🌹 Rose Giving Roses are red, violets are blue

Tempest Vero

Trying To Be Good But Still Better Than You 💋✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody ((Lucy))
Sexual Orientation
Curved 15 Inch Unyielding Silver lime Wand with Doxy Wing Core
5/2047 (16)
Tempest waited outside the prefect common room for a few minutes, hoping she'd run into her next unfortunate rose receiver. Tempest had yet to receive a rose, and she was feeling anxious, having sent one to Lucy. Maybe she'd misinterpreted the whole situation. The Slytherin tapped her foot, hoping to see @Teddy Pirrip nearby.
Teddy had not long finished giving Leah her rose and on his way out of the prefect common room.
Tempest continued tapping her foot when a boy exited the room. She recognized him from the dueling tournaments and cleared her throat. "Umm, Teddy, right?" she clarified, before holding up a yellow rose for him to take.

Happy Valentine’s day, to the best co-captain.
Teddy came to a halt as a rose was handed to him, eyes widening at the site of the yellow rose. "For moi?!" he exclaimed, as if he hadn’t been expecting it and didn’t already know exactly what it said. He accepted it and smiled at Tempest before twirling the stem between his fingers. "Thanks Tempest. Happy Valentine’s Day!"

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