Rojer Girao

Rojer Girao

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Ignore this post. Post 4# is the one

OOCOut of Character:
Please note that I'm portuguese, and english isn't my best language, but I'll try real hard to write it well! If you note some 'grave' error please let me know. If a single word isn't properly written, probably it's me just hitting the keyboard too fast, but anything else let me know.

Am I supposed to RP in the third person in here or what?

I'm Rojer Girao. Rojer is my nickname since I remember, but my real first name is Rodrigo. I'm portuguese and I'm trying this game for the first time.
Here are some basics about me:

Love reading.
Blue is my favourite colour.
Huge fan of Harry Potter.
Math Master and lover.
Don't like feeling useless.
Love helping.
Value a lot honesty, integrity and respect.
Doesn't like to be bored with 'stupid' questions....
Rojer Girao said:
My favourite colour is blue
the one that does the 'stupid' question said:
What is your favourite colour?
If it happens one time, probably it's distraction, but a lot of times? please......

Like computers to. Actually, I'm looking forward to learn some programming. If someone knows a nice place (i'd like it to be on-line, please) let me know.
And suddenly that's all I remember...
Please, I'd appreciate a lot one nice reply. You don't have to waste your time writting a huge reply, but a little something would be nice.... Sorry if I don´t reply you immediatly, but I'll try.
Hi Rojer.
I thought I'd ask some question to develop your character but first you do roleplay in third person but this topic is just to develop your questions. Here is a form you are able to use but it is obviously unnecessary to do so.


1. What does Rojer think about attending Hogwarts?
2. Which class do you think Rojer will like the most?
3. What is his family like? What does he think of them?
4. What is something Rojer is scared of?
5. Was Rojer told about Harry Potter throughout his childhood and if so is this why he idolizes him?

Alexis. : )
"allons-y"? vous êtes française, non?

Well, thanks for replying me... And so fast!

Answering to your questions, I may tell you the following:
Well, he think it's pretty nice.... He lived all his childhood seeing his dad casting spells and charms, and always dreamed about doing the same (or better! :p ) and now that he's attending Hogwarts he believes that the time when he learns all that stuff has come....

It will probably be Defense Against the Dark Arts, because he believes it's the one with the most advanced magic and concepts, but can't exactly tell you before attending to those classes...

He has a great family. His mother is a muggle but she's an awesome mom, and even without magic she keeps the house in a perfect state, with a lot of effort and work. His dad also helps, but doesn't work as much as my mother because he only needs to 'wave his wand'. His little brother is pretty nice, but sometimes he freakes him out....

The answer to that question is pretty obvious, but he'll tell you anyway: being expelled out from HNZ.

Actually, yes. He lived all his childhood listening to Harry Potter's storys, and everything Harry has already done, and he must say that he really idolizes him.

Hope this is enough for you to satisfact your questions....
Rojer Girao:

Nickname: Rojer
House: Gryffindor!!!
Favourite Number: 8
Eye's color: Blue
Hair color: Light brown
Physical constitution: Tall, thin, two arms, two legs, two eyes, one nose....
Personality: A bit shy; har to gain his trust, but worth it; friendly; doesn't like feeling useless; hates stupid questions; smart and clever;
Loves: Chocolate; reading; learning; being with his friends; girls; duelling; flying;
Hates: Cheese; eggs; being upset; doing nothing
Values a lot in other people: Integrity; Honesty; Education; Kindness; Respect.

Blood: Half-blood
Family: A younger brother, a muggle mom and a wizard father.

Finders keepers

Friends: (till now)
- Taylor Blare
Hey there!

Here's a template to get you started. It's a suggestion and most people find it helpful filling this out =]
</i>[b]Full Name[/b]:

[b]Date of Birth[/b]:

[b]Current Age[/b]:

[b]Basic Appearance[/b]:




[b]Area of Residence[/b]:

[b]Blood Status[/b]:


[b]Special Abilities[/b]:

[b]Interests or Hobbies[/b]:

[b]Additional Skills[/b]:



[b]Describe your character in three words[/b]:

[b]Favourite place to be[/b]:


[b]Hogwarts House[/b]:

[b]Hogwarts Hopes and Ambitions[/b]:

[b]Best school subjects[/b]:

[b]Worst school subjects[/b]:

[b]Extracurricular Activities[/b]:


[b]Current Job[/b]:

[b]Plans for your future[/b]:

[b]Your Patronus[/b]:

[b]Your Patronus memory[/b]:

[b]Your Boggart[/b]:

[b]Your Animagus[/b]:

[b]Mirror of Erised[/b]:

[b]A page from your diary[/b]:
Hope it helps =]

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