the way his parents talked about it. The reading was above his level, that was true. But Elodie was really wanting to come along with him. Ultimately, he had no reason to say no. It wasn't like he was in shorts and trying to hide his scars. "Candy, gummies, and chips. Any shape of potato is good." Dante shrugged his shoulders, since his palette was that of a toddlers. His parents might try to make him eat healthy, but candy stores were inevitable with him. "I think the kitchen at least has potatoes."
Elodie smiled as he spoke. "Oh, sweets are the best!" She agreed, digging in her bag before pulling out a caramel sucker. She offered it out with a smile. "Want one? I've got some fruit flavors, or chocolate, I think a few are pop flavored." She mused, willing to share her stash with her new friend.
Dante would have to agree that sweets were the best, though she offered him a caramel sucker. He did not hesitate to take it from her, and unwrap it to pop it into his mouth, "Nah, this is good, thanks." Dante did not want to have too many sweets. He did not need to eat too many sweets. It might upset his stomach, and he did not want that. "Although I should head back to the Slytherin commons."
Elodie blinked when he said he was going to go back to the dorms, and she couldn't help but laugh lightly. "Okay!" She offered easily. "Can we hang out again?" She asked him, shifting her bag on her shoulder. She wasn't sure what it was, but she liked him. She turned a little more towards him, hoping he'd be open to spending more time with her.
Dante was glad that she didn't ask to follow since he really did not want to get in trouble, sneaking someone into the Slytherin house that was not a Slytherin. Though, that would be fun for later. She asked if they could hang out again, which he thought about it for a moment. Where was the harm? "Sure, maybe after class one day." Dante gave her a wave and headed off toward the dungeons to go chill for the rest of the day.

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