Roses for Ravens

Rose Holland

🍬Honeydukes Asst. | Impulsive | 2049 Graduate 🌹
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Laurel Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
7/2031 (30)
Rose always felt excited to be delivering roses, it was a fun thing to do and she sort of felt like it was her duty with her name. She grinned, the search was on. Her first target was a Ravenclaw with a difficult name. She had asked around and had finally tracked the boy down to the library, at least, if the other people she had asked hadn't been wrong. She approached the boy it might be and reached up to tap his shoulder. "Hi! Are you Tholo.. thomol... Uh, mister Fontaine?" She asked with a sheepish smile.
Tholomyes definitely preferred the library on a day like this, with no Emma in the school, in his mind there was little point in celebrating love or anything to do with it. Of course as part of the wild patch he had been helping grow the roses, but that was all the involvement he had in it. He didn't care about what happened once they were handed over to the organisers. He chose to study in the library so that he was least likely to be disturbed by anyone or the excitement that some felt. The tapping on his shoulder and the clear attempts at pronouncing his name caused him to turn around, did someone actually send him a flower, "Theo is fine," he quickly told the girl, he was beginning to think he should have all official school things be with his shorter, easier to say nickname, "Can I help you?" the prefect then added, he should not assume that this was a rose thing, it might just very well be that this girl needed help finding someone else, why would anyone want to send anything him.
Rose nodded gratefully. "Well, Theo, you certainly can!" She said with a grin. "I have a rose for you!" She fished a yellow rose out of her basket and handed it to him. "A rose from Rose!" She grinned. "I'm Rose." She added as clarification.
Note said:
To Tholomyes,

Thank you for being my friend and for not leaving me.

Lilyanna Hope.
The boy's eyebrow's rose slowly as she said she had a rose for him and a look of confusion passed his face, who on earth would want to send him of all people a rose. He took the yellow rose that he had helped grow in the wild patch and then looked to the girl who had continued speaking, "Nice to meet you Rose, I'm Theo obviously," he replied to her while looking at the note. There was a soft smile on his face as he read it, of course it was from Lilyanna, he so often forgot that the girl actually liked him, thought of him as an actual friend. He was thankful for it, so thankful for it, but he did always forget that she liked him, "Thanks Rose,"
Rose grinned as the boy smiled at his note, it was clear that he liked it. "You're welcome! Enjoy your rose!" She clapped her hands. "And happy Valentine's day!" She said cheerfully. She looked in her basket to see who was next and then set off to deliver the second rose of the day.

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