Roxan Fairbrother

Roxan Fairbrother

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
--roxan fairbrother--

Full Name:
My full name is Roxan Claire Fairbrother.
It's not short for Roxann or anything. It's just Rox-en.
But, my family call me Rox...

Date of Birth:
23rd May

Current Age:

Basic Appearance:
I'm small. About 4"10. I have long brown hair and dark
brown eyes. I have fair skin too. I weigh about 110 pounds,
which I know is underweight for my height, but I run
around a lot. I think that's why... I wear basic clothes.
School uniform, jeans, shorts, jumpers and t-shirts.
Sometimes, I dress up. But only when the occasion
requires it.

I'm shy. I don't talk very much, but I write lot's. That's
why you're getting quite a lot of writing now, I guess...
Like I said, I'm quiet. I don't like talking in front of groups
of more then about three people. I don't know why. I just
can't. I get nervous. Alek says it's because I am who I am.
He's very wise for a nine-year-old, I think. I guess... I'm
quite brave at other things instead. I'll look after my friends,
even against the worst enemy ever. I think I'm kind... people
tell me so. I guess... I am to my friends. I try to with others,
but I'm just not a people person... I don't say half of what I
think... Not even a third. Then again, that's always been a
problem of mine. Think too much, say too little...

My father, who is called Charlie, is your average half-blood
wizard I guess. Me and my brother took on his last name
when we were born. Fairbrother. My dad is quite funny,
he slacks off a bit with the house chores by using magic, and
then we can't tell mum. If we did, he might get told off. But
my dad is very kind, and acts goofy... even when he doesn't
mean to.

My mother, who is called Josephine, is a muggle. She's fine
with magic, just as long as we don't become completely
dependant on it. She doesn't mind it, as long as it isn't used
all the time. Her maiden name was Barker, which is a nice
name. I guess, my mother is also kind. She's the whole
'stay-at-home' mum, which is quite nice.

Alek, my younger brother, is probably my favourite family
member. We are like normal siblings though, we do fight,
and have our arguments. But, when it comes down to it,
he's wise beyond his years. Even at just nine-years old.
We used to play Hide and Seek in our garden all the time,
but we can't do that anymore. I'm going to Hogwarts. BUT,
next year, my younger brother might be joining me.

One cat, called Milkshake. Alek named her that. She's white
like a Vanilla milkshake too. I have an owl I take to Hogwarts,
called Shady. He's a barn owl. At home, we also have a dog,
a wired-haired vizsla called Tiger.

Area of Residence:
Queenstown, in New Zealand.

Blood Status:

Part English, and mainly from New Zealand. I also have a
tiny bit of American, from my mother.

Special Abilities:
I don't think I have any...

Interests or Hobbies:
I like reading and exploring. I also have interest in my
school lessons. I like to study too. I need to do well
in exams.

Additional Skills:
I can twist my tongue... if that counts!
And my dad says I have a photographic memory.

I think I'm a good writer...
I'm a fast-reader.
Photographic memory too...
And I'm brave when it counts?

Shy and nervous around people.
Quiet, even when I speak.
I have claustrophobia (small spaces) and coulrophobia

Describe yourself in three words:
Quiet, bookworm and calm.

Favourite place to be:
Library, or the common.

See Relationships Thread

Hogwarts House:
- Gryffindor

Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions:
To become more confident. I don't want to be unnoticed
anymore. I want to learn as much magic as I can too,
and become a good witch!

Best school subjects:
Defence Against The Dark Arts, and Transfiguration.

Worst school subjects:
Charms and Potions.

Extracurricular Activities:
None, I think.

Ask me in seven years...

Current Job:

Plans for your future:
Become a good witch, and... I'm not sure what else..

Your Patronus:
A Wolf, since they're shy... being hunted by humans
for so long...

Your Patronus memory:
My whole family planned Hide and Seek in the dark
with torches last summer. My cousins, Alek, mum and
dad, auntie and uncle. It was so fun...

Your Boggart:
A clown, I think. I'm petrified by them...

Your Animagus:
I think... the same as my patronus. I think it makes sense..

Mirror of Erised:
Probably...happy with my family and friends... not being shy
anymore... and not being scared.

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