Rp's for Sirius.

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Sirius LeMour

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Okay so I don't know Sirius all that well...as he has recently been given to me as a character. So it would be good if I could have a few decent rp'ers that would help me to get to know him. Friends/Enemies/Students that he knows. Whatever. But I would ask that you can write a decent 1/2 Paragraphs. To start with my replies may be short, but once I get going my replies will get longer. :) Thanks Guys.
Well Eric evans and Sirius are on again off again flings , since I know who the former owner of Sirius is and do not know what direction you want to take Sirius we may continue the flings or simply become friends :)
I think Sirius is planning on having a final soon. But flings would be fine until then, but once he has his final sorted they'll obviously just be friends.
That actually work out beautifully since here coming up Eric maybe moving on to a steady, I am still in the air about but then when sirius moves on to his final then he and Eric would make good friends. I even think that is what was discussed between and the last person who had Sirius...If you would like to start a topic that would be amazing as I have a desk full of rps to get started and lessons to edit as well.
I have a 24 year old death eater, Dervish. I don't know whether that's suitable for your character. Derv can be kind if he's in a good mood but usually he's only kind to other death eaters.
Umm...who?? why?? what?? Lol

Do you mean Sirius is a death eater??
Oh ok. Lol. Do you wanna start??
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