Rose Weasley

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In an attempt to bring up my Precal grade,
I have decided to stop being on the computer (& also take tudoring).

Our homecoming is next week, and I REALLY need to pass to be able to perform so this is really important to me, as this is my last year of high school & my first time performing in musical theatre.

So I might possibly be gone for a week at the most.

Goodbye until I'm passing again. :/
Ok so I've changed my mind.

I won't give up the computer completely (as I'll need it for homework too)
but I will limit my time on the Internet! So sorry if I don't get to you, or get to do my activities each day but I'll try to do them asap and respond asap.
So I need to be eligible again and I'm sooo behind on my Pre-Cal, so it doesn't look like I'll be getting on the computer long enough, just to check my inbox and such. On the weekends I'll be able to get on, but not much at all during the week. :/
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