Ruby Clow

Ruby Clow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ana V.
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring
The Basics
Character's Name: Ruby Clow
Character's Birthdate: February 29, 2012
Hometown: Scotland
Blood Status: Unknown
Wand: To little to have one
Educated At: Will be at Hogwarts
Occupation: Being a Clow

Hair: Flaming red
Eyes: stark green
Style: dark dresses with high collars
Other Distinguishing Features: The black mark of Bella-Donna Manor.

A Little Deeper
Personality: Ruby is a curios yet clumsy girl. She always has a new scrap or bump on her skin because of the places she gets into. Ruby is mostly fearless but there is one person who can make young Ruby cringe. The littlest of them all Zeal can make her cry whenever he wants to now.

Special Talents/Abilities: Not old enough for them

History: Ruby was the last Clow to be taken in by the little group after snooping where she didn’t belong. She had always wondered where her parents came from. It was said that she had been found on the doorstep of the Manor as a baby with a note and blanket. After thinking about it Ruby thought that this was just a little too much like a book of the week. Searching for any trace of her true parents was what got her in trouble.

She got caught one sunny afternoon not by Dympna but by their littlest brother Zeal. He was about four at the time and Phobos was not in existence yet. This did not mean that Zeal didn’t have some wickedness of his own. In exchange for the adoptive mother never to find out about “how she was hurting Ma’ma Dympna’ by searching for a way to leave her Ruby was forced to play a ‘game’ with Zeal.

Ruby lost. Now Ruby is forever talking in rhymes and writing poetry as a cry for help. She knows that someone out there would discover the true meaning of her words and come to rescue them. Someone out there had to be smart enough to know what she meant. She still explores and tries to learn with the hope that one day she would get to leave Bella-Donna Manor forever.

Dympna Bella-Donna – Adoptive Mother
Jade Clow – Oldest Brother
Jasper Clow – Oldest Brother
Sapphire Clow – Next to oldest sister
Zeal Soul – Youngest brother

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