Robin the Heart

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Robin Lichester-Raven

Well-Known Member

Hey bruthas!

I'm pulling Robin out of a hat because he's single, miserable and bored after his two fiascoes with the ladies (and, dare I mention it, with the dudes). True, that's a story a year old, but time hasn't healed the broken heart and all that ... Anywho, my little gypsy boy's been shipped off to Italy with the rest of the Cirque and someone needs to help me butter him up a bit.</FONT>
A little background info, if you're not familiar:

Robin is the son of Lumina Sangora and Professor Jonathan Spenser, and he was born when they were both about 17 or 18. They weren't Professors then and Lumina couldn't handle a baby so they put him up for adoption. Unfortunately he didn't make it as far as the foster home and was picked up by a gypsies running a traveling circus in England. Being witches as wizards, they had the means to travel and ended up in New Zealand where they've been for a year. Robin is primarily a juggler, but he performs other small jobs in acts such as the trapeze and tissue, and also cooks for half the circus and minds the kids (who call him Uncle Rob, despite having practically grown up with him). Currently he's been venturing off to perform solo street shows and has met (and seduced) several women during the time he's been performing (-giggles- it's cause he's ripped). He thought he found a girl to really settled down with but he lost contact with her after the circus moved on to Italy, so he's pretty heartbroken and mopey at the moment.This is pretty much word-for-word what I told Domino.
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Have you any dashing dames or delightful dudes to ... oh hell, I got that mixed up, didn't I? Well you get the point. In case you hadn't noticed, Robin swings both ways, mostly because he's sleazy, so if you also just want him for a fling that's cool too. I'm not looking for a final unless I see some definite chemistry happening. So, wanna butter-up the butter muffin? Sign here:
Zafrina Lockhart: Age 22, has a toddler called Yvone and looking for a father for her. She would like to have more children in the future and is very gorgeous.

What'cha think?
I can offer Harley up for a fling ^_^ She pretty much will not want a long last thing at all, but she loves to have fun :)
I have Aisling here, who had a pretty normal up-bringing and recently found out she was adopted. So, I was thinking as an eventually-steady girlfriend? She needs someone to make her a little less serious at the moment. Any other info is in the CD :D
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