Roleplays? Mayhem? Sparta?

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Ariadne Reinhold

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
So I have two first years! Ariadne Reinhold and Astrid Foley. Moirails (essentially two best friends, each keeping the other in check) who've been sorted in to different houses and will cause a bit of madness, no doubt.

So I was just wondering if anyone was interested in RPs?

Let me explain the characters:

Astrid has just been sorted in to Ravenclaw. She's very quiet, incredibly neat and organised (to the point of being borderline OCD) and not very good at interacting with other people, preferring to immerse herself in books. Ariadne was bringing her out of her shell, but of course, Ariadne's in Slytherin. So Astrid needs people to talk to, to try and help her out of her shell. She is a genuinely kind and caring person, she just doesn't let it show very much. She does like to help others but doesn't exactly know how to do it. So yeah, Astrid could use friends and acquaintances (probably more the latter, as she's not very warm and friendly - but perhaps friends could help her there!).

Ariadne is your textbook Slytherin. She has a spider she keeps as a pet, Mars, who is the only being you'll ever see her being kind to, except occasionally her step-sister, Astrid. She is incredibly selfish and a spoilt brat. Thinks only of herself. She has the potential to care about others, but generally she is just not a nice person. So, if anyone wants to come up against her as enemies, that would be cool. Maybe even a group of associates - like minded people (Slytherins, I would assume) who will cause a bit of mayhem with her - perhaps a friendship could grow there, and she could learn the true meaning of the word (haha, but seriously).

I also have Lucinda Buckley, seventh year Ravenclaw, who's gone a bit 'girls gone wild' but would happily mentor younger students and be her kind and intelligent self with a bit of help again, Clara Schwarz (Death Eater) who's always happy to get involved in some sort of conflict, and yeah. I may bring more characters back eventually. Maybe.
Oooh, intriguing!

I've got Aisling Fincham, who's yet to be sorted, but will probably end up in Ravenclaw, and would be an excellent friend for Astrid :)

Her father's a travelling scientist, so she's never been in the same place very long, and isn't used to being around lots of the same people all the time, and is going to find her first year very overwhelming. She probably won't do much to bring Astrid out of her shell, but they could certainly be quiet and socially awkward together :) Aisling's also quite quirky, not having been around people much, so at the very least she'd be able to make Astrid laugh.

I can also see Ariadne disliking Aisling intensely, simply because she is very weird.
a s t r i d • e v e
Hey Camilla. I'ma gunnar offer up my first year for both of yours. Well Eve is pretty friendly, and tries to be at least pleasant to those around her. She's very quirky and sweet, and is obsessed more with quidditch and musicals than Astrid's books. I doubt they'd be in best friend territory, but Eve would very likely encourage Astrid's confidence and look out for her. Invite her to hang out, stick up for her, that kind of thing. Hopefully that doesn't sound patronizing, but Eve can seem a tad bossy at times. But yeah, she's koolish. Maybe Astrid could help balance her out or help her with schoolwork, as she's a muggleborn and completely new to this "magic" business. I don't know, it's up to yoou.

a r i a d n e • e v e
Eve can be pretty harsh towards those who annoy her, and Ariadne's attitude would just rub her the wrong way. I don't see these two interacting really, but if you ever want an enemy-ish RP, Evelyn could impulsively tell Aridane to STFU or something. xD Don't think it really reaches beyond that, but yeeeah.

l u c i n d a • d a i s y
So Daisy is.. kind of a loose cannon too. Think Penny Lane, if you're familiar with the movie Almost Famous. I've never really RPed her rebellion (because underage drinking and stuff is against site rules), but I've alluded a few times. She's different from the trashy Ke$ha-types in that she means well, would never try to corrupt or be a bad influence on anyone, and has a big heart - she just forgets to consult it a lot. Hence her being quite blind to her conscience and therefore a Slytherin. Maybe her and Lucy could be buddies? To what degree is up to you, but Daisy really does care about the few friends she opens up to (though she's quite flighty and never really hangs around one person too long).
Against all my predictions, Aisling's gone and gotten herself sorted into Slytherin XD So I can see her maybe meeting Ariadne first, and then meeting Astrid and being totally blown away that the two could possibly be friends. But then the same basic thing I said above :p
I just wanted to post here, because of how similar in some ways Lynette is to Astrid. She finds it hard to speak to other people she hasn't gotten to know properly, and is very insecure and shy. She's a very kind and caring person when she makes a friend though, and will do anything for them, so they usually stick with her for a long time. She's claustophobic, although she doesn't realize how she's feeling has a name yet, and I have some more interesting plots for her in the future, which I will let you know about if you're up for them meeting. I think they could get along well as good friends, but it's up to you. Lynette sticks by her friends forever, and has infact lost her best friend, so she really needs someone she can open up and talk to.
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